What the fuck is going on? I have an Nvidia GTX 970...

What the fuck is going on? I have an Nvidia GTX 970, but with games which give you the Nvidia hardware supported Physx option, it invariably fucks over my games to the point where Physx doesn't fucking work (Arkham Asylum, Origins, The Physx objects just float above the fucking ground) or it straight crashes the fucking game (Arkham City, Borderlands) It works in theory when connected to my CPU, but the FPS goes straight to hell, but when I switch it to the GPU, which is supposedly designed for this shit, it doesn't work properly or it crashes the fucking game. All the drivers are up to date, and every game that doesn't have physx as an option works fine.

I've scoured the internet and nothing came of it, if you guys can't help me Nvidia hate thread.

Whose bitch is this

>he fell for the 970 meme

Simone Simons

>running latest nvidia drivers
well there's your problem

Nvidia gimps their old cards when the new series drops. Seriously, its not even a fucking meme. They own like 85% of the market so they can do whatever the fuck they want.

Seriously must be something wrong with your machine. I've never had any issues with the Physx features of AC, Borderlands, Mirror's Edge, any of those. If you google it, I doubt you'll find too many other people reporting the issue either. Can't you just disable Physx effects if that's the issue?

I can, and it solves the problem with most of the games other than Borderlands (The straw that broke the camel's back) My issue is I have the Nvidia card, and it wont run the software despite apparently being designed for it. I also think I remember it running Physx fine for Borderlands 2 a little over a year ago.

Maybe RMA your card? Or swap out parts of your PC and see whether you can isolate the problem to a single component. Like swap the PSU and see if your GPU is receiving correct power. Then swap out the GPU and see if that solves the issue. Obviously dependent on your having excess parts, so may not be feasible.

Try running DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to completely remove your display drivers, then reinstall them.

Maybe it's just leftover fragments from older drivers fucking you over.

Do stuff nigger, your hardwares fucked (probably not the GPU, it's never the fucking GPU)

Most likely your MB fucking up

>works for me (^:

My point wasn't it works for me, my point was it works for 99% of people, otherwise you'd pick up hundreds of results on google, which you can't

what game can i play as metal punk bitch?

You sir, are a fucking miracle worker! Words cannot describe how much I love you right now. Your advice has succeeded where the entire powers of Google have failed. I would fuck you AND give you a reach around if you were here in front of me. Goddamn. If I were not broke I would gift you a game of your choosing you fucking glorious bastard.

And here I thought Sup Forums was worthless.

God damn, I think I'll fap to this image later, thanks OP

It's all right. Glad I could help.

Sounds like a driver issue user. Do a clean reinstall of your drivers using DDU and make sure the Physx drivers are installed too, you can see in the checklist at the end of the install.

Also, note that some older games do have those crash issues using newet drivers. You can fix this by downloading the Legacy drivers on Nvidia's site. It's a hassle but it does work. Arkham Asylum and Mirror's Edge went from a crashfest to absolutely crash free for me.

Sup Forums is worthless.

nvidea, it just werks

some dude from Kamelot's

lead guitarist I think

jesus christ i wanna fuck her

My only problem with my 970 is that I can't get the damn drivers to fucking download from geforce experience.

Other than that I've been incredibly pleased with its performance and overclock speed, I'm just waiting until the 1070 drops a little bit in price before I splurge though.