I want Nintendo games, but I don't want Nintendo hardware!

>I want Nintendo games, but I don't want Nintendo hardware!

What are your thoughts on this mentality? Do you agree with it?

seeing how nintendo hardware is always the first to get emulated, there's literally no problem with it

The games look fun but their hardware is shit, there's nothing to discuss

Considering how bad Nintendo hardware usually is that's a logical mentality.

Give me Mario Party on PC with online matchmaking and I'd be pretty happy desu.

I'm almost glad handhelds are dying, I never want to use their cheapass handhelds again, I'd even rather use my phone -- although it's up for debate whether they'll ever release a worthwhile game for it.

I've long since accepted that exclusives are largely irrelevant. The best games of the past 10 years 4mehave all been multiplats.

I hope they die, it means monster hunter will be forced to come out on console for real this time, though if the NX really is mobile shit maybe not.

you lose the crazy gimmicks, if Nintendo loses hardware. It's easy to see the appeal.

It's stupid, because one of the reasons Nintendo's games are even good is because they made the hardware and understand it so well.

>I want Nintendo games
Not after Federation Force.

>mfw Nintendo tells me that Metroid has to be multiplayer experience

shame consoles are unwelcoming to lower budget series in general since people expect more

I don't really mind bad hardware myself, but shit controls and terrible screen(s) is a different story

No, I do not agree with it. I do not want Nintendo games and I do not want Nintendo hardware.

They seem to be struggling with HD development, so I don't know if that's true anymore.

>i want great games but not shitty hardware

what is wrong with that

Microsoft and Nintendo should join forces and make a nintendosoft system and sell Halo and Zelda in that system, i would buy it

I'm sorry lads but I like Nintendo's DS and Wii era controller ideas, as well as dual touch screens. I'll agree they aren't well implemented in enough games though.

There'd be no point in the system, if Microsoft is involved they'll want to push UWP and we'll just get the nintendo games on PC

>wanting more of non-bungie halo

absolutely fucking disgusting

>all this completely fucking missing the question in here

Wew. Anyway, I think it's the first logical step towards dropping barriers. Consoles have outlived their usefulness. I still get them because of exclusives but that isn't why they were popular to begin with.

Nintendo is just the most blatantly incapable of sucking in 3rd parties so it's obvious they need to go. There is literally no downside unless you are a blind fanboy.

>Zero Sales because everyone steals it via piracy
>People hack for max coins and stars
>Rage quitting in the final 5 turns of the game guarantees you'll be playing 3 CPUs
You're a retard.

>exclusoves arent what made consoles popular

Look at this guy and laugh.

Piracy is a service problem.

> halo reach

You have some serious misconceptions about PC.

Its my favorite sour grapes statement on Sup Forums

>Poor fags

>I'd rather use my phone
Fuck off phonefag.

>Playing on the most shit controller ever made
>No gamepad

No thanks.

>I want nintendo games

What? I own a Wii U what the fuck do you mean by games. Nothing like that around these parts.

why I should agree with some retard's mentality?
you buy hardware for games you want to play, that's it. Hardware is merely a gate.


Even the WiiU had enough games to make the system worth the purchase, and when Nintendo funds great shit like Bayonetta 2, I don't feel bad about supporting them.

Ideally I'd play the games on my PC, of course, but I'm not so childish that I can pretend the exclusives which matter would exist better if they were on PC rather than not exist at all.

PC+Nintendo is the best way to cover everything, plus picking up either a Xbone/PS4 for playing online games with friends and coworkers.

I'm surprised these threads are still being posted when Nintendo releases have been lackluster for years now.

>I want Nintendo games, but I don't want Nintendo hardware!
that's something I thought about like 10-15+ years ago

now I don't even want their games anymore

salt is real. I'm pretty sure it's same fags who are still satly about Bayo2

>Super Mario 3D World, Smash 4, Splatoon, Xenoblade X and many more critically acclaimed games

Don't give them the (you).

Well, yeah, they kinda are. What makes them better than, oh say, Bloodborne or Halo 5?

Your opinion?

>online matchmaking

>implying coins/stars totals wouldn't be kept serverside

>implying it's difficult to implement a penalty for leaving too much

Look, I understand as a Nintendo fan you have never experienced a functioning online system but this shit isn't hard you sperg.

Its even better that there hasnt been a solid release in well over a year, probably not until 2017.

OK. Splatoon truly mattered, out of that list.

Don't give ACfag (You)s

You don't choose what does and doesn't 'matter'.

>You don't choose what does and doesn't 'matter'.
And you do?

>wowee the PS4 and Xbox have no games and are terrible
>because I said so, of course

That kinda goes against what you state here.

>T...They don't count, because reasons.

If someone calls you on your bullshit, accept getting called on your bullshit.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I want Nintendo games but I don't want to support Nintendo of America, and I don't want to pirate.

at this point I don't even want nintendo games.

What am I going to get? Super super mario 3d world Next? Mario Luigi 3d World super star? New Super Luigi Mario Luigi 3d world 2?

The only thing I'm even a little interested in is the next zelda but I can't wait to see how they fuck up the mechanics to cater to their bullshit gimmick new system.

Move to Europe/Australia?

>>Super Mario 3D World, Smash 4, Splatoon, Xenoblade X and many more critically acclaimed games
XB, was better than XBC

same for Mario Galaxy 2 being better. Smash 4 would be panned if not for the patches and DLC characters.

It's what I asked earlier: what makes the WiiU special from the Xbox or Ps4? nobody can give me an answer.

>Smash 4 would be panned if not for the patches and DLC characters.
Meleefag here. No it fucking wouldn't.

Fuck off fanboy.

I don't want Nintendo games either.
Fuck off Nintendo.

>my opinions are infallible
>not being the best in the series makes something lacklustre
>wild conjecture
Here is your (You)

Fuck your revisionist history bullshit. Smash 4 was great right out of the gate. Plenty of modes for offline and online play, including For Fun and For Glory.

DLC made things better, but it was a solid game off the bat. Adding Ryu, Bayonetta, Cloud, and everyone else was just a bonus.

I don't agree, I don't want Nintendo games

>phone fag

Exclusives are anti consumer

Disagree. I want Nintendo out of the industry.

Explain how 100% Orange Juice sold well

>I don't want games
Why are you on Sup Forums then?

>more content is anti-consumer
What the fuck?

I was so certain that the WiiU was going to get a strategy game that utilizes the game pad.

How did it not happen?

>removing the "even"

>I'd even rather use a phone
that doesn't mean that phone is great and awesome, and want to use it

just that nintendo handhelds are THAT bad

>Why are you on Sup Forums then?
He, like myself, probably enjoys PC games. Nintendo isn't the center of attention in the industry.

competition between companies is anti-consumer? Go take Econ 101 and then come back to this thread

Listen, you mobage buying, micro-transaction supporting piece of shit:

Fuck off

But I thought microtransactions were a good thing. Remember amiibos and smash brothers DLC?

Either way, they let someone have an advantage over you.

>He, like myself, probably enjoys games
>outright says he doesn't want games
Wow. You're not too bright.

It's a Nintendo console. Say what you want about the hardware, but Nintendo consistently pushes out solid releases through the lifetime of even their worst performing consoles and there's never been a generation where a Nintendo console couldn't stand on its own merits solely through first-party releases.

This is true from the NES to the WiiU.

There are very few consoles in the history of gaming which Nintendo didn't produce which have the same claim to fame. The most famous IPs on Xbox or Playstation are or began as third-party titles. Those platforms rely on the likes of Capcom, EA, Activision, etc, etc to stay relevant.

Cut out all the third-party titles from the PS4 or Xbone and you have a pretty fucking lean lineup. Good titles, but lean.

Cut out the third-party titles from the WiiU, and you have a solid lineup of a couple dozen games, all of them pretty fucking good.

even if Nintendo went third party you'd still have to buy two consoles anyways, and you would have to pay for online on both of them

the point here was hardware, not content

my phone has a million times better screen, better specs, and just add some attachment for proper buttons and bam it's a better handheld

>you would have to pay for online on both of them
>Sony fans applauded, APPLAUDED when Sony announced a mandatory online fee

Vita may have failed, but it did open up many people eyes that Nintendo handled are unacceptably cheap for today's standards.

but that's the problem. You're just spewing opinions. From what I've seen this generation, Nintendo has made some pretty terrible games.

For example, I've often heard that the industry hates Nintendo and they never like their games. So why do their games get consistently high metacritic scores? You know who else suspiciously gets high metacritic praise? I'll let you figure that out.

What I'm saying is that anything with a high metascore is automatically bad. Game journalists are anti-quality.

No one is in idort this gen. Unless you buy XB1 for Multiplayer and PS4 for single player.

Exclusives are reverse of competition. An exclusive game, bound to a platform, has less alternatives, and thus less competition.

>not content
But that's intrinsically linked with console hardware, what we're discussing.

Go back to Dungeon Keeper or Flappy Bird

That's because Sony's online pay scheme actually brought some value to the equation, which forced Microsoft to do the same.

I paid for PS+ on the strength of the games subscription, not for paid online, and there hasn't been a year where that money has been poorly spent given my ownership of a PS3, PS4, and Vita.

Yeah, I have a backlog on my 3DS and Vita and tend to use my vita a lot more when I pick something just because it's more bearable and would rather not bother with my 3DS.

>critically acclaimed games
Means absolutely nothing if no one buys them.


>out-dated hardware on release
>absolutely ATROCIOUS online store
>purchases are tied to the console and not the account
>gimmicky controllers
>first party games never drop in price

As someone that buys all his games digitally, owning a Nintendo consoles outright scares me.

>Flappy Bird

mfw better than Pokemon GO.

Nintendo is going to get laughed out of the mobile arena. You'll see.

>Sony's online pay scheme actually brought some value to the equation
Enjoy your "Free" games.

that's tied to the mentality/market of phone games, not the hardware

>purchases are tied to the console and not the account

Your purchases are tied to your NNID. You can transfer data from one system to another.

>>purchases are tied to the console and not the account

It is platform competition.

>caring about what anyone thinks

Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad, Splatoon, Super Mario 3D World, New Luigi U, Mario Kart 8, Smash 4, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, and Pokken are all great titles.


what's that?

so basically everyone thinks nintendo games would look better on ps4? the whole reason why i buy nintendo is because of how well made the games are with their hardware.

its shit lowend tier hardware and they still manage to pull some good graphics out of it. my biggest complaint is no AA in their games but I can see why they don't.

You have to prove that to me though. It's as baseless an assumption as me saying that Knack or Infamous or Killzone are great titles.

Which is completely unnecessary to customer, who'd very much rather have one platforms to run all games.

Your logic here fails completely. Yes, the game is "technically" limited to a singular platform, and thus the consumer is forced to choose, but that is exactly what creates the competition between development companies. It has been said on Sup Forums since the beginning of idort threads..."no one buys consoles for multiplats"

it's all about having the most appealing games that pushes hardware sales, and that environment only succeeds when games have exclusivity to create the consumer draw. If the exclusives have no hook, hardware will fail (see: WiiU and how Nintendo is now struggling to restructure their approach)

I'd rather pay $30/year to rent a shitload of titles forever than buy the same cash amount of titles on Steam.

PS+ bought on Black Friday tops Steam sales for value every year.

that sounds logica-
>Nintendo on PS4
literally why

Hardware should fail. Selling same hardware that is artificially limted to run only a subset of game is as bad as it gets.

Take your (You).

If you're comparing Knack to any of the titles I mentioned, you're trolling like a math teacher desperate to get laid in a loveless marriage.

I don't really consider any of those games beyond "okay" so I don't see the problem with comparing them. Are you actually angry that I don't share your viewpoint regarding them?

It is rather difficult to gauge the necessity. The same why we have two major phone OSs.
I am PC user, but I enjoy my 3ds. I wont say that 3ds is unnecessary as I genuinely enjoy it.

I would prefer leave it to the market.

>le market is filled by dumb normie
That's life for you.

As a devout Nintendo fan, I actually wouldn't mind it. It would force them to focus on the quality of their games and not rely on gimmicks that may harm an IP like Star Fox Zero. It will be much better than the mobile approach they're trying to do right now.

This. anything below this is just shitposting nintentoddler rage.