ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have others guess your favorite videogame
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have others guess your favorite videogame
Other urls found in this thread:
Bible Black
"I suck dick" the game. Also featuring your mom.
Wizardry 8
Cho Aniki
so..this is the power of Sup Forums
see if you can guess ^-^
Jesus christ, shave that shit.
Goat simulator?
underrated post.
Summertime High School. A Young Man’s Notes – How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Firend On The School Tour, Then For Some Reason Became Super-Popular With The Girls For His Daily Scoops On The School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, And What He Thinks As He Goes On Dates During His Summer Of Island School Life
Jesus i never thought a kids face photoshopped onto a neckbeard would be so terrifying
That's a man isn't he
Silent Hill
sick burn man.
Love Cat Life
Do not post photos of me in Sup Forums. Thanks.
Sorry for the shit quality
Who is that? qt as fuck
Last of Us.
please stop living in the past and buy some nu-male frames for your glasses
literally makes you look out of touch with the modern world
No, not everyone you think is attractive is a man, faggot
Street fighter
Resident Evil 5
me on the left
Do your worst
Bonus: guess what I'm drinking
Arcana heart, melty blood, and p4a
>Implying thats not literally the joke
Fucking retard
Street Fighter
no man's sky
Take a guess
"I keep this fedora-tier beard regardless that everyone looks at me like a jackass but I'm too retarded to realize that" the game.
You just play nigger.
Sometimes I wonder if Sup Forums can get any shittier.
Then it turned into /soc/, and now I understand that it can always be worse.
Attention whore simulator.
Also, to everyone ITT:
The 7th Stand User. Pretty good game and it is free.
feel when i will never have a naked teenaged girl do this to me
Depression Quest
you look like a d&d player desu
so that
Skyrim, Nord faction.
overwatch, League of Legends
Some peterpan level of girlyboy shit going on here which is is it?
Fuck you Tom York, your music made my sister kill herself.
>ass tattoo and that disgusting piercing.
No thanks.
Sounds like he did her a favor.
San andreas
he looks like a Saiyan, save for that inane Henry David Thoreu thing he's doing with his neck
animorphs the game
hyperdimension neptunia, persona 4, or senran kagura.
Fuck no
Overwatch is fun but not my favorite. I hate League for legit reasons.