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8 adp and proud!
adaptability was a mistake.
There's so much jiggling its unattractive. How do you make a game with too much jiggling.
Does someone else have the Ceaseless Discharge hitbox webm?
who the fuck would step up to manus with that little base health?
That is beyond pathetic. The fact that some """people""" actually play this """"game""""" fills me with disgust.
>Clear wave shock effects like gusts of winds and rocks being smashed
>hurr dis da same as DaS 2
>DaS 2 is good game I'm not just a shitposting contrarian
>hugs the mimic
>mimic grabs him
This game looks like utter shit;
>Clunky movements
>Absurd hitboxes
>Insane damage and even OHKOs
>The most simplistic combat ever
I assume the art is very good, maybe it has a decent story but the gameplay is garbage.
>inb4: get good lol
I want any soulsfaggot to try and beat every Onimusha at least on hard. They can't because those games require actual skill.
Nioh looks 1000000 better than this vomit.
Come on man, DSP is a moron but that was undeniably bullshit.
>click Sup Forums on accident and look for webm thread
>it's all Sup Forums webms
>wonder why nobody is bitching about off topic
>wonder why everyone is doing it
I hated DS2 but SotFS was great. Made up for almost all DS2 shortcomings
>hu-wuuuuuuuuuT? there was nothing I could do! bugged mimic mechanics fucking kojima man hahahahahahhahaha
Shut your face Cuck and embrace the Don
I'm looking forward to the absolute anal devastation that's going to go down on my Facebook
Settle down newfag and stop using the capslock.
>vibrating ground is supposed to do the same damage as a direct strike
Here take it you greedy faggot
See you in November, pal. I can't wait to read the constant denial and asshurt posts on Sup Forums all night on the 8th, and well into the morning on the 9th.
hahaha people actually want this dying old hag in office
>I'm not just a shitposting contrarian
I'm not but you certainly are.
I Agree. DaS games are really over rated as fuck.
Not a webm, faggot
>implying Hillary will survive to the GE
Please stop defending DS2 shitboxes.
Stop defending DaS1 shitboxes first.
>He doesn't understand that this was the plan all along.
Hilary is going to drop out of the race mid october, leaving the democrats without a candidate.
Obama will use this as an excuse to declare martial law, and start putting people in FEMA death camps
>Those values
O I am laffin
the face he makes cracks me up every fucking time
That's terror
I know this is bait, but even if this somehow did happen, the DNC would just pick a new candidate.
It would most likely be Tim Kaine, or maybe even Bernie (but I doubt it)
>Cowardly using ranged attacks
>Sees enemy charging up an attack
>Lets keep using these slow ass attacks, what could possibly go wrong
I know hitboxes are shit, but this clearly did hit and he's a fucking idiot for not dodging.
I mean if it's hard mode or something i understand but this is complete idiocy. I repeat the games might have a good plot and a good artistic direction but that gameplay is atrocious.
Both Metros were fucking amazing games.
>Weekend at Shillary's
You can literally see her feet get dragged on the ground after the fall. She rag dolled
wtf is going on here?
this scene never made any fucking sense
but ok, cinematic value i guess
jesus christ the inaccuracy hurts me.
WHy are they wearing no armor and fighting with katanas only? jesus...
spooky ghosts, the game implies that a lot of people never "died" There are a ton of bits like that webm.
I think those are the Ninja unit vs the Shinsengumi Police Force, so no armor for them I guess
Why is he so surprised? He looks like the type of faggot that never bothered understanding the stat system / RPG aspect of the game.
im pathetic but jesus christ i'll always feel better than weebs
how do you unironically or even ironically enjoy being pandered to like this
Looks fun. PC release when?
literally never, and that's a damn shame
>one shit game (DaS2)
>wow I hate this entire series
There is no "hard mode" on Dark Souls because the game design isn't babby sponge shit
How the fuck does someone die to that boss?Why is he trying to use lightning against a fucking boss?You literally circle around him, and he can't hit you.HE LITERALLY CAN NOT HIT YOU if you circle him.
He didn't even try to get out of the way
Your arguing hitboxes, and yet you concede that he should have been hit, and taken damage, but now your saying the amount of damage is the issue?What the fuck.
What.Why are people on Sup Forums against this?Is that real life?
goddamnit I fucking hate big dick mike
I took all my Battlefield 1 webms and made a supercut of them
Anybody doing facecam bullshit is going to overreact. They're half trying to put on a show every time something even benign happens. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't. Surprised, that is.
How come Dark Souls 2 is the highest rated Dark Souls game on Metacritic?
>Thereportoftheweek starts playing midway through
I did not expect that
>Attacks mimic one handed
>He upgraded the Cleric armor instead of the weapons
Is this even a video game? From what I understand it's just a bunch of lewd cutscenes, no actual gameplay.
good goyim, good!
tell them! the orgasm is evil, it must be suppressed. you are only allowed to receive sexual gratification from your designated mating partner, chandra, the 30 year old single mother. she will bear you a wagesla- er, i mean child
all other forms of arousal must be forbidden, god mandates it
Is this how your cope with your loneliness and your sexual misery?
What a neatly evasive way to scoot around all the arguments being presented and keep the argument on the level of schoolyard insults
I guess the brainwashing you're victim to doesn't come with a flowchart on what to do in this situation.
>says the "good goyim" dude
Another human vessel has outlived its usefulness, the reptilian will simply invade another vessel.
>people think this is gameplay
>people don't know this is on rails
Interactive movies, not even once.
Eat shit Jewdog, we see through Jewish lies and programming. I fuck your abrahamic god and his morality.