They CAN'T keep getting away with this

They CAN'T keep getting away with this

At least Crash kind of looks like himself.

you're kidding right?

Crash's model is fucking identical to his classic artwork. It's as faithful as it can get to the first three games without just recycling his PS1 model. If you think it's bad it's just because Crash's design has always been fucking weird.

Spyro's kinda fucked but at this point there's not much they can do to change it. At least it looks better than its appearance in the first game now, looks more like a pug than a gremlin.

Compared to Spyro? If I had never heard of Skylanders before and you showed me that picture I would tell you I see Crash Bandicoot and some random purple dragon.

Looks like fake crash, why didn't they use the original crash?


you must be new to video games then

That's assuming I somehow wouldn't make the connection between Crash and a purple dragon.

I prefer the Twinsanity design over the PS1 design to be honest. That's not to say there's anything wrong with the Skylanders design.

Mind Over Mutant Crash was so terrible they'd have to go out of their way to make something worse.

wtf why did they redesign yooka laylee, it looked fine before


Crash's model looks like a proper evolution.
His arms aren't too scrawny, he looks eccentric and not mentally deranged, and his expressions are more eccentric then ever.



Their Spyro has really improved, but I still prefer the original design.

Their Crash looks great.

Crash's head/jaw is way too big. Otherwise it's fine. It's just for the skylanders art style anyways.

No, this is Fake Crash.

Honestly that Spyro looks cute

Only one new here is you

In the Gamescom demo that had Cortex playable they showed off how they tweaked Crash, his jaw isnt so big now.

Its honestly the best version of Crash since the PS1.

Got a side-by-side?


Someone shoop the 2016 one to have an overly exaggerated gigantic head

I'll have to check that out