I've never played any XCOM games before but decided to give XCOM 2 a go.

Is there anything I should know?

Are there any recommended updates, dlcs or mods?

Do you have any advice for an XCOM virgin?

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When unsure what to do. Overwatch.
Flashbangs are the most useful item in the game. Get one ASAP and give it to your grenadier.
Weapons are shareable.

Ironman Impossible only way to play. Turn in your Sup Forums card if you choose anything less.

I'm a big fan of the entirety of the series

Two is a good game but I honestly think a better starting point is the first firaxis xcom game

It's much cheaper, has better mods and the expansion is fucking awsome

If you're going to buy either of them get the first one then if you like it get the second

If you're planning on pirating it just priate both, you stand to lose nothing

As for actual gameplay tips , half cover doesn't mean shit

Don't get into situations where you need a shot to hit to not get blown the fuck out, 90% doesn't mean 100%

Weapons are more important than armor, the best defense is killing all the Ayy lamo's before they get to shoot back


Don't listen to this fag. Play however you want.
This guy's pretty spot on, but neglected to tell you WHY flashbangs are amazing. They stop the use of active abilities and cancel those already in action (Mind control and binds.) when you get to fighting Codexes, flashbang them BEFORE shooting.

The DLC adds some fun mechanics and gear, but it's quite powerful and best left for a secondary playthrough.

>the first game has better mods than the first
The only worthwhile mod for the first game is Long War, which is NOT something babby should be playing with his first time, unless he wants to take the time to edit .ini files to suit the game to his tastes.

2 is fine. There are plenty of mods for it, though I'd recommend vanilla playthrough, or at least a significant amount of hours before you decide to start modding in a shitload of stuff.

You will learn to hate this man in your early game.

Scopes are without a doubt the best weapon upgrade. Ammo capacity is good for weapons with only three shots like miniguns and snipers, but scopes beyond the first tier take priority.


Research ammo, but fuck armor.

Overwatch ambushes are fun but you shouldn't be doing them past month two. You need to focus your efforts into killing the people with the powers that'll fuck you up. Don't fall into the trap of breaking ambushes with a grenade, you'll need them to destroy cover.

Feed one guy until you can buy the 5th squad slot

Grenadiers and rangers are the most powerful, but specialists get retardedly useful very fast. They never go beyond support though. Only bring one, but give him the best armor. You can be utterly fucked if he dies and you're far from the objective.

NEVER sword as ranger. Shotgun is always more powerful and more accurate point blank.

Don't be afraid to pull out. You'd be irreversibly screwed if you failed a mission in the original, whereas in this game it's possible to recover. Better to lose a new scientist than your best dudes.

Customize a shitton of soldiers from the main menu before you start the game, and tell the game to draw from that pool until it's exhausted.

Flashbangs are OP beyond belief.
Repeaters are the rarest weapon upgrade but are crazy powerful. They can even one-shot the alien leaders.
Your first building you make should be Advanced Warfare Centre (top center) followed by Guerrilla Tactics School.
Codex units clone themselves when they take dmg unless they are hit by a flashbang or stunned
Try not to destroy units with explosives as you may destroy their loot. Use explosives to soften up the enemy.
Elerium cores are valuable, don't waste them.

the original is the best

Can they still kill people from multiple z-levels above or below?

>tfw turbo jew with hard €13 rule
>been waiting half a year for xcom 2 price to drop
>not even under €20 anywhere
What is this bullshit?

Repeaters are useless beyond the highest tier ever since they made it so they no longer proc on DOT effects.

It's a shame, it actually gave poison rounds and repeaters a niche.

Sword rangers may seem powerful but they are incredibly situational. Laser sights on shotguns do MUCH more damage.
The Reaper ability is only useful on 3 missions in the entire game (viper mission, Spark mission and final mission)
Don't bother doing research on Experimental Armor or Experimental Heavy Weapons.

Acid grenades are amazing.
Units on fire cannot melee

Wait till they release it for consoles, PC version price is bound to drop then.
Or just pirate it, nobody cares.

Neat, any news on when they will go console?

Hey man, experimental heavy weapons are great. Shredder cannon is godlike, as is blaster launcher. The only things that aren't good are the fire weapons and the laser the single-column laser.

You are thinking of Experimental Powered Weapons. Powered weapons give you blaster launcer, plasma blaster and the upgraded shred and firestorm.

Experimental just gives you basic rocket, fire and shred.

Research Powered.
Don't research heavy.

September 27th is the officially stated date, should be simultaneous for xbone and nogaems4.

Oh yeah. I keep mixing them up for some reason.

xcom.wikia.com/wiki/Experimental_Heavy_Weapon This one sucks.

xcom.wikia.com/wiki/Experimental_Powered_Weapon This one is excellent

DO NOT build the skulljack when you are able to. You can put that shit off until you get a six-man squad and some end-game weapons and armor. Fuck codexes with a iron pike.

Bluescreen ammo and EMP explosives make hacking easier.

Never ever have your troops alone when snek is abound. Don't attack Codex with your last guys, don't bunch up to avoid fuck-weapons aura.

I would recommend the following:
-Don't use any mods in your first playtrough
-Disable the Alien Hunter and Shen's Last Gift DLCs on Steam. They are both a lot more than most new players can handle and can be frustrating on your first time playing.
-Play the campaing without expecting to win. If you're new to the game you will probably reach a defeat condition on your first playtrough, but that's normal and part of the learning process

What shit does the DLC add?
I kinda dropped 2 after a while because of the shitty optimization.