why didn't you tell me how much fun this game is Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not much fun at all and pretty generic but I really like the world
What the fuck are you talking about?
Everyone praised the game, it even reviewed well despite not paying IGN bribes.
chasing conveys is what is keeping me going
any time I need to clear a minefield though I'm tempted to uninstall
Minefields are shit, why'd they even make so you had to get an entirely different car to carry the dog around in?
Was there no room in the passenger side seat of the Magnum Opus?
>why didn't you tell me how much fun this game is Sup Forums?
Came out the same day as MGSV, so it wasn't the hit it could have been.
pretty much my opinion of far cry 2, i figure it's the same
Tbh. if they'd make the car modification/fighting more nuanced and shifted from generic featurelist open world game to something almost entirely focused on combat in those fucking cars it would be much, much better game.
I fucking loved it and I want more.
I never thought they'd pull off a Mad Max game properly but this was an excellent attempt.
Good game, good gameplay, shit objectives.
FUCK minefields.
>Can't find the last one in Jeet territory for that top tier bumper.
>mfw all the shitposting going on during mgsv
>mfw having comfy mad max threads with the few that were playing it
Help a brother from those threads out and tell me who that spunk monk is.
>those first sandstorm webms where Max was breakdancing
Chloe Foster
cheers bruv
how about you keep your shit opinions to yourself. the fine balance between going to bases for hand to hand combat and driving around in a vehicle is what made the game so addictive. making the vehicle combat more diverse is a good idea but shouldn't be at the expense of the already limited ground combat.
game is pretty shit tbqh
>assblasted MGS babby who is annoyed that there was an actually finished game that looked better released on the same day
Don't remind me. I'm going to end up downloading it again. I want to play but I want everything and don't want to grind again.
MGS was shit too im glad I pirated both instead of just buying them
>mad max
>better than mgsv
Neo-Sup Forums leave
I've never played a metal gear game. What are they like?
Are you one of those faggots who refuses to cheat even if you've already done something once?
It's a singleplayer fucking game man, cheat to the point you were at before - it's not hurting anyone.
>actually finished
>better looking
Show me where I said it was better than MGSV.
You what? Your having a laugh aren't you? This game was another example of a rush job by WB. Shadow of Mordor was the same. Both games had some fun elements but about half way through the story, shit starts to fall apart and the writing gets forgotten about.
But hey, at least you have you gay DLC right?
>Are you one of those faggots who refuses to cheat even if you've already done something once?
>It's a singleplayer fucking game man, cheat to the point you were at before - it's not hurting anyone.
I was not aware there were cheats.
>If you want to upgrade your car you have to do all that padded as fuck side things
>By the time you actually get the upgrades you want, you're too worn out to continue with the game which is really just ok at best
If a game makes you do the same thing over and over for hours, it's not fun
>rush job
>released 12 months after the initially announced date
Good job shittalking a game you know nothing about because you don't like the publisher.
You can on PC. If you're a pleb on console you're SOL.
>If a game makes you do the same thing over and over for hours, it's not fun
Incorrect. If the game makes you do the same thing over and over for hours you want it to be fun. Some of the most popular games in the world are and always have been grindy trash (see JRPGs) and people eat them up then ask for more.
Does this game work with the Steam Controller at all? I feel like doing some comfy couch gaming.
>You can on PC. If you're a pleb on console you're SOL.
No pleb here. Is it just console commands? Or am I just changing values in config files?
its casual as fuck
I can't bring myself to play it its so goddamn boring, glad I only spent 6 bucks on it
Search for a trainer, or if you're tinfoil hat paranoid get a memory editor like cheatengine and search for values like health and currency and alter/freeze them.
Alright I had a hunch it was that route.
MGSV was my first. It's good fun although just as I expected it's still a bit too much Jap for my liking.
Who care if Mad Max is finished. It's still shit. I'll take a game like MGSV any day over trash like MM or any other sandbox game that is just quantity over quality. Nothing in Mad Max makes it stand out. Name one thing that that game did well. MGSV still had good gameplay despite people shitting on it for its story.
>Nothing in Mad Max makes it stand out. Name one thing that that game did well.
Best car combat since Interstate 76.
Because neo-Sup Forums likes to endlessly shitpost
>New console comes out
>New game comes out
>New DLC comes out
We did. 12 months ago when the game came out, broke fag. The game also has objectively the best photo mode in any single game ever.
Just because some people like grindy trash, that doesn't make it good or fun
>another bloated, yet somehow boring and dull open world game.
devs need to stop making big worlds, then filling them. this shit is getting so bad. HOW MANY DIFFERENT LITTLE ACTIVITIES THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO REPEAT 10 TIMES CAN WE FIT IN ONE MAP.
>spergs acting like you HAVE TO do all the stuff
If you beeline the main story the game is still 15-20 hours, unless you enjoy the side stuff nobody has a gun at your head making you 100% it.
I wanted to like it but it turned out to be some of the grindiest and most tedious things I've ever played.
>press this key to kneel down before the crate!
>now mash the key to break it open!
>now press the key again to claim your reward!
>"1 scrap added"
Fuck that shit.
And it's not just that: EVERY single thing is oddly designed and stretched out to waste your time.
Want to clear a sector? Have fun with those minefields!
Wanna check a photo? For some reason you need three different buttons for it.
Want to activate a beacon? have fun with the tedious balloons!
Want to earn your reward from the last car battle? Get out of your car and pick up each piece of scrap by yourself, bitch!
Refill your health? Enjoy the overly long eating animation!
Refill your water? Enjoy the overly long refilling animation and the water status of the refill station that has no purpose at all!
You know what? Fuck health management at all! Dying and respawning takes less time than refilling your health manually and has no drawbacks.
The fact that the benefit of most stronghold projects is that you don't have to do certain busy work anymore like finding food, bullets, water or gas and auto-collecting scrap felt like as if the game rewards you with cutting out poorly designed gameplay features.
And speaking of gas: for a world where this is one of the most precious resources there sure is a lot of it around, made worse by the fact that you never ever actually need to refill your car unless you use those sideburner weapons.
>Wanna check a photo? For some reason you need three different buttons for it.
Jim Sterling is that you?
>its a generic but small open world game
>no many talks about this game because it was meh
it's not worth the money at all
There is no other game out there that has satisfying vehicle combat like Mad Max, what sucks is that after you've done all the convoys and story missions you don't really get to do anything fun with your car anymore.
They just need a post-game option to reset the world state whenever you want, like the recent Far Cry games.
At least they tried to make the enemy strongholds look different from each other, unlike Just Cause 2 where you could've sworn you've already blown up that exact same base a dozen times before.
We did. You were looking at all those 'MGSV is shit' threads when it came out.
>that week of comfy Mad Max threads on /vg/ while Sup Forums was burning
I miss it bros.
It's certainly not a bad game, but not a good one either. There's simply too much irrelevant busywork sprinkled across the areas. Nobody gives a shit about clearing minefields or finding pre-apocalypse memorabilia. It's never a fight for survival like in Mad Max 2 and only during the convoy battles does it resemble the breathless chase featured in Fury Road, although only barely. Plus, clearing gang bases gets repetitive so fucking fast, holy shit. In that regard it was almost exactly like Just Cause 2: So much stuff to do, but very little substance.
>it's generic
can you explain this please. what about Mad Max makes it generic compared to every other RPG out there
>no motorcycles
>no interceptor
>shitty upgrade system
I played till I got the v8 then uninstalled. The game had run out of carrots to dangle at that point.
>no interceptor
that one is in
You get the Interceptor for beating the story, though.
I'd love to play it if not shit on foot combat
aside of that, it's waste of time
They'll never do that, they're still bitter that Mad Max ended up being the superior game to Just Cause 3.
I've had a beer with lead enviro designer of mad max.
Still haven't played it.
Should I?
>screenshot mode that allows you to pause the game at any given time and freely adjust camera angles
This should be mandatory for all games desu.
The ground combat was a dull bamham copy, having less of it would only benefit the game you clueless cockend.
too much gated shit behind dumb ubisoft style mission and world. Generic and boring.
Needed more vehicle variety, I would have liked motorbikes and big rigs also getting thunder sticks on your car like the ones in the movie would have been fun because the thunderpoon is just like a rocket launcher. Once you did all the convoys though there wasn't much to do except pick fights in sandstorms
This is what a good setting can do to mediocre gameplay.
Mad max is the average open world but the atmosphere and style make it fun.
its a good feature but with all the fucking screen effects going on during the action and no option to remove it in post it makes most shots blurry garbage. but i agree.
>EVERY single thing is oddly designed and stretched out to waste your time.
thanks for summing it up. Even if i pirated it, and even cheating, this game is fucking boring
fuck off mongoloid, that is a perfectly valid complain about this shit game
What is your opinion about RAGE?
If only it fucking had multiplayer - the driving and world was done absolutely right. Beautiful and fun to drive. Only thing it needed was more car combat stuff but the gratuitous grinding of steel was fun.
soo you get it when you are done with the game, how smart
The game is just so boring. The arkham like combat, boring resource gathering, the tedious unlocking system that requires you to do boring shit to waste your time. I was done with game when I got the third territory.
had no ending
Beating the story != being done with the game
true, i was done with this game long before beating the story. The padding makes it unbearable
Damn, user. Aren't you a snarky one. You should do stand-up.
Why are all the screenshots I see of this game devoid of red sand
watch the way doggos head points while putting about. profit.
Shit was fun for the first half
What was the point of MEGATEXTURE again?
Covering the entire world with one single texture to eliminate texture tiling - or at least the obvious instances since there are still repeating textures in the game.
The problem is that right now there are more drawbacks than benefits from it and by the time it becomes truly viable it'll also be obsolete.
I'd go so far and say that even by now it's a solution to a problem that isn't really THAT rampant anymore (unless your game is called Dark Souls 2).
I actually really liked this game. The first time you got above the former sea level and found proper tarmac felt great. And that enemy camp on the bridge, that was fun. Crashing through the fucking front gates full throttle and lighting up everyone inside with the side burners while you speed through the camp was the best moment in the game for me.
It's fun, sure, but.... man, these AAA titles kinda outstay their welcome you know? You start repeating the same shit over and over and it stops being so fun. It starts feeling like a real grind. You're basically traveling from place to place doing the same 6 types of tasks over and over again. Sure, you can pick the order you do them in but it rarely adds anything new or novel outside of story missions and those are usually set pieces.
Game's fun and all, but once you get burnt out it's fucking terrible.
It was last years sleeper gem but since it launched next to MGS V TPP you can guess which of the two got all the media attention and hype.
Why are these getting progressively smaller?
if you have to ask, then you just don't know.