I need new profile picture for PSN

any suggestions Sup Forums?


I always use Mona Lisa.

Don't you have to pay for those?


no stupid baka, you can upload one but just your friends can see it, other people will see the psn avatar

Anime girls with smug faces




Take a picture of all your PS4 games.

>create JP account to play demos
>lots of free avatars and themes
>download them and most are nice
>swap back to my NA account to play a game
>can't use any of the free themes or avatars on my NA account

Literally why?





lol PS4
you pleb

Hello Rebbit

Just use the phone app or edit your profile on the Playstation site. You can add anything.
I have The Hunter force feeding canned cream to the doll as mine.

why is he crying?

>can't use any of the free themes
But you can.
I'm currently using the JP Valkyria Chronicles theme.

face it man you got fucking destroyed.
your speech was fucking shit too.

how about you use who ever get's dubs?

they let a fucking 38 year old with no fighting experience get into a ring with a hungry amateur - who in their right mind jumps straight to the UFC for their first fight?


I doubt Punk would come here.

Who dis?

What are you looking for?

baskin robins manager from ant-man

All thongs considered, even he admits he wanted to start out at a lower skill-level. Dana most likely offered him a shot for name-value alone just to make a quick buck. I guess he at least made his "statement"? Who am I kidding, he got straight fucked and looked like an ass in the process.

Reverse image search found it, but thanks.

it doesnt make any sense. there are rules for competing but they just don't apply to him? I'm sure the prerequisite for 35+ is even stricter.
>they let him fight a brown belt after 2 years of """"training""""
I honestly think he was convinced the UFC is fake like the WWE. Did you see the his "punches" then how he fucking recoiled after one smack to the face when he realized what was going on?
His fucking speech too. There is no way this guy will return. He'll get on his hands and knees and beg the WWE to take him back.

Gregg Turkington

Kino connoisseur

>All thongs considered

>I doubt Punk would come here.
why? he's a fucking loser, he'd fit right in.
Youre probably right though, if he was here he'd be a tripfag.

Shut up I'm tired.

>he doesnt conisder all thongs
nigga you gay?



fucking sony

i i see ur a fellow gregghead

You can use the themes but not the avatars.



>no chicken leg









>i paid hundreds of dollars for this one game and i'm proud of it

These PCuck recolors are just pathetic

Do anyone have this with a pcuck in the background?


Speak for yourself, faggot.


>i paid hundreds of dollars for a PC with no games
Fixed for you PCuck




not black enough



This is currently my favorite Sup Forums maymay

Doing God's work



ok now he's just fucking purple

Friendly reminder that PCucks got BTFO.

Laugh it up PCucks, you're going to regret messing with Sony real soon....


hes blurple

This reminds me of pre 08 Sup Forums,even everyone on the boards knew how to use Photoshop and every thread was an image dump


This is why I fucking love Sup Forums

fucking kek.

Holy shit man my sides.

Imagine how butthurt PCucks are about bloodborne that they can't ignore a Sony thread without shitposting on it.

>I honestly think he was convinced the UFC is fake like the WWE
but high profile UFC fights ARE fixed

Just double checked to make sure I wasn't crazy, all 3 of the themes I downloaded are locked to the JP account.

>WWE performer gets surprised when shit isn't fake and scripted anymore

Comedy gold. This fag should just go back to perform acrobats.



It's not even a WWE thing, just a Punk thing. Guys like Lesnar or Lashley made the transition pretty well, Punk's ego was just way too big so he got in way over his head.

Actually made me kek

Please post the webcam of a PCuck watching bloodborne youtube while crying and wiping tears with his tits

>PCucks games

>Mfw the chicken leg thing was my addition

Feels like I'm famous mom

Do you think she's a cute girl irl Sup Forums?


They do profile pictures on console? Why bother.






Thanks, you made my day

>still thinking the game isnt kill from DaS3s release
