This game was written by hacks

This game was written by hacks.
Witcher 1 and Witcher 2 had writting that was far above average for video-games, one of the better I've seen.
The writing in this game is nothing Ubisoft couldn't shit out in a year for a mediocre Assassins Creed Sequel.
The game falls appart after Velen and it gets worse consistently . You see it in every aspect of the writing, the sub-par dialogue, the characterization, the contrived way events play out,lack of moral ambiguity, lack of hard choices, one of the more terrible main antagonists out there, terrible ending.
Only other thing except Velen that deserves mentioning is how Yennefer was written and a few side quests (cat and wolf playing, in the Heart of the wood) . Triss was Bioware tier.

Other urls found in this thread:

The ending was ME3-tier. But CDPR drones swallowed that Polack cum regardless.

Thanks for sharing your opinions. No one gives a shit.

>endings are actually different
>ME3 tier

your bullshit is Bioware tier

You're fotgeting how much the politics and the world was dumbed down.

It went from a complex situation, different Northnern kingdoms with different rulers and motivation to just Radovid, and his character was ruined as well, because he went evil and insane or something.

Also the church of the eternal fire went from independent rulers of Novigrad that kept the city prosperous and wealthy, to one dimensional evil assholes

Witcher 1 sucked ass and W2 feels hollow.

If you think W3 is better written than the previous games you need to kys famalam

But Skellige was top tier

I'd put witcher 3's writing at a 9/10 and witcher 2's at 10/10
But witcher 3 was infinitely better looking and more fun to play.

>Witcher 1 sucked ass

I'm sorry it didn't have quest markers. Using your brain hurts, does it?

Nothing particularly stood out for me there.

The entire Cerys vs Hjalmar thing was predictable and contrived, the game kept telling you Cerys was smart and the best ruler despite the fact that she acted idiotic.

I'm sorry but in the current year, I don't really find those types of stories groundbreaking anymore

Witcher 1 - 8/10 writing
Witcher 2 - 9/10
Witcher 3 - 5/10 writing

I can't honestly believe anyone who tells me it has good writing, I can pick apart what is wrong with this game for hours.

That's nice.

Two had the political intrigue down perfectly, and on top of that two very tight campaigns that were both different takes on a central conflict that was very intense.

Witcher 3 is still very good, but it's hard to top that.

>being a contrarian merely for the sake of being a contarian
Step it up OP your opinions are shit, you know why?
Video games are shit in general, there are far better, more creative, and more constructive pastime out there than fucking video games. You're just passively experiencing a story where everything is laid out to you bare, requiring not even a gram of imagination or thought. People who take playing video games seriously as a hobby are a bunch of brain dead troglodytes who should crawl into a hole and kill themselves. Go out of your room and experience real life instead you pasty faggot.

The quest where you help Hjalmar kill the ice giant was great

The thing is they didn't even follow up W2.

None of your choices mattered

The complex political intrigue was removed and replaced by Radovid, only he was simplified, was made one dimensional , evil and ugly.

They set up the witch hunt, and why the sorceresses went too far but in TW3, no one even mentions that it's like it never happened.

Instead it's Radovid and the Church being regressive, sensessly killing alchemists and herbalists and burning books.

thebull94 thread?

>there are no flaws in The Witcher 3, everyone who says so on the internet is a proxy and part of a conspiracy organized by one guy

Yeah I can pick it apart too user, it has gaps and flawes it in, but it has a thousand hours of dialog in it and 99% of it is coherent enough, interesting enough, to keep you entertained, while making you think.
Every other franchise made in the last 10 years is just shitty meme jokes and walls of text exposition that serves no purpose.

Only CDPR drones use the word contrarian. It's not even contrarian to claim Witcher 3 is shit on Sup Forums. If anything it's the common consensus.

Witcher games make the Ass Creed games look like the hallmarks of writing.

If you want good writing, read a fucking book.

All video games, even the ones you think have good writing, have bad writing. Planescape has bad writing, Lost Odyssey has bad writing, your favorite game has bad writing.

In that context, Witcher 3 is decent, writing wise. The story is garbage, but the characters all have a unique voice, and the multi-choice dialogue flows better than most. That's about all you can ask for.

Sup Forums's contrarianism is hilarious, however. It's predictable to an insane degree.

It's fun

You sound defensive.

Somebody recognize your obvious b8?

>but it has a thousand hours of dialog

It has a hundred hours of gametime tops. That would make it 5-10 hours of dialogue at most.

> 99% of it is coherent enough, interesting enough

I don't agree. I can't think of any memorable dialogue in this game. Witcher 2 was written very differently, it was very stylized and memorable.

This game felt very generic expect a few moments where it tried to emulate W2 dialogue but fel flat.

>while making you think.

Making you think what exactly..?

It made me think alright, made me think of all the other times I had read these exact same stories before. Bloody Baron especially was a blatant copy paste job.

I'm not sure if I should call you uneducated, ignorant, or just a fucking retard.
Didn't that franchise kill it's mc off 4 games in?

>That would make it 5-10 hours of dialogue at most.
He's talking about total recorded dialogue, I assume. Witcher 3 has about 300 recorded hours of voice audio per language. 80 voice actors voicing 800 npcs.

Wait a minute, I've seen this thread before.....

>and the multi-choice dialogue flows better than most
>the game has two dialogue choices 99% of the time,sometimes paraphrased in a dumb and unclear way

You're an idiot

>All video games, even the ones you think have good writing, have bad writing.

No some games have good writting. W2 and W1 were miles ahead of W3 at the very least if you don't consider them good

>Bloody Baron especially was a blatant copy paste job.
Alright enlighten me, what is it a copy of?

>in the current year

just off yourself already

everything in the game from beginning to the near end was perfect. yes the ending was NOT THAT GREAT but if you've ever seen the climax of Lord of the Rings you'd know that MASSIVE EPIC STORIES endings rarely live up to the journey. As they its in the journey not the destination.

Go fuck yourself.

so edgy user

>has 300 recorded hours of dialogue
>game is 100 hour tops, and dialgoue lasts 5-10 hours

Even if you replay the game to see all the dialogue it ammounts to 10-15 hours.

Stop slurping CDPR dick and swallowing their marketing bullshit

Listen, fuckface.

I don't have time to explain the concept of dialogue flow, which doesn't involve the number of choices OR how clearly those choices are presented.

Just know that it involves how cleanly different branching paths in the dialogue fit together. Compared it to DA:I, where you can spot obvious stitching and redirection to the end point of the scene.

That's also present in Witcher 3, but is implemented better than most games.

And no. Witcher 1 and 2 don't have good writing. The fucking Witcher BOOKs don't have good writing.

Video games don't have good writing.


>everything in the game from beginning to the near end was perfect

Fanboys are fucking hilarious

It's also common consensus you're a massive faggot.

>"hey mom I posted again! I'm so different and special from the other kids!!"

Dumb Polack

>The fucking Witcher BOOKs don't have good writing.

As someone who has actually read the books, Witcher 1 and 2 are heads above the last entries, and can compete with the first.

You haven't read the books and are sprouting dumb bullshit


You dumb cuck.
That number accounts for all the non-conversational NPC dialogue, and repeated dialogue across things like merchants are bartenders.

It doesn't mean you sit through 300 hours of dialogue.

Playing Witcher 3 makes me want to go back and play Witcher 2 if anything.

>don't have to deal with Yen being a butthurt cunt that she broke the Djinn's spell and now Geralt is free to pound Triss
>don't have to deal with Yen at all, actually, being a complete slag all :^) I'll tell you about it later Jerald trust in me and my hagwitch slagpot
>get to side with Iorveth or Roche
>isn't a whole SAVE THE CHEERLEADER SAVE THE WORLD plot that feels overblown for a Witcher story

However, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine were fantastic expansions.


>You haven't read the books
I read Last Wish and Blood of Elves. It's shit tier fantasy, something that I would expect from Brandon Sanderson or Terry Goodkind. You should really read more.

I appreciate you trying to derail this shitfest with waifu wars.

But it won't work

Triss a shit


Are we still pretending this generic open-world game is good?

Not as hilarious as contrarians. W3 beat everything else before it, every final fantasy, elder scrolls, etc and everything from now on has to be compared to it.

You are a contrarian. Repent.

>everything in the game from beginning to the near end was perfect

If you don't see the massive drop in quality from The Baron quest to everything else you're delusional.

If you don't see how underdeveloped, weak and dumb antagonists the wild hunt were you're also delusional.

The game has deep problems with the fundamentals of how it was written, it's bad writing written by hacks . It's not like they just messed up the ending. (although they did that, probably worst than Bioware messed up Mass Effect)

I mean, you posted meme-capture that says the game is 7/10.

Unless you're a mindless millennial, that's pretty good.

im positive the OP is half of the posts in this thread





>Video games don't have good writing

>52 posts
>18 IPs

Yep. Just trolls fighting trolls.


>Video games have good writing

>W3 beat everything else before it

In terms of what, writting? See the OP

>The writing in this game is nothing Ubisoft couldn't shit out in a year for a mediocre Assassins Creed Sequel.

>Triss a shit
Back to the shed with you, whoreson.

You have to understand that Witcher 3 isn't really an RPG but more of a TLOU/Ass Creed rip-off that banks on the Reddit crowd that plays games so they can brag about it on Facebook.

Never played the games but the books are pretty good. Are the games written by the author of the books?

Damn you're ugly.

Or just look down.

>but the books are pretty good.


They're sequels to the books written by an original team.

They do what the books did good, do some things even better.

Except TW3, the writers seemed to have suffered brain damage for that one

Watching the new posts appear pretending like they've just stumbled upon the thread, but seeing the IP counter remain the same is fun.

>my medium is better than your medium

How do you like that silver?

Both girls are annoying in their own right, but Triss has less of a tendency to be an annoying cunt. She literally just wanted big G's dick so she got """""tipsy""""""""""""" so he'd be extra caring. It's a flaw, like when she admits she used his Calcuon-tier AMENSIA to romance him, but I just don't care.

Yen needs a good backhand now and again.

Yeah, act 3 is shit. Also, CDPR had to cut a lot of content to make the deadlines. Still a great game, though.

Also, why would you get your panties in a twist over Triss? Just don't romance her and you'll be fine.

>The medium designed around visuals has better writing than the medium composed exclusively from writing

>Anything better than anything

If the books are so bad, what are some good books?

>Also, CDPR had to cut a lot of content to make the deadlines

So did Witcher 2. Yet in that game the writing was consistently good. In TW3 the writting was consistently terrible ( except the first few hours with the baron and the crones)

Wrong. Skellige was epic, Novigrad was was fun and swashbuckling, killing Radovid was awesome, finding Ciri was gratifying and worthwhile quest, the build up to the final battle was fun, putting all the pieces together before the end was fun, it was all good entertaining story and it is a FEAT of video game story telling that CDPR could combine all these massive places and characters and stories into one world. Truly incredible.

Any other opinion is contrarian. Period. (that means you dont reply back)

Witcher 3 is not an RPG.

Are we clarksonposting?

if you crave good writing in games i recommend the legacy of kain series.
blood omen the legacy of kain, the legacy of kain soul reaver, soul reaver 2, and finally the legacy of kain defiance.
Play them in this order and enjoy(there is also blood omen 2 but you can skip that)

Thats a dude.

>better writing
Thanks for implying implications. The media used for artistic expression is largely irreverent. Anyone who denies this is a pretentious fuck.


Do they pay you a polish penny per adjective?

Oh, this fucking guy again. Fuck off, retard.

I didn't really like anything about The Witcher 2, as someone who loved TW1 for what it was and appreciated the massive amount of decent content in TW3.

What's wrong with them

Go to /lit/. Just lurk there for a few hours and you'll come across a dozen books to read. They also have a fantasy general.

I don't think the Witcher books are worth reading really unless you're a Polack. There is so much better of everything out there.

Wait, you actually believe Witcher 3 is an RPG? Do you also play Ass Creed and TLOU and claim it's RPGs? It's just a fucking action game with an inventory system.

Again, please fuck off.


We don't want to hear about your incredibly limited scope of definition of RPGs.

Go argue about metal genres somewhere and leave us alone.

>Ass Creed and TLOU


>Skellige was epic

It was dull and the outcome was extremely predictable

>Novigrad was was fun and swashbuckling

Novigrad was boring, entire section could be removed and fuck all would be lost. Cleaver, Whoreson, King of Beggars added absolutely nothing. they all have their own models and voice actors yet they barely say a few lines and contribute anything.

>putting all the pieces together before the end was fun

It wasn't the game fell appart long before then. They dedicate quests to Fringilla Vigo and Margarita yet they only have two lines in the game. Radovid was a one dimensional evil villain who was ruined from the previous game. Matters of state was the most contrived bullshit ever, Djikstra apperantly an "intelligent" character attacks you even though he's a cripple. Ciri's deus ex machina ending completely invalidated the wild hunt and the plot .

uhm if any of the Final Fantasy games are RPG's, then Witcher is an RPG as well.


No fuck off. Witcher 3 is not an RPG same way Ass Creed isn't. Do you believe any game where you play as a character is an RPG? That would be retarded. Witcher 3 is a bad action game with dialouge options. That's it.

If Baldur's Gate 2 is an RPG, Witcher 3 is an RPG.

Prove me wrong, faggot.

>reach Baron quest that everyone hypes up as the coming of Christ
>it's literally just follow the red trails with cheat eyes and escort missions with insufferable combat
0/10 uninstalled


What makes an RPG to you again, retard?

Are you that guy who claims that an RPG needs skill checks in order to be an RPG?

Who wrote Witcher 1, who wrote Witcher 2 and who wrote Witcher 3?

>muh writing

Witcher 1 was barely a game and shouldn't be considered in this discussion
Witcher 2 had 3 small ass areas and was a bitch to navigate (flotsam was terrible)
Witcher 3 was fucking huge and velen alone had more characters, story, content and stuff to do than the whole of the other games combined.

So yes, Witcher 3 is the best game sorry hipsters

>in the current year
oh wow just hang yourself from a tree, you're worthless.

Lead writer of all three games was Marcin Blacha.

No, you're a fucking douchebag, anyone can point at plot pieces of a game and say things like "boring and predictable" that just means YOU didnt like it, you didnt predict SHIT before the game spoon fed it to you, you're just shitting on it after the fact because you like to be a faggot on the internet