My Version of Communism - TTC thread

>What is The Tomorrow Children?
The Tomorrow Children is a new online game on PSN made by the same people that made the PixelJunk series. It's a game that has you play as a qt revolutionista who is tasked to bring back the former glory of the gommie nation before it was blown up by kaijus who keep fucking up your village. Has some RPG elements thrown in with exploration/crafting and it also has a neat election system that gives your town some perks.
>Do I need to buy the Early Access Title in order to play the game now?
Yes, but you can also wait until it comes out as an F2P game for PSN.
>How many people are playing so far?
5k. Mostly Japanese.
>What village is Sup Forums's?
Either Mulcow or Yoskar. We should probably migrate to a deserted town so we can build some dick towers around our kibbutzes.

Anyways, I've been playing this game since it came out a week ago and I now know how to kalinka.

How's everyone else enjoying the game so far? I don't mind spending $20, especially with how fucking difficult it's been to find Freeman dollars lying around.

Other urls found in this thread:

ps4 was a mistake

Its lacking in content

Were any of the PixelJunk titles released for the PC? If so, I wouldn't be surprised to see TTC out for the PC. It's a lot fun and the game would be amazing on PC.

How so? Town expansion, craft building, leveling up your character, and blasting vinyl kaijus invading your glorious nation not enough content for you? It's still a new game, but there's events that happen in the game while you're playing and I'm sure that the devs are going to roll out updates since they've been working on this title for like 5 years.

not that user but it's fun and comfy as fuck, however i'm afraid it might get boring pretty soon, like Animal Crossing for example. Luckily though, TTC has much more freedom than AC, and there's a much larger chance to surprise you because of the online aspect. i dunno, but so far it's pretty cool, especially for a free game.

>Tis Tomorrow Ciildrei

I just wish there were more people from Sup Forums playing on it, that way we can coordinate a fistpumping session to max out our characters. It's a pretty stupid bug in the game, but I think it might've already been patched.

I'm not worried about it getting boring, but everyone who's playing it is from Japan and aren't very fun to play with.

$1 has been put into your account, kishimoto.

thanks sterling

Are you some trolling retard or an actual brain damaged shill?

Really hard to decide if I should wait for it to be f2p in december or not. I read negative things about this game, but I liked what I saw.

>e-drama involving jim sterling

I literally, figuratively, metaphorically couldn't care fucking less.


>early access survival mining crafting
>I don't mind spending $20
I think you should try harder autist.

Fucking frog posters



What the fuck is wrong with you, faggot?

I honestly think TTC is a fucking great game, it really needs more attention from Sup Forums so I can have you guys play with me ;__;.

I played the beta and fucking loved it. But because i'm a loser, i bought paragon 59.99 thats right, 59.99 fuck me, right? And i dont have a job so i cant buy it right now. I've got a paragon code for a "friend" but id rather have this game...anyone know a site i can trade this code? I loved TTC and want to give them money instead of getting its when its free

>literally no mans sky but much uglier with even less to do
>early access
>goes f2p anyway
you should shill harder

Buy a banner, Dylan

try harder, see

My post was genuine. I need money to buy this game.

>buying paragon
paragon was free, though.

I got it when it first came out. Its fun, for a while. But i dont make friends, so this code is usless to me. I know its free, but i dont like getting things for free. Im not going to get into it, so help me help the tomorrow children. Its got potential. And i want to give them money. Its what i do. You spend money. You dont horde it. Just give me a damn site.


this is an example of why liberals shouldn't be allowed to touch things and have any sort of input in anything

>tfw wish i was qt proleteriot loli doing the kalinka with other qt girls

although not vitas, the music is brilliant

So far it looks like No Man's Sky where spaceships are replaced with cute girls and communism

I think there's an "end" to a session of some sort? When you rebuild a city? How is that measured exactly?

why compare it to nms? this game's art direction is exponentially ahead of anything nms could have ever produced and the most original looking game so far on the PS4.

i seriously hope the game doesn't get ruined from it becoming p2p

>this game's art direction is exponentially ahead of anything nms could have ever produced

pretty sure there will be much more people once it gets F2P. i'm only playing it now because i got a review copy, don't think i would buy it since i'm saving money for games like The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2

>why compare it to nms?

>mine resources
>fill the quota
>mine more
>mine more
>manage storage
>mine more

This is the basic fundamental part of these two games, which is why it's so easily compared

You might ask why isn't it being compared to something like Minecraft, that would be because Minecraft actually has a huge building component, where mining/gathering is only a part of the game, not the entire premise

you need to reach the limit of the Matryoshka people population, i think that's 500, then the game just sends you to another town.

what's so funny? are you saying nms had better art than ttc? if you are, you're wrong.

this game looks like ass

how come?


>Gommie propaganda


>bootlicker who can't in2 parody thinks communism boogeyman is still for real
ted cruz, you can't have my delegates

>trying hard to bump the thread


>baiting for replies
try harder retard

>Tis Tomoyayaosh Siildyaei

>that kid who worshipped e-celebs

Nobody cares, you underaged faggot.

try harder retard
>looking for posts to bump the thread
you pathetic worthless shill

take your meds, billy.

Actually, real communism has never been tried before.

explain mao zedong, fidel castro, stalin, and kim jong then. please.

nice one shill
>trying to turn it into a pathetic communism discussion
the game still sucks

Was the means of production in the hands of the workers? Then it wasn't communism.

you've been increasingly more desperate to yell out shill, but there's genuinely a conversation happening about this game because people actually like the tomorrow children and communism.

they probably believe that being in the first to review he was just trying hard. Then they got red pilled by all the other reviews that agreed with him

Do you need PS+ to play this shit?

I love this game, but I doubt Sup Forums will care for it.

Not enough shooty shooty slash slash

>Tfw your comrades salute you after saving the town from a kaiju



What's wrong, boy?

It seems someone is jealous that this isn't out on their system

Golden face.jpg

try harder

maybe you should have used the 5 years to add some actual gameplay instead of just working on graphics

You bit so it's obviously true that is your problem with it. Don't worry,you may get it one day. Most likely not though.

you're trash kid, you think you can outmeme the best here in this thread? reality check: this ain't reddit, this ain't 9gag, this ain't your facebook wall. you can't just "like" your own posts and expect to hear your echo, so you might as well get used to being called out for the stupid simpletom you are here, simpleton. let me take a guess, is this your first day on Sup Forums? if it is you better learn the ropes here and fast, kid. you won't make out alive outside this thread and i'm a god for treating you this nice because any 4channer worth his salt would tear you to shreds. you're probably wondering why I haven't torn you into shreds, well, I guess you caught me on a good day, so it's your lucky day. consider yourself warned that your next shitpost here on Sup Forums might be the last post that will cement you as the loser you truly are.

get lost, kid.

is this the most obvious shill thread in Sup Forums history?

Who gives a shit. Is there porn of the game yet or not?

that would be MNS threads


stopped reading.

>Being this paranoid
>Shill buzzword

Neck yourself, lad.

Man no sky

Nice strawman meme

What did you guys spend your freeman dollars from the early access on? I had no idea that the shit was so hard to get later in the game that I just started breaking people out jail all the fucking time. I ran out of the jet pack now and getting gommie dollars in the game is fucking hard after a while.

who wants to play right now and help me out?

What's the best item to spend it on?

What's the difference between comrades and population in a town?

You should spend it on the inventory upgrades and the vehicle license. Literally the only worthwhile things to spend it on.

>every disappointing game at release is now "No Man's Sky"
Fucking retards

try harder autist

nurse outfit for your russian loli obviously

It's the Tortanic effect all over again, now every game has to be the new NMS.

TC might be shit but it shares nothing with NMS, it barely had any hype, it wasn't pushed by Sony, I don't recall the devs outright lying to the camera..

Stay in your retarded mindset.

Why is this not in /vg/

Also the tommorow children is p2w shit that is designed to be unfun so the communist theme makes sense

>some rpg elements thrown in

Been having tons of fun in it. I love the graphics and how the islands are all weird and shit.
Fucking sushi and onions falling from a book.


its almost like in no man sky where you do pointless gathering until you travel to a different planet

Good ol times in my commie block
Toil for money only to realize you have nothing to spend them on

I want to invest into orange smuggling cartel and fake dollars again

how is it p2w? there's nothing singular about the game and it's more geared towards the cooperative experience than the individual's experience. you can't WIN without the help from your comrades in the game.

>TC might be shit but it shares nothing with NMS
gameplay and procedural generation you faglord

>how is it p2w?
pay to grind faster is the same shit shitlord

islands aren't procedurally generated, they're just randomly generated.

>there's a grind in ttc
lol have u even played the game?

pay to win = you win against players by buying shit.

This is pay to contribute more.

you can buy better pickaxes and shit

the delusion

>How can it be p2w if no pvp
>If you won the lottery its not winning because you dont kill anyone

how is that p2w?
does anyone know how long the black market sale is going on for btw? also, have they patched the xp glitch from saluting with a group of people?

Pay 2 win is only an issue when you are beating other players in something.

Why would you care if there is pay to progress faster in a game literally about co-operation. You get something out of other people paying.

Its retarded.

Imagine being in a group of 5 people in voice chat

2 guys are mining like beasts because they paid for better picks

3 guys are taking waaaayyy longer

Just the act of socializing in this environment would lead the 3 taking more time to do everything to feel un motivated

Cooperation is good if you all have something you can bring to the table

If your the retard contributing nothing you still feel like a retard unless you actually are a retard and dont play games you just idle in them as chat rooms

Yeah, I think they fixed the boosting. I loved launching rockets into those groups though. It was hilarious watching them all fly away.

>shooting rockets in town
>actually hurting anyone
>not getting immediately sent to the gulag

Then be a townfag maintaining the town, building things and storing the goods that come in.

Oh so if you are worse at a game about co-operation you would get demotivated and blame your team-mates for doing better?

Jesus christ only on Sup Forums can you find whitebois like this.

Can you max your characters stats or do you only get so many points? I'm only level 4.