You ARE playing WoW's best expansion to date, right?

You ARE playing WoW's best expansion to date, right?

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I'm pretty impressed with the quality of the quest writing. The Prince Farondis chain in Azsuna is 10/10

>make a bunch of gems that apparently sell for 1k on my server
>list all of them
>a few hours later someone's put a bunch up for 500 each

Highmountain sucks ass.

Most areas do. They're all so lifeless and rushed.

>world of daily quests
nah, im only playing to the end of this months sub

Agreed, pretty dull looking zone. I'm enjoying the fuck out of Azsuna though. Lots of screenshot worthy environments

>be me in wrath
>silverleaf herb selling for 20g/stack
>proceed to put a bajillion stacks up for 5g ea

im that kind of person

>get to 110
>forced to grind mana and rep literally forever


Just got my bear to 110, thinking about my pally next, anyone got any good names for a dranei? Or should i just forget it and go with my rogue at 50

>Still only have 0 legendaries while others have 2
Thank you RNG Jesus

(you) you clearly need it.

>mad about dailies

What the fuck do people want in an MMO? Would you rather Vanilla where there was fuck all to do other than raiding?

Val'sharah was my favorite

>2 lvl 110s
>just do world quests every day for 600 gold chest xD and garrison shit

time to unsub

I gave it a shot. Leveled a toon to 110. Played some dungeons and BGs. Just not feeling it.

There's more to life than chasing random quests around a tiny zone for incremental ilvl upgrades.

Furthermore, all the small system changes from patch to patch over the years has made the content in previous expansion trivial and not worth grouping for. It sucks.

It's like the game is rotting and we are flies buzzing around the top of it.

dailies are not bad but being forced to do all of them every single day for the next half a year is a different story

I'm loving legion, just wish i could fucking log in right now

>best expansion
thats not how you spell WotLK

>get Archaeology quest that leads out to Stormheim again
>do it thinking it'll be another Demonic rare from the quest
>it's just an artifact power item

what was the fucking point of giving me that quest again

Threadly reminder that the Naaru are up to some SHIT.

I already played Burning Crusade when it was live many moons ago.

I don't know why people get upset by this. Either put it up for less and/or wait. If you are being constantly undercut, then maybe it's not worth that much anymore. Economy 101.

This, I have a 100 of each class. Took 2 to 110, one Horde paladin, and a Alliance Death knight. Bored as shit. Sub ends in a few days.

>every monster being 110.
>World Quests to rep grind.

Honestly cant find the fun in it anymore.

Are WQs an efficient way of rewarding Nightfallen rep?

It's a good expansion but it finally made me realize that I just never liked WoW and only played it because of friends and community.

But yeah, it's a good expansion.

You are not only losing money but are damaging the market if you undercut by large amounts. The other player could easily undercut him by only 5 gold instead of 500.
There is a difference between undercutting and simply dumping stuff on the AH.

If I am not mistaken, World Quests and the withered Army training thing are the only ways to get rep with them.

I only play it for the ERP by now

Just hit legion (saving 100 and new acc) on prot warrior and doing Moo Mountain. Am I suppose to be hitting like wet tissue paper or do I need to be completely Legion-geared for me to go back to 2-3 shield slams to 1v1 a typical mob? Played prot several times from classic to now and it just seems horrible coming out of Cata/Nagrand.

The peak is the only part of that area worth a damn.

I made 700k by selling gems. git gud

fuck off to /vg/ AKA all mmorpg generals are the same avataring faggots trying to recruit people to their erp/non-productive guilds.

>Mfw I realized you could Bribe Dro

Get fucked Tank classes, best Withered Training spec coming through.

holy fucking shit I'm dreading this already.

>nice face
>great tits
>hnnnng that mid drift
>those thighs oh damn
>fucking hoofs


I like the idea of ERP but I'm too shy to actually do it.

Honestly this. My m8s are what made it fun and they are not coming back, I don't want them to. Most of us don't have the time to dick around like we did a decade ago.

Also, if Broken Isles were it's own self contained mmo and the 1-100 content didn't exist I would call it a nice little mmo.

Why is it that every Monk i've seen has Lili as their bodyguard?

But he dies in like 15 seconds.

i'd rather tank and prevent my withered from taking any damage than bribe him like some sort of a cuck

Zone scaling assumes certain iLvls, and at 100 you suddenly become way weaker because it wants an iLvl a fair bit higher than you'd reasonably be after hitting it. There're elites I soloed easily at 99 that started killing me as soon as I hit 100, one of my bigger complaints about the expansion personally.

I really think they should've went with like, 2 zones from 98-104 then 2 from 105-110 or something. Completing zones after cap really sucks because the rewards aren't worth shit at that point, but the expansion is really unfriendly to alts and you'll need to complete all the story quests at some point anyways to eventually fly.

I think a weekly event is coming up to give rep from dungeons. Not even sure if they will give rep though. Knowing Blizz they wont make the rep easy until they deem us worthy of flying.

>non-productive guilds
you realize you're playing a video game, right?
are you employed?

yep. there's so much to do, and the gearing system makes it difficult. there are different routes to take, too, when gearing. Which makes it even better.

>doesn't want a gf that only needs one pair of shoes

The scaling is the best part of the expansion. You're retarded. Fuck off and never come back please.

No you nigger. Dro absolutely shits on every other boss in the Dungeon. He can solo them all without your Withered.

sub expires in 10 days dont think i'll renew
never even used my free 100 boost i can't imagine doing all those shit questlines again

Why am I clearing the whole place in 15 minutes without him then?

Face it, he's useless.

no one cares

>not having a huge gold stack which allows him to passively make profit and afford tokens


It's ok but this honor grind, man.

Runas the shamed was even better

Difference between



>Hey guys gonna tank a daily, and of you dps want in/instant queue?

>Erping faggot: Fuck off you're ruining this session I came across in Netherstorm. Some dranei futa is rping raping a rare female dwarf she/he/it/rude came across.


>Do that army training thing
>Manage to do okay and find some new duded
>Suddenly a superstronk enemy with 27m life comes out of nowhere and kills all my guys and then me
Did I take a wrong turn or something?

you took the wrong way along the path of life to fail at withered army

>It's a "Land in a zone at 103 and get ganked by 3 110's that're just standing there" episode.

Boy I love scaling mhm

pvp happened?

Aside from Stormheim I didn't really dislike any of the areas, though some stories do feel rushed and badly written (feltotem and feral druid guy going FULL DARKSIDE offscreen)

Best area is Suramar imho

>You ARE playing WoW's best expansion to date, right?

I did 9 years ago.


Please take your shilling to /vg/

It doesn't belong on Sup Forums

This, like it was fun leveling up to 110 for the first time but the end game so far is boring as fuck. Once you get 840 or 850 item level it basically turns into a pseudo garrison game again, you just login, do the class hall missions and log out. And now you can do them from the smart phone app, so really there is no reason to even login anymore.

I'm pretty much bored as shit too, the class hall missions are so tedious and take 24 hours or some shit to do one mission and you'll spend four or five days trying to finish the entire campaign mission for your class hall. I kind of don't want to unsub but until the new patches come out and the expansion gets more content, I don't think I'll stick around.

It's not fun to just login and do 1000 WQ's every week or some shit, it's monotonous and tedious. Suramar made me want to blow my brain out anyway, like I enjoyed leveling up to 110 it's just the end game content that I have an issue with right now. We also don't even have access to any raids yet, and what not.

t. nostalgiababy


Is it really "Player vs Player" when I die in two hits to four dudes that are eight levels higher than me?

Not really, no. It's nothing but an annoyance.
He literally wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for muh scaling.

Today I will remind them

>just hit warriors first major artifact skill
>9k to level up, still a grind even with 50% increased AP
>cant get decent gear from pvp, forced to do heroics
>feel the need to level up my alts and get them started with how retarded the class shit is set up
there is way, way, way too much fucking grind in this expansion that is necessary to be good

in the past grinding daily quests was for rep/gold, this is shit you have to do or you'll never be able to compete with the people who play non-stop. i wouldnt mind the class hall the way it is if there were no artifact bullshit but there's just too fucking much if you have more than 1 class

and of course, if you plan to do off-spec on your main/alt good luck with lolgrind xd. surely they will adjust costs a bit in the future, no? there's a fine balance between grinding a bit for a goal and having to grind for months (lol) to achieve shit you actually NEED


do i keep pouring all my effort into my 812 frost DK or do i level my warrior to tank

Threadly reminder that Void Lords can't be trusted and are feeding you nothing but lies.

Tank as blood?

>two weeks after launch

I was 845 4 days into launch. You must be one lazy faggot

>most fun I've had in WoW since early cata, but I don't have a group of vuddiea
>think about finding a group of people to play with, getting legion dungeon achievements and maybe even finding another 5bro group to do the occasion raid with
>no trade lfg for mythic
>everyone is going through LFG system and literally no one talks
The only thing that's fun is the social aspect and [spoilers]I just don't know if I can invest the time to build a social group in the game[/spoilers]
Guess I'm just gonna quit now

but muh sword and board

at least you're not this guy

You are not "forced" to do anything as you were not forced to do anything in WoW ever. Even the benefits from reaching high rep are marginal and limited to specific play styles (rank 3 recipes to save mats compared to, for example, Hodir rep on Wrath which was the only source of max shoulder enchants)

If you want every single bit of AP and every single crate of resources you could possibly get every day that's your choice of experiencing a game like it's a job

Go away Naaru. Until you can explain why your zero-state is a Void God, I trust the lying dagger more than I trust you. Least she's got something to back up her cryptic whispers.

Sounds to me like pvp happened, m8

It's a pvp server. It doesn't have to be fair. It's been this apparent since stranglethorn vale camping in classic on any given pvp server. Not to mention any given pvp player has the mentality of a sociopathic asshole.

It's like complaining about the heat in Phoenix. No shit its hot.

my first day off work in nearly two weeks is on friday

What makes you feel you are being forced?
It's just a bunch of extra stuff you can do when you feel like playing. Nobody is forcing you to do them. Certainly not ALL of them. I mean, some of them give a pittance of gold.

But what is buying out and relisting.

t. wodbaby

t. Demon Hunter mains that can't win a 110 v 110.

You're all BRASS BALLS until somebody your level shows up and then it's
>Oh shit, I'm sorry! Illidan's calling! Gotta jet!

just get into a social guild
being in a good guild was the only reason I played for most of WoD.
It actually made the game fun and I felt like my reason to log on each day was to hang out with my online peeps

t. literal baby

>You ARE playing WoW's best expansion to date, right?
But i already played the first half of WotLK

doing dailies is the only way to get artifact power outside of the really, really, really low amount you get from missions

zone scaling is nice, but none of the rewards ultimately scale so the shit you get at 100 you get at 110.

also second point is that normal dungeons drop 850 ilv gear and heroics and mythics drop 830-840 so why the fuck even bother with anything more than normal at the current time

also this expansion's legendary are the most retarded shit in the world, why the fuck make it where legendary items are gonna be raid check tier with world drop chance

Questing has been pretty solid the last few expansions. End game has been the issue and Legion seems to have a better endgame than the last few expacks.
Most of my gripes are with professions and dungeons. World quests are a good change of pace and Suramar is shaping up to be a good story.

No one talks in LFG because the dungeons are mostly braindead until Legion Heroics (given a few more weeks however, they'll be just as easy to cakewalk). Cataclysm had some of the best 5-mans ever and I remember having to actually talk some basic strat with strangers. Then Panda shit came along and completely ruined dungeons for 4 years.

>early cata "fun"
>awful fucking quest zones, including the fucking underwater one
>insanely long and boring heroics with barely any loot, hope you like the dragon bombing run
>tentacle graped by faction grinds, the most annoying ever until they were topped by the even more annoying firelands rep
>the worst raid in the game to date at that point, bastion of twilight

at least you could still fly, i guess

I don't read quests or watch videos. I have no idea why I am helping the Illidari (or who they are).

Good thing it isn't a Void Lord!

Players don't cross paths anymore, they pass each other on the same road.

>normal dungeons drop 850 ilv gear

No they don't.

people who actually think BC was better than wrath never played either

>underwater zone bad
>hating on the heroics

Simple question here: what is your favorite raid?

Nah, unlike your dumb ass, I roll a tank so I can fuck up anyone in world pvp. Just yesterday I landed in an alliance gank squad and 1v3'd them. Git gud.

They nerfed Cata Heroics last I remembered in the first major patch or something. And ya I also remembered marking targets for cc and stuff and still going pretty quickly.

Lots of dps were very pissed off they couldn't aoe everything down similarly to pre-cata WOTLK.

yes they do, get to 110 you fuck.

The last time I played WoW it was depressing. Very little player interaction.