The guy who made this fucked it up, because SCE was actually rebranded "Sony Interactive Entertainment" last year.

Also the first post-BB From/Japan Studio project is a new IP.

I doubt it. Even if a new Souls game comes out, I won't buy it for a few years because we've simply had too many, I've had my fill of these games.

would new projects be stated on the TGS page, or would they keep it hidden.

>when you see a fan thing you like bit know it can never be real now because they'd be called copy cats for stealing from the fan.

too bad miyazaki said bb2 isn't happening

Lowest quality bait I've seen in months.

PC PORT WHEN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

They keep surprise reveals hidden. EDF 5 is going to be announced at Sony's conference, which we only know from the guy who runs D3's website fucking up and posting it early. Not a guarantee that From are showing off something new of course, but the possibility for a surprise reveal is there.

Oh, it's this bait again.


>No PS4 Pro logo
One job

>Multiplat games are now going to have

At the end of their trailers

I'm just hoping for ace combat 7 gameplay, but I don't know if bamco would keep it hidden


I want a Bloodborne prequel instead.

Not a single source I've found says From's new IP is going to be a Japan Studio collaboration again.

Can you source me on this meme user?


I wanna fight the fucking moon.


I equally want them and don't want them to do a Bloodborne 2
The first one to me is the best game of this generation so far and I want so much more of it but if they made a sequel then it'd probably be a repeat of Dark Souls II and make the original feel less special

>best game of this generation

The game was alright, definitely on par with the original Dark Souls but definitely wasn't as amazing as some people make it out to be.

>blooc 11 corne
what the fuck did he mean by this?

I sorta feel you user. But imagining a Bloodborne 2 where they iron out all the big bad stuff from the first one would be the best thing to happen ever.

bloodborne hd when?
the framerate was pretty bad

Nigga wait for the PC2-X, it has twice the flops.


Git gud.

What in the actual fuck would it be about

What the fuck do you want more in Bloodborne

It completed itself. Its a complete package. It was perfect. How the hell do you continue it?

Said the same thing about Demon Souls. And Dark Souls. Im not saying I want more of it but they are clearly capable of making lemonade from oranges.

....Why 2? Is 1 confirmed as well?

No DDS1 screens leaked yet

Supposedly they'll release all in one pack maybe? idk

I mean, good point, but if they were to make Bloodborne, or something akin to it, I would like a different premise.

Like I said, BB is complete. We had the beginning, middle, and "end". Out of all the Souls games, its the only one that has a definitive conclusion.

DeS doesn't really have an end. Souls is intentionally left in the cycle. I don't know. I am not saying I don't want more.

But please, do not continue the BB setting. It is done. It was perfect.

Bloodborne prequel where you start of as being a student at Byrgenwerth.

>The ending where you submit to Gehrman and wake up is canon
>You play another hunter entering the dream and doing the same that the hunter in BB1 did

>release date that far in the future confirmed
yah nah brah

Honestly dude. Dark souls and bloodborne made me start playing video games again. Tell me what game is a 10/10 in your book? And I swear to god if you post a bethesda game I will fucking rage

>but if they made a sequel then it'd probably be a repeat of Dark Souls II and make the original feel less special
Dark Souls II added a lot of variety to the series and had the best PvP.
Two things Bloodborne desperately needs senpai

I loved bloodbourne. Really good game.

does anyone have the one where the wolf is jerking off?

Post your webms anons

I hope it gets put on PC, since it's such a strong market for Souls Games

>It's not real
>SIE own the IPs to DeS and BB

I wish the Wet Nurse was more aggressive. She was way too easy.

wtf i hate muliplat now

I wish they'd put DeS and BB on PC so we could actually discuss it without as much shit flinging.

fallout 4
dragon age inquisition
dead space 3

probably the only games I'd ive a 10. Undertale is close though

BB discussion is as tame now as it's ever going to be. Shitposting will skyrocket through the fucking roof and never end if it gets ported to PC, just like it did for Dark Souls.

I want miyazakifags to leave.

You forgot the most recent one, No man's sky.

Blooc II corne?

>killed wet nurse my first try
>mfw seeing all the rage on Sup Forums in the first couple weeks for this boss
feels good not being casul

I wouldnt mind having new AC on PC
specially if its gonna be multiplayer centric like ACV
instead of cutting the player base in half with like they did with ACV on 360/PS3

What is this? Are Atlus really remaking DDS? Are these serious leaks or are you messing with my heart?
My PS2 died and the PS3 version of the first is ass, the second is somewhat better but my PS3 died recently

I wouldn't mind a sequel if Japan Team learned enough from miyazaki's team. it would be a lot less inspired, but better than having tfw no sequel for the rest of my life. but it would have to entirely focus on nightmare dimensions now that the cat is out of the bag. it can't cloak itself as a van helsing hack-and-slash anymore.

My brother is currently playing through it for the first time.

>Want to explain why shit is happening because brother isn't paying as much attention to shit as he should
>Can't say ANYTHING without spoiling the whole Ayylmao backstory into why the blood is fucked and what the hunters dream is or why the hunter is able to come back but other hunters dying are permanent
I told him he should follow a completionist guide for the first run because it's much more fun that way and if I'm reading it off to him I could withold spoilers but he doesn't want to,

Certainly has me wanting to play more but god damn is Micolash a shit boss and the stupid fucking group boss in the tower of the dlc annoying as shit to try and beat.


I hope they just make it arena based.

>Babby's first post
i genuinely enjoyed every Bethesda game since Oblivion and have put over 800 hours into each game (TESIV-FO4). Bethesda games are also the only ones i will actually preorder/CE (if the goodies are cool enough, like with Skyrim and New Vegas)
not even kidding

Can I ask, how? exactly at least with fallout 4, I've tried to play the game a few times now, i've beaten it once but it was never enjoyable enough for me to warrant a second playthrough i've tried multiple times to get back into it, but i just find it so boring.

I dunno. I consciously realize how janky they are compared to practically every other game out there but something about them is just fun to me. I usually just create characters and "rp" them. For instance my last character was a plague doctor who traveled city to city putting poison in people's pockets then when they were almost dead I'd heal them and extort them for their monies. You kind of have to RP in FO4 and Skyrim if you want any replayability because the quests suck so much