Where are my PROJECT M niggas at?

Where are my PROJECT M niggas at?

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/download/j85444pjrv7trhy/Smash Bros LXP [Wii].7z

might redownload this again, they should revert Diddy's SFX to 1.3 tho


Has anyone found a way of getting this shit to work using the virtual SD card method like project m with dolphin?

Anyone have a prebuilt iso? I've tried all day to make mine but I'm pretty stupid with these things. I just want to be able to slap it into dolphin.

Is geno cool as fuck?

Bro i'm sitting here struggling with this shit too, but on Dolphin, followed every step but it crashes at the splash screen

I did it like they said
>put brawl iso/wbfs on the folder
>patch it
>look for the sd.raw on the rar
>put it where dolphin's data is on the wii folder (not where is installed)
>put the build iso as default
>load geckoOS

You might try to skip the iso patching tho


Woah what, where are these steps? i read the readme and didnt mention anything about an sd.raw being there

right here g home slice

Stop shilling

>it's not a competitive thread


What the fuck do you mean look for the sd.raw where did that even come from

from the readme, did you download the beta or 1.3?
Also, if the build iso doesn't work, try just with the brawl iso


The dolphin one, do i have to download the Wii one instead?

the game works for me but i dont want to use the custom dolphin build that comes with the package

>mediafire.com/download/j85444pjrv7trhy/Smash Bros LXP [Wii].7z
Is this the hackless version?

I used the dolphin build, but i play it with 5.0

Damn nigga, where the fuck is the sd.raw file? guess ill have to redownload the damn thing, did they add it a day after it came out or something?


believe i did this
>uncompress the whole shit in a folder
>search sd.raw
>find it

i downloaded it yesterday but i deleted it, i would do it again but it's too late (almost 4am here)

I think i found it, is this the right file?

So i found otu my copy of SSBB was only 4.5gbs

yeh, put it on documents/dolphin emulator/wii/

Why is Iceman such a big fucking egotisical dick? And why cant I get enough of his marth's tippers and balls?

My cousin has a ripped brawl iso that replaces the cutscenes with the first one from sse

>tried hackless with a Wii U
>letterbomb shows up in Wii's message board but does nothing
I'm giving up on this shit.

user youre cute

Welp that didnt work, says "no SD codes found" when loading

I'm being retarded, aren't I?

launch it from legacy.wad

Dolphin crashes when i do that

Geno, Metal Sonic and Ridley look like ass tbqfwymn.

Pretty sure Letterbomb doesn't work in vWii.

Fuck, I assumed as much after this. I'm gonna have to get another Wii just to play this, aren't I?

Just buy a copy of Brawl and hack it.