What game could the ten year old you beat the current you at?
Alternate question if you can't answer:
What would the ten year old you say if he could see current you at this very moment?
What game could the ten year old you beat the current you at?
Alternate question if you can't answer:
What would the ten year old you say if he could see current you at this very moment?
i was a fucking scrub
>why are you naked
Can you repeat the question?
Having fun
>Why are you are muscley now? And short? I want to be a tall pretty boy.
10 year old me, that would've been... 1994. So I guess Street Fighter 2?
Ten year old me was a monster at speedrunning hell in Cave Story. I had King on my title screen. Never forget
What anime
Malcolm in the middle
It's from the season finale of Google Image Search You Fucking Idiot
What cartoon is that?
Boku no Malcom
DK64 multiplayer
Possibly Age of Mythology
oh man thanks dude i came into this thread specifically thinking that ten year old me always wondered what was going on in that clip and what anime it was.
Arcade cabinet Soul Caliber probably. I tore through that shit at the movie theater arcade. It's still there too. And I'm shit at fighting games now.
10 year old me could build a better Roller Coaster Tycoon park too.
>Why are you a girl?
Goldeneye for sure.
Can't go back to those controls.
basically any N64 or PS1 game. Moreso the N64 because current me rarely ever uses that controller.
>it's his hair and not a hood
fuck i guess i just never looked closely when i was a kid
10 year old me was too poor for vidya. I didnt really get into gaming until about sophomore year of highschool when I started buying my own shit.
Smash64, probably. I know how to z cancel now but I still barely play the game at all and I was pretty brutal at it as a kid.
Maybe Mario Party since that game is luck based half the time. I guess I would look at myself in awe and admiration just like I do with my older brother.
Halo 2
Haven't played a console in years and child me was good enough to sometimes appear on the top 1000 players
Smash 64.
I think I was playing the shit out of that when i was 10.
I moved on to melee, brawl, etc when they came out and never looked back until kind of recently, and realized how much slower and clunky it was, requiring an entirely different play style, so I suck.
>admiring your elder brother
>not destroying him as soon as possible and proving you are the superior son.
I bet you didn't even eat his heart or drink his blood you faggot.
He's much older than me, but I'm just as good at video games as he is now.
64 is slow... kinda. It's a slow game but the immense hit stun means you can kill anyone as anyone from 0%. It's fun partly just because of that.
>implying he doesnt grow weaker with age while you get stronger
His time is over. Accept your destiny.
You've got me. Cast me into the flames of hell, I'm not worthy.
He's right though.
if he means the sub zero spin off game
None, I've always been really bad at video games except for Quake (1, 2 3) and Unreal, and those started coming out when I was 13-14. Any other game I could beat myself just fine.
>"I look like a mess"
Ten year old me was so fucking poor. Sometimes life is unfair.
nothing. I'd whoop his ass. only thing he was good at was SMB3 and i'm still good at that. I got my ass kicked in every game as a kid, mario kart, smash bros, mario party, crusin USA, etc. but now my skill is unrivaledamong friends and win at everything.
>google image search
> malcolm in the middle anime
all the Tony Hawk games from THPS1 to THUG
That's how most people over here know it, user
what does the people in this thread think of MITM
Really good show used to watch it every night. It was really easy to relate to as a poor kid with dickish brothers and a shitty homelife.
Maybe Goldeneye which my friend had and we would play all the time.
The only other game i remember being into at the time was Total Annihilation and i sucked at it, my idea of a good strategy was rushing to get a krogoth.
Nothing that I can think of, I was awful at games back then. He'd probably wonder how I got fat and when I got glasses.
Also, my one piece of advice to him would be to jump with Y in Melee, not up.
>do normal google search
>get to "anime" before google autocompletes to "anime from malcolm in the middle opening"
fuck I forgot how thorough google's spying is
shit's spooky
Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Soulcalibur II, or Tekken Tag Tournament probably, I stopped playing fighting games last gen.
I'd whoop my 10 year old self's ass at THUG or Melee though.
He wouldn't have the introspective qualities needed to reach and enact the proper course of action and break down crying.
Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-King
10 year old me could muster through Vectorman. I'm now 27 and by level 2 I would probably chuck the controller.
I used to be really good with Link and Nightmare in SoulCalibur II. Since Link isn't in the other games I picked up Kilik instead. 10 year old me would probably whoop my ass since I haven't played SCII in years. He'd probably rage if we played Melee though.
Why are we the same size ;_;
He would call me a nigger
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer. I had mastered the shit out of that game as a kid but I tried playing it recently and I no longer have Jedi like reflexes.
Diddy Kong racing.
Anything on the NES.
No multiplayer game, but I guess he is better at speedrunning SMW and SMB3 and shit that I haven't played recently.
And he would ask me why I didn't grow at all.
When did I become a faggot?