So who's your favorite character?
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Succubus (male) is cute! CUTE!
the wimble bimble blueberry smugmuffin
Its called an Incubus you faggot.
Kek it's you again
Mcree is the best in the game play wise and lorewise
Symmetra, Mei, Reinhardt, and Pharah.
I'm weeaboo trash
Mercy, Symmetra and Winston.
Hush you, Mercy is a pure yuri woman.
Reinhardt. Aggressive Reinhardt.
When you see your Rein do this to kill just one person, it was me.
Why do people actually play useless Symmetra?
Best characters: Zarya, Roadhog, D.Va, Lucio, Pharah
Widow is my favorite!
Reaper is a bullshit overpowered hero who doesnt deserve to be in Overwatch. Completely unbalances a match.
Takes no skill. Just jump and spam m1. 250 Max Damage of pure bullshit.
>Takes no skill
nothing in overwatch takes skill, its a casual game
Mercy isn't an Incubus! She's a Succubus (Male) and she's cute! CUTE!
dude are you drunk?
Hear Hanzo scream and watch my team panic for a moment not realizing i caught his arrow.
Reaper starts his Ult and immediately dies because i put him in a cone of uselessness while my team rinses him
Pharah tries to rain justice making no contact
getting 4 gold medals and play of the game feels so good.
winning so bad that someone on the other team quits.
It will happen eventually.
I like her too, she's pretty Cool
Good day m8
I can't decide if i like Mei, Mercy, or Pharah more.
When you play a good game of Zarya, it's super satisfying, but it's too dependent on your teammates being aggressive. Leading the charge doesn't work as well as it should.
I'd like to stick my dick in her ass. If you know what I mean
do dva players actually think they are good/dva takes any skill?
she plays herself lol
Pharah is cute and low-tier now so I don't seem like a normie for playing her
I have double my hours with her than my second most played which is Tracer
what draws people to mei?
shes a literal cowards hero. completely based around being a pussy and stalling the game.
same with heroes like hanzo and widow. i just don't understand why someone would fantasize around being a coward
Widow and Mercy cause they're the sexiest. but I don't ever play them cause they suck. Zarya and Zenyatta in-game cause they're the strongest two characters to play atm
The difference is Hanzo and Widow are snipers, so if your not a great player your useless. Getting killed by a crackshot Hanzo is nothing compared to getting frozen then shot in the face. Mei has a cunt design.
Post cute security chiefs
Gum is so fine
what is it about devil girls that make me rock hard
this is not how tail works
It's how butt plugs work tho
Here you go bud.
I Don't know what you mean can you explain?
I'd like to watch the sunset with her and hold hands. is a god among mortals
I'd like to squish her trumny
Taste in OW characters tier:
No homosexual feelings involved:
God tier:
Soldier 76
High tier:
Mid tier:
Low tier:
Grounds for forced euthanasia tier:
Everyone else.
This is indisputable. Thank you.
The ones with ass and tiddies.
On the flipside, as Zarya I LOVE when D.Va's don't realize my controlled weapon goes through the shield. Same with Genji and reflect.
They keep trying, then when their health dips too low you can really see the panic kick in.
right now its zen and rienheart.
Zenyatta is my primary, but I find myself having the most fun with Winston.
>Hanzo and Ana not in forced euthanasia tier
It's like you want snipers ruining your FPS
> ctrl + f
> no tracer
you've all failed me
Winston, I just wish he didnt have so many counters
>my characters are the only acceptable characters to play
Mercy and Pharah are the best the game has to offer.
Tired of the gay meme tho
you are really new
Me too.
I said the ones with ass and tiddies.
>no stealth character
You missed
Elder God Tier:
does /vg/ not exist for you guys to discuss your casual spamfest of a "shooter"
Character wise, I'm fond of Zenyatta, Tracer, and Zarya
Gameplay wise, Zenyatta,, Roadhog, and Lucio.
Symetera because femdom
Tracer because GOTTA GO FAST
Mei becuase being a fucking dick
Pharah because ladyknight
and Mercy because she's actually my main.
Honorable mention to gremlin dva as she is my 2nd.
>she plays herself lol
Are you literally retarded? Dva takes more management than any other tank besides Zarya (who is basically daigo simulator). Also her weapons and shields are weak as fuck.
Mei can 1 v 1 anyone and is a great asset to the team if you're any good with her. Just because you're too stupid to understand tactical retreat doesn't mean that everyone who regroups is a coward.
I want to give Mei eskimo kisses!
can mei 1v1 ive never played either
Rate me on my most played
>Soldier 76
I can't hit for shit with Soldier though but I am trying to get better
Soon, friend. Sombre at blizzcon.
Yes she can. Her ice spray goes through dva's defense matrix. Mei is literally op after the buff. I can even fucking 1v1 goddamn reaper.
symmetra, ana, zarya, pharah all bae af
also my homeboy zenyatta even after the discord nerf
all my most played too
>I can't hit for shit with Soldier though but I am trying to get better
Disable the bloom (spread indicator) on his crosshair and keep it static. Just fire and forget that it has spread you'll still hit. Short bursts for turrets and bastions.
literally the most overrated flavor of the month this game
D.Va's pretty fun to play as and not usually something I'm used to playing.
it released nearly 4 months ago
This is the background on my phone
Mah nig.
>flavor of the month
>Game is a quarter of a year old
??? ???
I'd probably like 76 more if he had aim down sights.
Mess with your sensitivity until you feel comfortable.
I couldn't figure out why I was so bad at McCree until i lowered my sensitivity 1.5 points then won us the game cause shots just started landing. Not using my chairs arm rest also helped with control.
you sick degenerate fuck
Oh god, tell me more. He would be unstoppable. I loathe the fact its all hip fire. Fuck i started only hip firing in every other game just so i can learn the secrets
I want to make Zarya a proud mommy!
I'm really getting into Mei.
>health recover
>huge radius ultimate
>is cute
She's my new main. I'm really liking Roadhog a lot as well.
Zenyatta because he's a cool character and you can carry niggas with him
Dva because it's fun as fuck
Junkrat because he's basically Demoman and I love playing Demoman. People usually don't expect Junkrats who can land direct pipes, at least not in quick play. oh and Reinhardt because he's fun to play
>character nobody asked to get buffed gets buffed
>becomes the new meta and everyone already knows how to counter her
>metafags rush to forums and whine to Blizz she needs more buffing
OG Mei's are actually good with her tho so the buffed helped them out but these retards who play as her because of the buff are asking to get rekt.
I don't play Overwatch but I like the design of 12 o' clock cowboy and the fat eskimo girl
Which is why you're top 500 I bet :D
genji has best gameplay
Zen is for aesthetics and being useful
a competent reinhardt is the best teammate you could ask for
Reaper is very funny
Widow / Mei / Mercy players should be roped
and it always has been since the game was announced.
I fucking love Tracer.
ok i never do this but i'm gonna need a source on this one
Genji, Zenyatta, McCree and Reinhardt best overwatch.
Honorable mentions: 76 and Reaper
None of the girls are good, half the reason anyone cares about them is that their asses are in your face 24/7
There's something you should know
Noone has the source.