Reddit thread
Post your best reddit keks
Reddit general /reddit/
Asher Allen
Evan Foster
What sub reddits are you guys subbed to?
Charles Brown
I really like r/bestof9gag
Blake Morris
r/Sup Forums, also video games
Christian Diaz
If trips then you kill you'reself live on Twitch.
Evan Long
what happens on that sub
Joseph Rodriguez
I love Reddit because no one is mean about ecelebs there.
Thankfully Sup Forums is majority eceleb threads now; soon there won't be a single vidya thread on here.
Grayson Wilson
I was gonna link to all the shitpost threads on Sup Forums right now, but I'm too lazy.
Parker Price
As far as I can tell its where they steal/screencap Sup Forums posts and repost them for mad upboats.
Luke Anderson
Why can't you just post nigger porn and shit like a normal raid?