I'm 30 minutes into this and already bored as fuck, I hate how the battlefield is some weird side scrolling mess and combat overall feels slow and clunky.
Does this get better? I've played most of the Tales Of games, excluding the older ones. I was interested in trying out Legendia though I've heard it's considered pretty bad among fans, I'm starting to see why. Tales of the Abyss was a master piece compared to this, the first 30 minutes of Tales of the Abyss were great and I actually had 3 completed files on Tales of the Abyss. Hell, even Tales of Symphonia was better than this as well.
IF you really like the characters, the post-game is great because each character sort of has their own mini-quest arc. You are right though, combat, world design, etc. are a bit subpar for the series as a whole. So it's up to whether you feel like stomaching the rest of it or not, whether you like the characters that much.
Jaxon Roberts
I want to plow Chloe's sexy butt.
Owen White
I liked that it was 2d it reminded me of the older games. Also having a punching body slamming main character was a nice change of pace. The 2d nature of the game lets you protect your weaker characters easier than a 3d game would.
Overall I really enjoy it and I don't really give a fuck that people don't like it.
Caleb Gray
I'll probably at least try to get through the first two or three hours, though I don't think that's good enough for a Tales Of game. I should probably go AT LEAST ten hours before dropping it, but my reasoning is telling me if I'm not liking it now and it doesn't get better with in a few hours then I probably won't like it in the mid to late game.
I already said I hate the combat system and battlefield, though I'm still somewhat curious of the story and characters so that might keep me going perhaps.
Josiah Ortiz
My favorite in the series even if it is objectively among the worse. Favorite cast + the best OST in the series kept me going and it at least had an interesting story. The character quests really solidified the game as one of my favorites, but if you're not liking it now you might not like it later.
I still recommend playing through it since it's a great experience even if it doesn't have Abyss or even Symphonia type combat.