>alright class its time to go to the computer lab
Alright class its time to go to the computer lab
Other urls found in this thread:
>hey timmeys watching porn
Guys Roblox isnt blocked
>the computer lab isn't full of C64s
millenial detected.
Take your meds, grandpa
Icy Tower.
bloons tower defense 3 or bust
Time to play Age of War and Thing Thing on some random flash game website that wasn't blocked by my school.
Time to play fucking counter strike bitcheesss
One time even the teacher joined us, it was hilarious. Fucking cabal, shit language.
get out, millennial
>tfw someone installed AoE 2 on all the comps
>knew about emulators back in 02-03
>emulated mario 64 and f-zero 64 and other games
>everyone wanted to know how
>show them
>they never talked to me again
Well, at least i thought i was cool.
>eone installed AoE 2 on all the comps
Yeaah, check out this fucker
Also -93 here, what the fuck is counter strike a millenial game?
This was the best my computer lab could do back in elementary.
>someone put cs 1.6 on the school's storage network
Oh good time to learn literally nothing and dick around playing sneakily installed games all day.
In retrospect school computers probably didn't need to be powerful enough to run Quake 3, at least the non-AutoCAD ones.
It's time for Powder Game
>that one really hot girl who let out a really loud wet fart and blamed it on the fat kid
>Tfw all your friends had flash drives with good games on them
>Tfw you stopped because your friends games were better
Life is complicated.
>It's time for Powder Game
My high school computer lab was still full of late 90s tech in 2007.
I can still hear the fucking digitized computer bleeps
>Powder Game
>not Stick Ranger
10/10 goty
>freshman year computer class
>first week so they haven't quite gotten all the firewalls up and running
>buddy installs cs source and gmod on his comp
>plays them everyday
>teachers notices and tell him to stop
>threatens to take away computer privileges
>he keeps playing anyways
>teacher is a cuck and was bluffing
>never does anything to intervene after the first few empty threats
He passed the class with a B
Yeah, they should have spent extra cash that could have gone to the football team instead having people hunt around for older more out of date PCs to fill computer labs with.
>set friend's safari startup page to runescape
>he's too afraid to ever start safari for the rest of high school so always uses opera
He could have just muted it and quickly changed it at some point, but he was the type that took high school very seriously
I wonder what the fuck happened to my Lupe.
>Those classes were the teacher wanted to go around the room and have each person say something about themselves
Fucking hated doing that shit, you think those people cared what my hobbies were or what my favorite food/color were? Jesus, and don't even get me started on the time we had to play a name game where we would put some word in front of our name like
>Mighty Mark
>Super Sam
>Lord Larry
Fucking normies, only normies enjoyed doing that shit. It was the most cringeworthy shit I ever had to do, we had to do this in college one time. You make fucking college students do this shit? Come on now, I expected better of professors who told college students.
>School harsh with games on USB's, semi competent IT staff has blocked .exe files as well
>Trawl through pages and pages of sites looking for an unblocked flash game site
>Actually find one
>Guy sitting beside me notices
>Tells everyone
>Everyone else takes no care and immediately get caught
>Site is blocked
>Find another site
>Write 3 paragraphs about yourself
>write a paragraph of what you like about yourself the most
>as long as you got your work done and did not have the speakers on or used headphones you could play anything you want while the class was in the lab
>teachers flat out explained this multiple times
>people still tried to get other people in trouble for playing games
Just because you take five minutes to type up a single short sentence poking at the keyboard with your index fingers doesn't mean everyone is as slow as you are you dumb cunt.
>"After school club" has a PC with this game on it
>Everyone trying to complete it but nobody managed it yet
>Get very close to the end, only need to do one more vehicle
>Next day go to play
>Some little shit has deleted all the saves
>Name starts with M
>Said "mediocre M"
>None of my classmates knew that word
>Teacher scolds me for "causing trouble"
What a delinquent you were.
>find a way to avoid the site blocks
>guy besides you sees it and screams it for everyone to hear
>next day it doesn't work anymore
Never had computer class. Does that really exist or is it some free class you can take
>browse Kazaa and find good shit
>play with neopets
>play Math Blaster
I honestly cant think of anything good for N. Nimble? Naughty? Both of those would probably get me laughed at
>kids today get league and overwatch instead of warcraft 3 and CS 1.6
That shit too, forgot about that. And then they wanted you to share it with the class, I sometimes said
>"Yeah, I really don't have a lot to tell or say. I don't consider myself an interesting person, and I'm not ashamed to admit that."
And then everyone in the class just awkwardly looked away from me, or someone would cough and then the teacher would be like
>"Oooookayyyyy, well thanks user."
I wanted to say "See, this is why you don't do this. This is why it should be optional to introduce ourselves, but instead you decided to awkwardly make us do some primary school introduction ritual in college." Stupid bitch
No one in your class knew the word "Mediocre" or what it meant? What grade was this? I thought the people at my high school were retarded, but that's just sad.
>be in ICT class
>used to fuck around on computers cause the work was easy and I could complete it quickly
>one time my friend next to me would leave a lot
>went into the options of the computer and found sound prompts
>changed all the sounds to "tada"
>kept doing it to other computers over the next few weeks or so
>literally all the computers you would go on would play that sound whenever they did anything, start up, open a program, minimize a window, etc
>teachers had no idea what the fuck to do and thinks it's a virus
>pretty much all the computers I could reach in the school (maybe about 60 or so) now did this until the end of the year when they got new computers
>tfw computer 'lab' was an apple with a black and amber monitor that took eight minutes to boot and grunted slowly away on floppy discs
spoiled, the lot of ya!
>teacher asks why the Cold War had that name
>girl says "It's because Russia is cold, right?"
Granted that i'm not american and the Cold War didn't affected us as much, but still...
>Jesus, and don't even get me started on the time we had to play a name game where we would put some word in front of our name like
Fuck me, thank God I never had to do this shit in my school. Is this an American thing?
Hell, my name begins with a K. What the fuck could I put before my name? Kangaroo?
Fuck thats good
It's time
Wew lad that's hilarious
>Is this an American thing?
my nigga
>that one kid who did his report on video games or anime and was naive enough to believe that nobody would laugh at him for it
>he did it multiple times
>that one MEGA autist who would write their own anime/videogame fanfic in English and read it out loud to the class
Autists never learn. You feel bad for them, but ultimately it's their own fault.
HoMM3, here we come
>Name started with R
All I could think of was rambunctious.
I fucking hated that stupid game.
Mine begins with G.
I can hear the normies saying "Gay".
This happened last semester during my final semester of college.
>Be me
>Class goes to tech writing lab
>All the computers are Macs
>Sit down at a computer to login
>Enter my information and try to login
>Wheel spins for few minutes
>I start to notice all my classmates have started on the assignment and I'm falling behind
>Decide to go to another computer
>Try to login and the same thing happens
>Go to another computer and try to login
>Still runs slow and freezes
>Notice half of the computers are shut off with signs saying "Not Working"
>At this point I'm livid and about to have an autism attack
>Go up to the stacy idiot girl working the lab
>Tell her that none of the computers are working, they're slow and unresponsive
>I'm steaming mad and she just stares at me like I'm insane.
>Doesn't know how to fix the computers or what to do so she just tells me to keep trying
>Walk away saying "Pathetic"
>Professor can tell I'm upset and tries to calm me down
>Eventually log on and finish my assignment
Yeah, this actually happened. And this is also why I will never buy a Mac, pieces of shit all of them. You people paid $2000 for a glorified paperweight that isn't even good at what Apple claimed it was good for, you just had to be apart of the new trend.
>every computer class my schools offered starting from the first year of middle school to 12th grade was just learning to type on home row keys
>that's it, nothing else all year every year
I mean on the bright side my wpm is pretty fast. But still, for what purpose? I remember during my senior year of high school, which was 09-10, having to explain to other students what fucking Microsoft Word is and helping to teach them how to use it when an assignment required being typed and printed. They had no concept of it at all.
Fuck year time for some Bugdom
saved familia
>make one of those self replicating .BAT bombs and put it on a few of the computers
>Change it's icon and name to Microsoft Word
>mfw they put up sticky notes on those computers for the remainder of the years I was at that school saying "DO NOT USE MS WORD ON THIS COMP"
>All this autism
this has to be bait
>That one kid that installed doom to the school server and ran secret underground death match servers at lunch time
It's not bait, this actually happened and I guess I should be thankful everyone in my class was too busy doing their assignments and talking with each other to see me have a meltdown.
My professor could tell I was frustrated though, and she even told me that the computers in that lab were never in good condition or working.
i'm just gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're trolling
>teacher reads out the classlist and mispronounces every single fucking name
>my second name sounds like a girl's name when you don't pronounce it correctly
>class always laughs at you year aftet year
Eventually I just stopped giving a shit but god damn that was annoying. Especially with one of teacher that couldn't say my name even after three fucking years so I just started to purposely mispronounce her name as well.
What is your last name?
There really isn't much you can do to fix a problem like that, that's something likely only done on a sysadmin level unless you can do it doing an operator level effort; if it's a kernel panic literally the only thing you can do is turn off and turn it back on. The professor nor you can do much else you fucking autismo.
I even admitted I wasn't trolling/baiting but believe what you want, I was there, it happened.
I have no reason not to tell the truth, I have no shame at this point.
I played this on the computer at the fucking public library when I was 6 years old and I haven't thought about it since, holy fuck.
I don't even remember what the point was, I was just happy to be playing a video game.
I'd rather not say that now but it's an Italian name and a pretty famous pop singer also has the same last name if that helps you.
Maybe the college should use it's insane amount of wealth to buy decent computers or get IT to come in and fix them, they shouldn't run like molasses in the winter. Also it's pathetic that half of them were shut down for technical reasons, don't defend the Mac, it's garbage.
I bet you own one, please tell me how your novella is coming along while you sit at Starbucks and pretend to be the next Shakespearean writer, faggot.
anyone have A10 Cuba? never learned the controls but it was fun and had multiplayer
>that time I got in an argument with my teacher in front of the entire class because she tried telling us that america was atleast 1 million miles long
>that teacher that called me gay and useless for missing too much school
>that black kid who hated the teacher so much that he skipped school, broke into her house, stole her dog then came back to class and lit the dog on fire
great times at public school
>All this autism
jesus christ user i'd send you to but they'd probably send you to /ic/
>>that black kid who hated the teacher so much that he skipped school, broke into her house, stole her dog then came back to class and lit the dog on fire
kek what the shit
>that black kid who hated the teacher so much that he skipped school, broke into her house, stole her dog then came back to class and lit the dog on fire
Hold the fuck up.
>>that black kid who hated the teacher so much that he skipped school, broke into her house, stole her dog then came back to class and lit the dog on fire
Fucking brutal.
They got Macs because of some shitty contract but I guarantee you this is not a Mac-specific issue as this happens both on linux and windows as well in that environment. Chances are, IT knows about it and are either researching the issue, looking at it from the backend, are too busy with other issues, or any combination of the three.
Holy shit kid you need to grow up and learn that things in the real world will not happen as they should in a perfect world.
>This post
We had PC's in our library that run perfectly
Checkmate Macintoshfag, the library was even a high traffic area and still ran great. Why don't you grow up and realize that you have a shit taste, maybe then you'll start seeing the light.
>not a single mention
You're all a bunch of faggots.
>miss i can't think of a name
>what about Nimble Nathan?
>okay miss...
I was a fat fuck
>someone revs up dagobah.net
>full volume NIGGERS
>flat screen monitors
Nigga my school had IBM's with the original Oregon trail
What the fuck is fuck year? Is it the year you finally fucked someone? is it the year when most people fuck for the first time? please explain user. Is this an American thing? (assuming you're American)