"gg ez" - Can we not?

"gg ez" - Can we not?
I really wish this wasn't a thing. I have no idea where this has sprung from, nor why people think it's a great idea to type this at the end of a match they've just won, but there's literally no good that can come from gloating after a win.

People say it when they steamroll another team. People say it when they've barely won a game. People say it when teams seemed fairly balanced. Sometimes, people even say it when they've lost!

Sure, there are some players who say it ironically, or just for fun, but a lot of observers don't get the joke and just parrot the term when they next win a match.

All it does (and is designed to do) is to infuriate the other team, and creates a shitty atmosphere for all involved. Even exploiters, name-callers, ninja-quitters and angst-ridden shouty teammates are less cancerous than the "gg ez" crowd.

Can we just... Not?

Other urls found in this thread:


mei is fat

Where did you get this pasta from?


taunting and gg ez are made to tilt people, it makes it a lot easier to win games if the other people are tilted.

"This dog is worth eating" -Mei

>Can we not?
Sounds like tumblr to me.


how can 4 letters cause so much butt devastation?

You realise that has been patched out and your bait is beyond stale right?


>another thread meming the fatso

I don't know why people are so sensitive to online text. Being here on Sup Forums ought to give some perspective that people have no filters when writing remarks

Oh look, it's an episode of - I got destroyed on a video game and now my feelings are hurt

>Can we just...Not?
You talk like a millennial girl, so we can and we wim.

I never got "gg ez". it makes no sense.
An ez game isn't a good one.

You fucking retards

mei is not fat

An niether are you ;)

gg ez


wtf I hate gg ez now

>they censor GG EZ
>so I say GG LOL instead

Wow sick censoring blizzard. The only people who say GG are assholes anyways.


I want to cuddle with Mei and tell her I love her!


It's bait you mongrel. That's why you're fucking retarded

Isn't it just the new teabagging?

Just like your fat bitch waifu

mei has the most punchable face in overwatch

You are going to hurt my feelings user.

Pretty much. It came from assfaggots where you couldn't teabag. But the retards don't get that and think teabagging is "epic lulz" whereas "gg ez" is rude

at least ggez doesnt involve testicles

maybe children and people these days are just too easily intimidated and insulted?
maybe you should grow thicker skin?
maybe you should try taking the game seriously enough to get mad at the people you play with?

it's a bad warning sign about your personality if things like this happen to you because of a game

fucking weak-willed scrub

copy pasted from reddit but I'll respond anyway

I love GG EZ. I also love elementary school bullies. They're perfect parts of society. You need to learn to be thick skinned - It's better to start thickening the skin at an early age when the force against you is harmless. Internet bullying is the same way - sticks and stones etc etc.

GG EZ is perfect because it takes zero effort to type or say, it's completely unoriginal and thus even more effortless, and it gains a response with no effort required (or does not gain a response, in which case no one cares). Literally the best kind of insult is the one thrown out with no thought involved because it gives the least amount of thought/respect to the person being insulted / offended/ etc etc

Yes, and spoiled baby modern teenagers/young adults can't handle it. They weren't bullied enough in school and now they're the biggest pussies the world has ever seen. I wanna find these fucking faggot redditors and dunk their head in the toilet. This is why society needed bullies. GROWN MEN are crying over "gg ez" over a fucking child's video game. GROWN MEN

I'm ice cold, like your bitch ass nigga mei

gg ez thread

how do I get better with Mei?

people freeze the fuck out of me but when I do it they never stay frozen for me to shoot them with icicles.

Mei is not a bitch ass nigga, she is a small cute Chinese girl.



>six gorillion upboats
Thanks for reminding me why Reddit is cancer.

ugh, like, I literally can't even

can we just not?

like really. really really. could you NOT

gg ez

This. She just has large jiggly bones


Good game! Best of luck to you all!

Can you not be an asshat and stop projecting?

mei looks just like my gf and it makes me happy!

Haha look at the fatty cry!

>only 7 images
come on, slackers. we all know why this thread was started


Mei is bae

my images of mei arn't safe for work user

I want to hug and kiss Mei's insecurities away.


>>six gorillion upboats
>Thanks for reminding me why Reddit is cancer.
I don't really use Reddit what's gilded

yes and?

Admit you have a shit ass waifu


Slightly pudgy girls with love handles are my fetish.
Too bad all I can ever seem to find ones that are too skinny or morbidly obese.

her tits are pretty damn fat famalam

I don't want to get banned


He's right about one thing. Even if it doesn't make anyone mad, it still sours the mood for both sides. Why bother?

I predominately play on PC but feel like playing PS4 beta for a few minutes. Anyone here wanna play a few games?

You realise if mei isn't fat, then you will never get an outfit of her even slightly unclothed because that would require a new mesh?

I defintely remember a pasta like this about gender from tumblr.

Somebody find the original?

You know competition sours the mood. I guess we should just make a hand holding multiplayer simulator instead

Literally in the thread twice retard

She has a fine ass actually

Not compared to the others.

Competition and good sportsmanship is uplifting. GG EZ is pretty much the definition of bad sportsmanship, whether with the intent to rile up the other time or just because you're a shithead. Cute strawman attempt, though.

other team*

They are usually the splurges that complain their teammis shit too

How about stop being such an ass-pained faggot over words?

Super upboats paid with cash money

Feel free to point it out cause I see no such thing.

Yall motherfuckers just cant handle banter

But that means we'd stop fishing out the retards who fall for obvious baits like yourself


>Sours the mood on both sides
Not the winning side, no.

gg ez

God when did everyone get such thin skin, I mean honestly if it's that bothersome to you just ignore it or just report it

Can't it just be genuine sportsmanship, respect for the opposing team even though you beat them?

gg ez

>Bad sportsmanship can be summed up in four letters

You sound like a fag desu

For all the other people on your team who actually thought a good game was played, you saying gg ez will more often than not make them dislike you. I know I've felt that way more than a few times.

Ur a pussy KYS

It's funny I saw gg ez used more after they tried to censor it

Best shit I've read in a week.

I'd paste this in my facebook, if I didn't get sjw'd my head off.

I've never seen something like that before.
Then again I never say anything after a match either.

>all these people telling me to kill myself
Wooooooow I can't believe a post calling out these babies would upset them so much.

>it still sours the mood
Which is bad because?

gg ez

>play tennis
>at the end of the game, instead of shaking my opponent's hand, laugh and say "easy"

Hi dsp

If "GG EZ" ruffles you, just fucking kill yourself because life is a lot tougher than that. You have to be exaggerating. It should motivate you to do better in a videogame.

This isn't real life where the problems are uncertain and unknown. It's a fucking video game. Stop whining like a vagina.

>no one saw the change 2 patches ago
Everyone is seriously this fucking stupid?

these are borderlne unacceptable

barely okay

these are horrible, please stop posting. Mei is canonically a big woman and posting some idealized bullshit when you have a ton of other thin characters is not.

can someone post proper big mei instead?

>there are ow players in this thread that didn't know about the gg ez filter

>do you even play the game, go type it right now, it gets filtered

>this makes me want to spam it more


gg ez