Coke = Overwatch
Tf2 = pepsi
Coke = Overwatch
Other urls found in this thread:
Battleborn = RC cola
But the game is completely different. Overwatch and TF2 makes sense because they play basically the same
Quake = Jones cane sugar soda
world of warcraft = cocaine
I'd agree if that was a comparison made in 2008
Pepsi tastes better but has less good-taste longevity. That is, people get tired of it faster than coke. Can't remember where I read this but it was an independent test done by some actual science dorks.
By that criteria, Overwatch is Pepsi, because you can only play Overwatch for about a hundred hours and then it's already boring. It's a very shallow game.
Jones tastes like butthole juice.
Diet Coke > Vanilla Coke > Pepsi > Cherry Coke > Coke
woman = overwatch
cookie = players
dog = tf2
Overwatch = the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
Dr. Pepper >>>>>>>> every other soda
For me, it is the McChicken.
>food analogy
So Overwatch is better right?
Is this guy the Chris Roberts/Sean Murray/Todd Howards of soda? He talks about that cucumber soda like it's heavenly nectar, but you just know it's weird tasting and not as promised.
>toothpaste flavor
Sleep tigth puprepr
>best anything
McDonalds is shit
What sort of toothpaste are you fucking using?
>diet coke better than anything
>pepsi better than coke
This is literally and objectively bad taste.
I don't know but my teeth hurt all the time.
German detected
Mate. You're not using toothpaste. You're brushing your teeth with Dr Pepper.
Looks like the shit my elementary school tried to feed me.
Nah, this guy seems too honest and enthusiastic. He's not lying, he's saying what he thinks.
Lemon/Lime Coke > Vanilla Coke >>>>>>> Everything else
...Then what in the blue hell have I been drinking?!
Something something water something something celery sticks.
coke is better when your just drinking a soda but pepsi is better when you're also eating something
That place has an estore, I bought a case a while back
was purty good
Pepsi tastes like watered down Coke
Wrong, it's the other way around
TF2 is better
>play basically the same
Jesus Christ how wrong could you possibly be
if using a mouse and keyboard and being first person make them the same than sure kid
water = chocolate milk >>>>>>> everything else
>Being so fat that you're able to tell the difference between the two
>Jones soda
But Dyad!
>Diet coke above anything
>Pepsi over coke
>Regular coke at the very bottom
>Cherry coke that far down
If this isn't bait then I'm sorry for God giving you such broken taste buds
Pyro and Reaper is a stretch but the rest is fine. Surprised it doesn't have Demoman and Junkrat.
Did Valve fix TF2 yet, or is competitive still fucked and the Pyro OP?
>cherry coke that low
>Reaper as Pyro analogue
>not Mei
>blue hell
Does it rhyme with "ol' gate"?
So what is Dr. Pepper?
red orchestra
Peppermint mixed with Coke
haha we're a bunch of humans arguing about soft drinks on a videogame forum haha
It has the best porn too
alien snake girl, this thread is for earth humans only
Except Coke is the time tested classic, while Pepsi is the up and coming challenger knock-off that's competing with the original.
So TF2 is superior in every way, especially with cherry? And its spin off is better than coke's as well? Mountain Dew vs. Sierra shit?
>Coke = 40 $
>Pepsi = free
I don't get it
CK2 = rat poison served by your kids on father's day.
That's a fucking chocolate bar. Also, who gave the dog chocolate? The woman? So Overwatch is giving and sharing players with the dog and the players are going to kill TF2 and make the woman fat and bitchy?
Bull mate?
>He doesn't get pepsi for free
You didn't get membership for Costco I'm guessing
you don't need a membership for their food court
For some you do. From my experience if it's outside you don't need membership, but if it's indoors you do. I've only been to three different ones but that's the way it seems to me.
What is the water of team shooters?
>beverages are food
this guy gets it.
>The healthiest and best long-term choice, also proportionally drank more by smart people
So, people choose OW due to Blizzard's marketing altough it's boring and soulless?
Cherry-Vanilla Pepsi > Vanilla Pepsi > Cherry Pepsi > Pepsi > Crystal Pepsi > Vanilla Coke > Cherry Coke > Coke > Human Waste > Diet Coke
orange > coke=pepsi > lemon lime
>team shooter
>intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sesame seed bun
every quake that is still played has ctf and tdm
What game does tea count as?
but everyone is exactly the same class. it's like calling cod a team shooter because there's tdm.
the real answer is rising storm 2
it is like 2 dollars
I just wish that Coke would actually make a Cherry-Vanilla flavor, I love whenever there's one of those "choose your own flavor" fountain machines and I can get that combination. It's the best.
For now though, I can settle for Cherry-Vanilla Pepsi, which I will buy when getting a bottle of something.
there are no costcos near me
There's no way this is a real thought that you actually had.
overwatch is for girls and has shitty players who are girls because girls cant play vidya
RC Cola is Battleborn