Why don't people consider these horror games? I mean, yeah, gameplay wise, they're mostly ARPGs, but tonally...

why don't people consider these horror games? I mean, yeah, gameplay wise, they're mostly ARPGs, but tonally, thematically, and aesthetically, they're horror stories (Bloodborne especially) in medieval fantasy settings, soaked in dread and a fear of whats coming next (unless you're a shitter using a guide). Is it because horror is a dirty word people only associate with jumpscare shit like Five Nights at Freddy's and Outlast, and they don't want to associate something of quality with it?

Why would anyone care? Call them horror games if you want to. Their horror elements will be mentioned in relevent conversations if the comminity deems that appropriate.

Bloodborne reminds me of this Frankenstein film with De Niro

Bloodborne=Dark Souls>Demon Souls=Dark Souls III>Outlast>Dark Souls II>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Five Nights of Freddy

nobody cares faggot kys


Demon's and Bloodborne qualify at least.

Gamers are petty idiots who think a game has to literally frighten them and give them nightmares like they're ten years old to be horror which is why we have inane jump scare/hide and seek shit trying to set the trends now.

It reminds me a bit of Herzog's Nosferatu the Vampyre, though Vampire Hunter D is the most obvious comparison.

the horror movies that get mainstream success in the past 15 or so years are to blame too, what with it all being found footage jump scare fests like Paranormal Activity. The Witch was a breath of fresh air, but even some people are arguing that isn't horror because of the lack of jump scares.

Grimderp, like 40k.

Especially fucking bloodbourne and da3


it's more anime if anything

>dark souls
>not jumpscare material if defined as a horror
They throw shit at you from around corners and angles you dont suspect
>dragon comes out of nowhere to turn you into dust
>make a giant spider fall from the ceiling when you go pick up an item
>make slime monsters fall from the ceiling that instakill you when you go for an item
>chest suddenly eats you out of nowhere
>enemies charge at you from around a corner screaming as they do it
>pick up an item from a "dead" corpse and it screams at you when others in the world didnt
>enemies from across the scape suddenly burst charge right next to you instantly
>just like in jumpscares it most likely kills you instantly
If youre going to meme about DaS being horror, it literally is nothing but Jump scares.

Bloodborne literally is considered a horror games.

The other souls are considered high fantasy with horror elements.

>just turns into a tombstone, cheers and moves forward
I dont get it.

Dont forget the Tomb of Giants.

Because they are not horror games, as simple as that, OP. Fucking retard.


Horrors dont make you laugh when fighting enimies.

>know nothing about Bloodborne
>start playing it
>reach Unseen Village for the second time after Rom

What the fug
It was late in the night and this was not comfortable with these something sitting on walls

>why don't people consider these horror games?

Because PC Players will never be able to experience Bloodborne

Those things are in the main portion of Yharnam too, you just can't see them until after Rom or 40 Insight.


This has all sorts of unsettling implications.

>DeS that low

I agree with this

I was thinking this same thing the other day. Bloodborne definitely feels more "horror" than DaS games though. Seems darker (literally and metaphorically) and spoopier in general mostly because of the setting. plus in DaS your only light source is basically an ultrabright LED whereas in BB you get maximum spoop using just the hand lantern since you can just barely see ahead of your character.

Dark Souls 2 had a pretty fucked development, as did 1. Apparently after they found out they had 6 months left to finish the game they wanted a mountain in the background just behind the windmill for the transition to make sense but it just wasn't done on time. At least DaS1 seemed mostly complete despite everything after O&S being rushed and only about a third of what was planned for the second half.

>everything after Q&S
even the fucking Q&S zone feels like incomplete
>look at all those buildings! you can't go in any (remember we said if you could see it , you could go there? well it was a lie! thanks for your money retards)
>also hardly any npcs on the whole zone

The players in the weeb'em were just messing around. It's used to ambush/sneak by enemies in single player and PvP

To be fair From didn't have as much sway as they do now and Namco had no clue if Dark Souls was gonna bomb or if DeS was a one-hit-wonder so they weren't prepared to give them more than 18 months though Miyazaki was confident he could get more time (kind of like Kojima and Konami on a smaller scale).

fucking ANOR LONDO babby

You mean Another Yawndo

>implying it is in any way hard after the Archers, even then you shouldn't fail more tha nonce

well if youre that good, why aren't you a trillionaire by now??????????

dark souls is the ultimate hardcore hard hardcore game and you seem to be the best at it. why arent you a quadrillion already????