To the surprise of no one:
>Resolution mode: lock res
>quality mode: dynamically scale to "90%" close to 4k
t. Peter Wyse, SVP of Production and Development, Warner Bros. Interactive
To the surprise of no one:
>Resolution mode: lock res
>quality mode: dynamically scale to "90%" close to 4k
t. Peter Wyse, SVP of Production and Development, Warner Bros. Interactive
Other urls found in this thread:
It's natively upscaled.
Next-gen upscaling.
>Polaris downclocked to perform worse than RX 470, a card worth less than 200 bucks
>AMD Jaguar worse than core i3 bargain bins
What is Sony even trying to do?
Everyone here already knew
Who cares? Digital Foundry says its virtually indistinguishable without a magnifying glass, good enough for me
Yes, it's not 4k it's 8k it's just poorfags who can't afford good TV's who complain because it has to be downscaled to 4k.
I'd rather have a performance boost at 1080 than some faux 4K bullshit.
Thankfully they're not leaving us 1080ers behind.
It's pretty close to 4K. Which is a pretty big jump from almost 1080p we got now.
But not 60fps so why bother.
wake me up when a console starts supporting >= 120fps
You'll get 1080p / 40 - 50 fps and 'almost' 4K / 15 - 20 fps. It's pathetic.
>You'll get 1080p / 40 - 50 fps
No. Still 30fps and below.
It's half way there. That's not close.
So a game on PS4 is 30 fps and bellow and you are saying that on better hardware it will still have the same framerate on the same resolution?
What kind of retarded logic is that?
All I wanted was 1080p 60fps on consoles.
Go back to PS2
wow that was a great video, why is sony soo bad at communicating.
There are tons of PS2 games with framerate issues
Games will have 1080p 60 fps modes. Atleast some will do.
In traditional upscaling, you have a unique 'x' amount of information in the source frame. The output still has the same amount of information.
In these newer techniques, you're taking your 'x' amount of information from the current frame, and some portion of 'x' from prior frames (in the above, the orange pixels are meant to represent usable samples in the current frame, black ones which are not valid anymore or cannot be mashed into being valid).
So basically with the newer techniques, you should have more unique information in the final image compared to a traditional upscale, and so should get closer to your target (native) amount of unique info in the final frame. Indeed in the perfect case of a still scene you could reach the same amount of information in the final image as a native render. tldr - the diff between a reference native frame and a frame using these kinds of techniques should be size-ably smaller than in a simple traditional upscale, the size of the diff scaling with the motion speed in the scene.
If anything games will have a more stable framerate on the pro, certain games are being patched to offer a 60FPS mode, but those aren't going to be the norm. If a game is build around 30FPS, unlocking the framerate can cause a lot of issues and isn't as simple as flicking a switch.
Sony logic.
This isn't an update of an open platform, it's an update of a close console.
that sounds like an oxymoron
You know what's real 4k? deez nutz
Because price point. You can't really get genuine 4k with anything approaching affordable prices.
PS2 was never 60 fps in most games, also it had shit resolution.
Try Xbox or Dreamcast.
It's still upscaling, it's still shit. Did they post honest detailed comparison screenshots?
Even with new hardware you'll never get it retroactively because some devs are stupid enough to lock game logic to framerate.
Plenty of games are going to offer improved 1080p modes. Shadow of Mordor is getting 4K supersampled mode at 1080p.
>can't even upscale to 4k
why mention something you can't even lie to achieve.
So it's basically an advanced form of interlacing?
Went from near 1080p to not even close to 4k, both at shit frame rate. They'd better make good on their promise of a selection between 1080p with better performance/settings and not4kshitperformance. If games don't have that, I'm getting a second hand PS4 for extra cheap whenever Spiderman comes out.
They just should have shot for 1080p/60fps across all games.
Instead of using stupid as fuck buzzword marketing and lying to people.
Technically is up-rendering and it can fool you into believing is 4k native if the source has enough IQ (upscaling is all made via software, up-rendering has harware dedicated chip). Sadly no-image can do justice to this new technique, you have to see with your own eyes. That's why people, along with mass misinformation\ignorance, is rightly sceptics.
In this image you see normal upscaling red pixels are the real ones and the greens are simply smart clones. With up-rendering, reds are the same, but greens are calculated via hardware (45-75% more true signal).
kinda, but smarter.
>to this new technique designed to produce an upscaled image
>no-image can do justice
>PS4Pro GPU is slightly over 2 times as powerful as PS4 GPU
This is why, they're rendering 2k in a checkerboard and judging what color the interwoven pixels should be based on the surrounding color. However according to Digital Foundry some games like The Last Of Us render in Native 4k, which is actual sony black magic.
Not quite, it's using interframe information to help calculate the final image but not directly, it's fancy and works really nicely.
It's not anything close to as sharp as native but it's very good.
It can fool you at a distance, when you get up close it can look a bit blurry and fast moving scenes can get weird and artifacty
Here's an example of how well it works in fairly ideal circumstances. PC is on the right.
This is a cropped image, everything is native res but only part of the screen.
No shit ? The normal PS4 can barely handle 720p = 921600 pixels at sub 30fps.
Now they'd want us to believe their upgraded toy can handle 4k = 8294400, 10x more pixels, at 60fps ?
Give me a fucking break,
the fun part that some people and even devs argue that it's native output.
At least I recall seeing some killing floor 2 fag stating that
I don't think there are any PS4 games running at 720p
>The normal PS4 can barely handle 720p
Why are you even posting?
>The Last Of Us render in Native 4k, which is actual sony black magic.
The Last of Us is a corridor, prebaked shit, 7th gen game and the remaster does jack shit to it.
It also run 30fps locked on PS4Pro at that resolution.
But aren't all current 4K tvs not "true" 4K though?
The remaster runs at 60FPS though
It run 60fps on 1080p, but 30fps on 4k.
which is the ps4 pro
That's honestly what I hoped PS4P was going to be...but it turns out that most games will only bump up the FPS 5-10/sec and instead add some more bloom and smoke or some shit.
The only 60FPS games left on console are sports and racing titles---and they too cheat and fluctuate (looking at you DriveClub and modern NFS).
>oh and probably some indie shit runs okay because it's almost playable on a T1-84 calculator
In the meanwhile 30fps
Go back to genesis
Yup, 30 fps on games you can't get on PC... i'd rather play them than snub them on the off hope they all come to pc years down the line.
Did you fucking retarded PCucks actually think Sony was promising real time 4k on a $400 console when you can barely do that with a $1500 custom-built computer?
I can play ps4 games fine at 1080p 60fps, or at least very close to 60 fps. it might not be 60 consistently, but it barely ever drops to noticeable levels. I dont know about 4k though
what on earth are you smoking? most ps4 games are locked at 30
Where do I get these magic PS4s?
Id love to play Bloodborne at something above silky smooth 20fps
I can play black ops 3, hitman, and mgsv at around 60 fps. there are more games but I cant think of any
I dont know did you ever think maybe it was bloodbournes fault and not the ps4?
*wooshing sound effect*
Yeah all two of them
>Resolution mode: lock res
>Resolution mode: lock res
>Resolution mode: lock res
>Resolution mode: lock res
>Resolution mode: lock res
>Resolution mode: lock res
This is really amazing.
There are games that run at 1080p 60fps on the PS4, but most of them are last gen titles, except the battlefield games and what not.
I want to play Bloodborne with no slowdowns.
If it isn't coming to pc I hope the pro gets it close to 60fps.
Kind of looks like FXAA but everywhere, if that makes sense.
I have a 4k tv. Should I buy it or not?
Do you have the ``proper 4K TV'', though?
It looks fucking great to me doing the tests on jewtube. I didn't spend over 2000 but I didn't spend less than 1200 either
I would yes, at 400$ its a p good price, especially if you netflix a lot.
Two ? Bloodborne, and the second one is ...?
if it only did interlacing too, it would be the ultimate faker