>You'll never be able to relive it's multiplayer
Whats her name Sup Forums?
>You'll never be able to relive it's multiplayer
Whats her name Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Metal Gear Online
Dead Space 2
also what the fuck why isn't severed on PC why is EA retarded
Last I checked there were still people playing it on there.
First 3 months the ps3 came out, the multiplayer was unreal and fun. First online multiplayer i had experienced off of a computer and not delta force related.
I spent so many hours and nights during that summer playing. So much fun
It was actually a really fun game before people learned how to be OP.
Forgot pic
>Lost planet 2
Call Of Juarez bound in blood
ill never ever revist Loc Lac City
feels fucking bad
>and not delta force related
I also got into multiplayer by playing Delta Force 2 and Land Warrior multiplayer exclusively for years.
Halo 2 was my release from that though.
Bad Company 2
it can still be fun, I was able to play 2 games today, seems like anyone who is playing now is level 1 so everyone's on equal footing. The issue is actually getting a game. I don't think it would have ever been a long term success but Visceral could have added in some more things to the multiplayer to keep it going, like adding to the necromorph roster and allowing kinesis on necromorph blades
RIP socom
RIP spies vs mercs
RIP EYE divine cybermancy
RIP neotokyo ( I still play regularly, wish I could play more)
No man's sky.
Jesus don't do this to me, also I still remember Black Hawk Down with it's awful as fuck Blackhawks on rails, but the guns and sniping were godly. Somehow that entire sense of style got replaced by clunky as fuck, slow moving graphical animation shit.
And this.
Joint Ops for one, I loved island hopping with shithooks and blackhawks.
And also any good Mechwarrior or Heavy Gear game.
I know Heavy Gear Assault is a thing but without any marketing it'll do shit and probably be completely dead within a few months.
Hey look guys, a yellow face retard! Mummy didn't feed you any of her titties when you were a child huh?
Killzone 2
CoD 2
Battlefield 2
Technically speaking, these games' servers are still active, but it will never be like it was before.
Halo 3
Dawn of War
God I had so much fun with this and BC2/Vietnam. Really wish they'd continue this line, as opposed to the trash they keep producing on the main Battlefield line.
I kept my folder, I can't bring myself to delete it.
CoD4, WaW and MW2. Fuck I'm tempted to buy remastered. I have 5 down on it for PS4 but I could easily switch it out. I just want CoD4 back man. Fuck this 90 dollar pay wall
Dead space 2
>getting triggered by a pic
Looks like mummy didn't feed you your milk.
But user, what about El Dewrito?
It's actually pretty excellent.
it was much better than whatever the fuck battlefield became
too bad nobody could play it at a decent framerate though
I know that feel, user.
It was a better time.
>halo 3
so many custom games, so many friends
i won't relive that fun in videogames.
Yes, I know there's a workaround/fix, but the old group I played with a decade ago is gone. Some to death, some to life.
None of it works as well as the vanilla games under Bungie servers.
no you stupid nigger, he posted BC1, fuck 2
vietnam was ok I guess
used to have to log into gamespy and look up IPs to join manually
before multiplayer existed in games
I thought they killed it months ago due to poor progress and that they were going to start over from scratch with a separate project.
Also doesn't help that Halo Online itself was cancelled.
Red Dead
fuck bruh I miss that multiplayer
Kek, was just about to list this.
>Silent running behind the enemy team
>slowly, silently floating through space as you murder them
>let's make it so you can spawn in with a one hit kill homing gun with infinite ammo that also boots people from vehicles in all game types
The campaign was alright, the versus was unforgivably terrible.
>they actually bought NMS
World in conflict.
>Fucking Sierra going under
>Fucking Ubisoft killing the ports
>Fucking gamespy
Battlefield Vietnam
Battlefield 2142
Battlefield 2
Damn you Sony for not releasing that damn patch, maybe it'd still be alive now. ;_;7
I loved that game but for various reasons played a lot less of it then I wish I had. If I could go back I would've dedicated more time to it. The maybe 30-40 hours I played it for were not enough, and unfortunately it's too late now to change that.
that game was trash, dud
go play Wargame if you want your Cold War fix
BF2 The only game I got so good at, I was kicked for cheating.
I loved this map so much that I almost bought BF4 because I heard it might have a remake.
Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2 on Xbox
fuck you, you cock gobbling faggot
because of Club Penguin they shut down Toontown and Pirates of the Caribbean
Honestly, multplayer in the 00's was just great in general.
Muh niggah
Lost Planet 1 & 2
lost planet died too soon
>I even liked MGO3
>It died horribly on PC
M-Maybe Metal Gear Survive will save it
Halo 3 goes without saying, but there was also MW2 and Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
>You will never play Classroom, Cops & Robbers, Trash Compactor, or Jenga ever again
>You will never have quickscoping fights in Rust and think you were the hottest shit ever again
>You will never shout, laugh, and gloat as you get the Sonic Boots, Miser Ring, Fuma Gear, or the +1 drops while everyone else gets shit ever again
Killzone 2 back when the game came out and a PS4 was $600 so it kept out all the poorfags and children unless they were rich kids. Most balanced MP shooter I've ever played, every class had its strength and weakness, 16 vs 16 players and large, varied maps, even though everyone wanted to play on Radec Academy 24/7. Too bad KZ4 was mediocre, especially the MP
Why is an online game a "her"?
The last CoD I played was BO1 and I'm seriously considering getting the MW1 remaster. They really have us by the balls with this one since they know sales have been plummeting as the years have gone by and MW1 is the Holy Grail. I would give anything to play MW1/2/W@W without hackers and a decent population.
>get Somanway+1 and Sonic Boots on like 3rd try
>never got Shanoa's weapons after over 60 runs
>mfw they fucking cancelled Hammer YET AGAIN
>mfw literally every character other than Soma and Richter is garbage
somewhat recent game, but Forza Horizon. Multiplayer servers have been broken since forever, and since even GwG didn't seem to bring a fix for it I can assume it's long dead. Shit, even Turn10 considers it a "classic game", as in Forza 2 and 3 classic.
Horizon 2 is a massive slog compared to the first, which was more closed in but had better music, tracks, and even characters.
Buying Horizon 3 and hoping it'll bring back the feeling that game gave me, but I doubt it will.
no you motherfucker
you need to know my pain
>You will never play Classroom, Cops & Robbers, Trash Compactor, or Jenga ever again
god, why can't i go back?
I don't think you were playing the right game modes senpai, the best ones were Elimination where you only had one life per round and Fugitive.
Read Dead Redemption
Lost Planet
Warhawk, I forgot about that!
>Killzone 2
Fuck I'm getting some serious nostalgia right now. Miss this game so much.
On another note was the 2000s the pinnacle of gaming?
>Dead Space 2
I played it, Honestly you ain't missing much.
It's basically a bunch of high levels fighting nerco's and it wasn't that fun.
I would liked to of played co op but pc didn't have that feature.
Man...These were really the days.
I remember being happy, not in pain all the time. Feeling like life had some future, even if I didn't know what it was.
I was so much happier then, but didn't know it.
still waiting for a modern replacement
had a day 1 psfat
loved me some KZmp
3 was the only thing redeemable about 3, and to be honest I never even tried skyfall
It wasnt the setting, it was the combination of roles, limited units fielded at once, and the perfect balance of camera distance and unit size.
Wargame doesn't allow you to successfully play at ground level where you can see all the fantastic details lines of sight. You spend more time directing units than they can spend in the field. Also I suck at it.
I've played DS2's singleplayer and bit of it's multiplayer, are you talking about Severed or DS3?
Nothing will ever be the same.
lol, Bigfoot master race reporting in.
yeah rip
Red Orchestra 1/Darkest Hour
>ywn storm trenches with your comrades again
Like no lie, i bought delta force and copied it on my friends computer and we played online together until we hit middle school on the delta force games
>you won't experience 2000-2009 multiplayer games again for the first time
Resident Evil Outbreak, Red Faction, and Socom. Those were some of the best times of my life.
its still alive
Did the pubs finally die? Last time I checked... almost 8 years ago. There was still a pub that usually had a playable number of people and they'd have pickup games most weekends.
Never forget. The fun that I had stomping pub shitters in this game will never be matched. Literally the high point of competitive online FPS.
Outpost 3P. Drydock. Arx Novena.
I will never forget you.
Doubt anyone here will remember this game, but I know I do. And I still miss it to this day.
>That Pirates of the Caribbean mmo
It was actually kinda fun, especially when you got a crew to sail and quest with.
I came here to feel this
Single greatest asymmetrical shooter in all history.
F for my Raven Shadow Comrades. Sniper Diz misses you.