What would happen if I drew my sword and struck her down?
What would happen if I drew my sword and struck her down?
Why would you kill a Redguard child?
>See that kid? You can kill it.
It would be extremely painful
Thats a small child
For you
You win the game.
She would become more powerful than you can possibly imagine
is that the one girl that beats the little boy
she wants the shota cock
The guards would attack you for daring to try and kill their Goddess.
>attacking children or plot critical NPC's in Bethesda games
She won't die,you will
Unless you are using Killable children mods
I bet that son of a bitch Nelkir didn't see that coming
Just so we're clear by sword you mean your dick right?
Why do they have death screams when you can't kill them anyway?
Lame, Deus Ex and Invisible War let you kill them.
Skyrim kids are untargetable. You can't even hit their invulnerable hitbox.
>never mind that in a harsh land like that smartmouthed shits would cop a fucking beating.
Then there is this guy.
You would realize just how powerless you are.
In fo3 and oblivion you could at least hit them. They just wouldn't fucking die ever. In skyrim and fo4 you can't even hit them.
>compare to fo1 where if you het pickpocketed by the kids in the den you can place explosives and they'll 'steal' those too.
>or you can outright shoot them in the dick. Just because you feel like it.
It was just as bad though
you could be wailing on a guy in Oblivion with your 300 pound battle-hammer and he'd just kneel down and get right back up in a few seconds
It's worse in Skyrim and Fo4 I suppose since the characters are exponentially more annoying, repeating the same 2-3 lines of dialogue every time they walk past you.
pretty sure essential npcs in OB and fo3 ragdolled when they ran out of health and then got back up
It's skyrim and fo4 that get on their knee
Why is killing children taboo in videogames?
i always loved how the cloud district was always like 3-5 meters away from wherever this fucko was being condescending to you from
Why is marrying children taboo in videogames?
normies don't like it because children are usually helpless against the player, who tends to be a maelstrom of death
I think you're right, I haven't played the game in years. Just as silly either way.
totally not a mod
trust me
because murdering helpless people is wrong IF they're children, otherwise it's totally fine
Most adults are also helpless
Imagine if GTA 6 had balls and put kids in the game that you could kill
It would be a breakthrough
I'm not saying it makes sense, it's just the logic most people have with killing children in video games
children are globally considered to be "innocent"
i think that's a fair statement because children generally, as mean as they can be, devoid of any real sense of morality and just want to do whatever they're able to
kids can't be evil unless they are allowed to
i dont really see the point in making them unkillable but I also think it's a bit ridiculous for people to actively mod their game to make it possible
oooh fuck you've slashed another wobbly ragdoll to death, except this one was small and was playing games
seems a bit silly to me
Imagine if GTA6 put kids in the game that you couldn't kill.
Imagine if you hit them like a tree when you tried to run over them.
People would call it satire and clever criticism
This is the best reply in the thread and nobody bothered acknowledging it.
it would be kind of funny, actually
That one on the right is the stuff of nightmares
Good, because I intended it as satire.
I'm now imagining hitting a childpole and rocketing through my windshield, only to hit another and die.
nah, I see it more as
>The guards have been alerted to your crimes.
>What the fuck can still see me? Oh that kid?
>Fuck I can't kill that kid to prevent the crime from becoming "public knowledge" considering children are immortal.
Why does that matter?
What If I WANT to kill innocents?
You think is silly to have more options and make the game more believable? You are an idiot
>she literally tells you that she would stop beating him up if he kissed her
>kid still doesn't do it
Is he a faggot or what?
I think they're just afraid of a repeat of Hot Coffee in terms of the bad media publicity it got.
do they even allow killable-children mods on their workshop site?
The world in skyrim would be a better place.
>those textures
Breakthrough of what? Useless edgelord shit? Big whoop.
he's getting bullied by a girl in the first place what the fuck do you think
calm down, buddy
samefag harder, please
>Only human kid NPCs
>No Mer children, Khajiit cubs, Argonian hatchlings
but why
If there's a 400 year old woman that looks like a little girl because magic, is it alright to kill her?
Because Ulfric personally purges every foreign scum once they're born. Because he's bored I guess.
your game would instantly become a lot less annoying
khajit cubs i understand coz you mostly see merchant traders and it's be weird to bring your kid along but it's really jarring walking into an orc stronghold and there no orc babies to fuck
that would actually be hilarious and enjoyable
God that's fucking ugly.
>Just found out that Tamriel has a Nymph race that quite lives up to their race reputation.
>Tamriel also has their own Hutt race that specializes in Necromancy and rides flying ships
>hit child
>explode and die
>ragdoll half way across downtown
>all that cool shit on Akavir that'll probably get retconned to hell and back if they don't continue to ignore it forever
>maormer won't ever be relevant even if they show up in another title
Its fo2 where this littel cunts steal your shit. The town you buy your car.
>but I also think it's a bit ridiculous for people to actively mod their game to make it possible
>can only think of allowing kids to die would serve to allow the pc to kill them
>doesn't even think of the possibility of allowing kids to die so the pc saving them from dragons and vampires and whatever to actually put forth effort and get a sense of accomplishment instead of having said kids tank a fucking level 50 dragon after the entire village is set on fire for 10 minutes while you loot corpses
As expected of Sup Forums's toddler level imagination.
Except the khajiiti in skyrim travel in family clan caravans and should have kids with them.
And yeah. Orc strongjolds not having children is retarded.
you'll never find a male orc in any location with a child orc, just like real life.
Yeah. Those cunts. Ands its not even to be dicks. They work for one of the traders on the first map. Your stolen stuff shows up for sale there
>Pure blood vampires are made because Daedric Prince of rape gives them Vampire rape aids.
Rape corruption isn't a bad fetish, yes
>Harkon says he just sacrificed people to get this vampire aids
Harkon, you got your butthole ravaged, don't deny it.
Literally the only thing there was dragon's reach.
Noüe its not.
It has nothing to do with normies, that's all on developers going overboard with political correctness in anticipation of the imagined backlash from the audience. The audience doesn't give a shit, that's all on politicians and the media (lol video game journalism).
>Tamriel also has their own Hutt race that specializes in Necromancy and rides flying ships
Don't forget that they don't feel empathy and made a plague that possibly wiped out half of the world
Also they get so fat they need to be underwater/use magic to move
They were in eso weren't they?
And the jail
So if you committed a crime and got sent there. Welp I'm in the cloud district
You didn't love how he actually sleeps in the cloud district? I mean Amlen the faggot had a house farther up than Nazeem.
It would be funny and probably feel good while you were doing it.
Orc chieftains in skyrim are the only ones allowed to have wives and marry.
The strongholds are harems for the orc benis in charge. Ifc his spawn are wandering all over the place.
but is ESO good? It didn't look bad as I imagined it when I saw the recent vids
Is there still a big enough population to play it?
Does it really count as raep if said daedra has supernatural boinking skills so good 'he' outboinked vivec in a gay head to head boink-off?
>Vivec shoves Molag's cock inside Azura's mouth
I didnt get the whole story, what was the context again?
This kid comes up to you and your follower slaps her ass and calls you 'another wanderer here to lick my fathers boots'. Wat do?
Uproot his father
That'll show him
this I can't stand that kid, and there would be nothing more satisfying than kicking his father off of the throne and sacking the town but leaving my house intact.. We'll see how he likes having to lick homeless peoples boots for money just to get by.
I'm running the king of skyrim mod, so off to fucking jail he goes.
micheal kirkbride is honestly really bad at writing oh my fucking god why do people like this talentless hack
he was okay when was at beth because someone could look over his shoulder and see all the stupid gargage he was shitting out and hit him with a newspaper and make it actually good
do people like him just because it's "weird"?
What's up with all these people saying you can't hit kids in Skyrim?
I played it on Xbox and I vividly remember hitting a child on accident and people getting pissed at me
It's probably easier to explain than that.
Every creative type risks falling in to the same trap. When they get loved enough, people stop criticizing them for fear of being alienated from their hero. All people depend on direct input from others to constantly dial in their own behaviors and thought patterns. If everyone tells you even your bad ideas are gold, how are you supposed to know the difference anymore?
He wouldn't be the first this happened to. A good creator ruined by their own success that was legitimately good before everyone started sucking their dick.
Literally think of the non-existent virtual children.
Do companions get buttmad when you turn into a Vampire Lord in front of them? I know Serana doesn't.
can your followers joim the dawnguard/legion/stormcloacks?
Uh. I don't know. I know Delphine got real fuckin mad about it once and I had to reload a save to continue the story. I'm pretty sure she's a companion.
Fucking pedos have the worst taste. That shit looks terrible.
What thing is that in the lower left hand corner? Part of a mod most certainly?
Actually, without a killable children mod, nothing will happen at all. By default, kids aren't just immortal - your attacks pass right through them. It doesn't register a hit, so the guards won't come after you for assault.
Because Bethesda knew someone would make a killable children mod, so they figured they might as well give modders something to work with.
There actually is someone like that in Skyrim, though the reason she still looks like a little girl is vampirism, not magic.
>do people like him just because it's "weird"?
That's my guess. I haven't seen Kirkbride praised for writing likable characters or good, interesting stories that you can get emotionally invested in. All people ever talk about when praising him is the crazy weird shit and all the stuff that's based on eastern philosophy/religion.
Her father Amren send thugs after you as revenge for taking his childs life
Why killing children when you can fuck them?
Yes, there is.