Sony TGS conference in a bit over 24 hours, what do you expect? What are you looking forward to seeing more of?

Sony TGS conference in a bit over 24 hours, what do you expect? What are you looking forward to seeing more of?

I hope XV doesn't look like shit on regular PS4, and offscreen footage of Horizon would be nice.

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Last Guardian?

Dragon's Dogma 2, Deep Down or anything, really.

I really want a break from my backlog so I want a soon-ish release date for Let It Die, even though it's going to be f2p trash. Although I don't think they announced whether or not it will be a TGS, but I don't see why they wouldn't. I guess we will see.

Ace Combat 7, the normal TV footage vs PS4 VR vs Pro VR.

I just want to vicariously be a pilot despite being a glass wearing dweeb.

Nioh release date.

Is there any "surprise" announcement at these events or only the line-up games are showcased?

Dark souls 3 DLC, if From is there.

nevermind, checked the chart. That's kind of surprising that it's not though.

>Ace Combat 7

It would be about time.

>he thinks there will be non-VR footage

Surprise shit gets announced. Gravity Rush 2 got revealed last year, and Nioh's resurrection almost came out of nowhere as well.

EDF5 already got leaked for being revealed at Sony's conference after the guy who runs D3's website fucked up and posted info about it too early.

From aren't at listed at under Kadokawa's entry either, so they're either revealing one of their three new projects or aren't gonna be there at all.

Virtua Fighter 6 is getting announced tomorrow.
To whoever is interested.

They'll revamp the Vita, it will be the greatest underdog story ever told.

If VF6 is announced just for the Pro, I will fucking buy a Pro.

I expect details on the PS4 version of Ys VIII, a formal announcement for pic related, and more information for Trails of Cold Steel III since if it's coming out next year they've got to have some preliminary gameplay at the very least.

PS4 exclusive.

I don't know if it's on PC, no Xbone.

What the fuck happened to Deep Down?

sup Verendus

Where's this Japan Studio JRPG you've been going on about for years?

There won't be any games exclusive to PS4pro, never ever

Still officially in production according to Ono, but the last mention of it from either Capcom or Sony guys was over 18 months ago. They keep renewing the trademark, but obviously that doesn't mean a great deal. Rumours of some grand rereveal appear every few months, but they never end up being true.

is there a countdown timer or something?

>still no Wattam news


Most likely whatever they showed us were just pre-renders and no actual gameplay, and the game is still in alpha. Actual alpha, as in missing textures, voice acting, some mechanics etc

Someone at IGN played it

>3am tmmrw
fuck it I'll do it. tgs is better than e3 right?

Will there be a stream of the conference in the usual places?

Honestly i wouldn't put it past them to build up that lie, maybe even ordered by capcom or sony. Wouldn't be the first time Sony tried to make pre-rendered scenes look in-game

Do they speak english or japanese during presentation?

Not him, but some Japanese journalists supposedly were allowed to play it at TGS 2014. Supposedly one of the reasons it was withdrawn to be "reworked" it because they were told by just about all play-testers and journos that it shouldn't have been a F2P game.

>Being this delusional
