Based Streum On only charging 34 dollars (pre-purchase) or 40 dollars for new Warhammer game when they could easily...

>Based Streum On only charging 34 dollars (pre-purchase) or 40 dollars for new Warhammer game when they could easily charge 60 and people would eat it up still.

How is everyone's legs holding up?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't mean to detract from the hype, because the game looks really good, but am I the only one that notices how janky the front right terminator's loincloth looks?

Maybe the guy who handles their laundry put too much starch in that load?

You are absolutely retarded, the publisher sets the price and makes pre-order arrangements.

Spot the heretic

Over hyped right now, hoping this isnt another shitty L4D clone.

I would love a good L4D clone, though.

>none of my friends are interested in this

I got a couple of months left to convince them, otherwise I'll just have to play online i guess but it's better with real battle brothers.

Only people knowing about this seems to be those already invested in the previous studio titles.

>I would love a good L4D clone, though

Vermintide was ok despite loot system being shit and the developers being slow as hell with pushing out content.

Fuck year. I'll have to give them 40 then. They deserve money. Unlike ubishits and or biowank.

Will it be as god fucking awful as Vermintide was?

Kill yourself

Streum On previously made the best WH40k game already, so I doubt it will be bad.

How is this game gonna be different from L4D? What kind of influences from EYE can I expect?

Limb damage. Left arm gets broken you can't use the weapon on it.

You can lock doors to control the genestealer approach vectors.

Environmental damage might be a thing? I can't say for sure but they show it in some of the vids.

Weapons look crunchy, the flamer actually seems to melt shit for example instead of being a damage over time bullshit like killing floor.

Remember anons
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

This weird dream again, déjà vu

>Tfw the 40K lore seems legitimately fascinating
>Tfw no one to play any tabletops with

could I read the Horus Heresy books and get away with it if I have a vague understanding of a lot of 40k?

Don't read that trash.

Read Eisenhorn to start if you must read 40K.

Shut up and take my money

Dead Men Walking is pretty nice if you want something without any hope. Really captures the "everything is lost" part of 40k.

Ciaphas Cain is my favourite but not sure if you should jump into that directly.

>retard makes a thread
>it's shit

Horus Heresy varies in quality, you might want to start with Abnett, Dembski-Bowden and McNeill are pretty good authors.

I need to scratch my warhammer itch, what should I play?

Tau still aren't out on battlefield gothic, they're my main

Is there a gameplay trailer? Cause this shit is coming out in November, but I yet to see anything new in terms of what they've made.

Can't find anything more new than this, i expected them to have some gameplay from gamescom but they only showed a trailer.

The Enforcer trilogy by Matthew Farrer (particularly the first one, Crossfire) are really good if you want a look at the basic society of the Imperium away from constant war. This is from the foreword to the collected edition, the author really gets that 40k is more than just Space Marines exploding things forever.

I'd also recommend the RPGs, but GW's killed them again.

>the 40K lore seems legitimately fascinating

maybe if you're 13 years fucking old

Its cyanide so I am certain they will fuck this up for me somehow.

>check the price
>it's the same as most other AAA releases
Bunch of fucking kikes.

Just play eye coop with them its dirt cheap on game key sites.

t. weebshitter

This is objective based. Think Payday 2 but with more focus on big levels to move through instead of defending drills.


is there a campaign or just multiplayer? is this one of those just keep going till you die or is there a set number of maps/ships?


This is what I've seen. Oh well. I'll just wait for it to release. See if they pulled it off and will my legs be OK by that point.

According to nofrag, the game is more about tactics than fps.

>no new earnable loot
>gameplay which will get boring after 4h
>being forced to play with absolute retards
>no guarantee of any content whatso ever after release
>he imply game is worth $60

what the fuck?


literally pic related

let's redpill Sup Forums


>people still using nofrag in 2016

Will there be loot in this game?
There's a loadout so I'm guessing yes.
Gotta have a hook somehow.

Given how small of a studio streum on is, they're probably using a lot of default UE4 scripts and physics.


kys yourself

>mfw there are retards writing off this game entirely because they're friendless losers with nobody to play with except AI


the is the most appropriate 40k quote.

>Inocents provs nothing!

Next time some one fucks up and says it wasent me.

Execute the fucker responsibel and the one who did not prevent it happening!

Dumping 40k

Who are you and why do you type like an orgryn?



When can we get units like these in a game?



Only if I get to stick my dick in this

soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi

>yfw the god emperor is as dead as Hilary Clinton.

>tfw you'll never be a Space Marine
>tfw you'll never crusade with your beloved Primarch and glorious Emperor
>tfw you'll never have a true and just purpose in life
>tfw you'll never be in the unwavering conviction of being in absolute righteousness
>tfw you'll never cleanse the galaxy of corruption

Man, I'd love to see something like that in a game.
Human elements and slice of life to contrast with all the grimdarknes, if only to make the setting more bitter-sweat.

That's some Slaanesh-level fuckery you're into there

Here, have this

>Where the fuck did you get this drill from, The Orks?

Dreadnoughts are typically soft inside.


she only got one tiddy

Every time I stumble upon this picture, there's always something new to discover.

Alright Sup Forums, you successfully got through the augmentation process to become a Space Marine and just got drafted to fight in the Great Crusade alongside with your battle brothers, your revered Primarch and the Emperor himself.
What's your theme as you enter the battlefield?
Keep in mind the Imperium is still untainted by its sins and the Horus Heresy didn't happen yet.
For me, that'd be

McNeill is mostly hit or miss

That's how Slaanesh rolls, I'm not even joking

This next image is just the same models from different perspectives, don't bother trying to piece together a story or whatever

is this the EYE Divine Cybermancy dev?

I never liked it. yeah sure the detail and the linework is nice but the anatomy and the proportions are fucked, it's like a beginner did the framework and then an experienced artist finished the drawing. It's god awful

SM a shit. Every second you spend worshipping the Emperor is a step further away from his Imperial Truth.

>maybe if you're 13 years fucking old

Pretty much this. If you take as over-the-top, super grimdark gonzo melodrama it's fine. If you take it seriously though you've got problems.

Space Marines do not worship the Emperor though. They admire him and recognize his achievements but they do not think he is a god. A lot of Space Marines alive were actually in service when the Emperor was alive and kicking.


That may be so, but imagine how funny it must be to Lorgar.

>Someone took the time to modify these models and make a rape scene

And somehow it's marginally fitting for the 40k universe


40k carefully avoids to mention anything about sex not to scare parents from buying figurines for their children so it is actually surprising.

Ditto. Take it as it is, "grimdark and edgy". Nothing more.

Not that it's stopping me from loving every silly thing about it though


When I was in my teens I was a Chaos Dark Eldar and Orks guy, and when the Tau and the Necrons came I thought they looked really cool.

In my adulthood though, the Imperium is really the only faction I care about. Heck, I sometimes even wish the more outlandish factions and elements were trimmed a bit in order to make the setting more suitable for real life war history analogies. Anyone else feel a similar way?

Because i am tin head!

I am sargent ogryn!

That makes sense to a degree, but as long as slaanesh exists, I'm sure they'll have some 'splaining to do.

My local hobby shop has a modified demon snake thing meant to portray a slaanesh demon and it has like 30 boobies of varying sizes. It's in a glass case, and any time a kid under 16ish comes in the shop, they go straight to it like there's some sort of magnetic attraction. The shopkeeper refuses to take it down because it's his most proud model

I must see this demon snake with boobies

Post pictures of that shit so I can praise Slaanesh later, faggot.

I'll make a thread on /tg/ tomorrow, I'll probably go there this afternoon.
Paint job is good, terrain is the best part of the model, also it's fucking huge.

Napoleon is my Emperor desu.
Well Space Marines are a blend of Crusaders, Templars and Janissaries. The Adeptus Custodes are the Praetorian Guard on steroids, the IG is basically WW1 infantry with different skins and commissars are Russian/French officers.
>General Mireau ordered his artillery officers to open fire on other french trenches to force them to rush the enemy trenches
>artillery officers refused the order
>all of them got executed for cowardice on the spot

Varies from chapter to chapter, first and second founding chapters (Black Templars) honor and admire him, later foundings might be more into worshiping.

>A lot of Space Marines alive were actually in service when the Emperor was alive and kicking.
Depends if you see a Dreadnought pilot truly alive anymore.

I refunded DE:MD for this

They made EYE, I have faith

>not praising Slaanesh on your own
That's really slothful of you.

It's the normal price for this type of game though.

Have you ever read a codex? The average space marine only lives around 2000 years, and it's been 11 thousand since the horus heresy. You would be right if you said that the chaos space marines from that era were still alive, but that's because they live in the warp. You really don't think that 11 thousand years of literally every level of society seeing the emperor as god didn't rub off on the supersoldiers he spent millenia engineering, especially after the ETERNITY that he lived naturally on earth, saving the entire human race several times from itself and outside threats, and then made it possible to actually navigate & colonize space and then unify every almost every shred of humanity in the universe into the largest empire in the galaxy?
Do you think maybe the primarchs thought something was up, when as soon as they naturally came to dominate their home planets (where the arrived accidentally to begin with), when a dude even bigger and badder than them showed up at exactly the right time to tell them he was their father figure?
The Emperor is revered as God and Saviour because even if he wasn't the emperor of the imperium of man, he would still be god and saviour. What else do you call an immortal being who is perfect in every way and is responsible for most major technological discovery and advancement in the entire fictional history of mankind in 40k.

I know matt ward is a piece of shit writer but seriously fuck off retard

I hope you meant Chaos Space Marines with that last sentence

My legs are okay

How would you even incorporate Malal into anything? Nigger needs his time to shine