>two head shots as reaper and you fall down

Playing as Reinhardt is a real pain. Please do your Reinhardt and play as Ana so he can get in on the glory fighting rather than just being a shield

>pin you against a wall and you fucking die

>implying I can't side step
>implying any rein doesn't try to cower behind their shields

>Playing as Reinhardt is a real pain

Quit playing with shitty teams. A Rein with a Lucio or Zen at his side is crazy strong. The problem people have playing Reinhardt is they play way too defensively with their shield up all the time. If you come out swinging Reinhardt is one of the best heroes in the game for driving the other team back. His ult is also a potential team leveler. I'd put it on the same level as Zarya's ult.

>play reinhardt
>put up shield and everybody aims for it destroying it
>i put up a shield and the enemy team flanks and kills me
>charge and pin an enemy and they survive and kill me

I seriously can't use this character at all. I always die before I can do anything. Is he just not meant for attacking?

Rein is literally gamesense: the character

You have to know when to charge, when to hold back, when to follow and swing, where attacks are going to come from, where your counters are, where your supports are, and where your dps is when you have ult up.

Mechanically he almost plays himself, but it takes some experience to get a sense of when to do what.

Reinhardt while being the local man won't have a good time without a team playing around him.

Yes, you can't sidestep a blind charge because the cunt's hitbox is the size of a bus

Charge needs a fucking rework so it's not instant-kill bullshit you can cast blindly and be rewarded for

>it was a hologram

>teleports behind you
>shoots you twice in the head
>"heh, that was easy". Nothin personell, kid"
>wraith-forms away like a little biiiiiiiiiiitch

>"heh, that was easy"
Do you mean
>"It's past my bedtime. Please don't tell my mommy."

You can if you know how to predict and even then if you know they are going to do it you also have the option of phasing


>tfw baiting people around corners into charge pins

best feeling in the world.


Why is she always angry?

> step around blind corner coming out of spawn
> ! PINNED !

this is the type of shit im referring to; blind charges

You must be the biggest fucking scrub to ever walk these threads if you're actually complaining about charges.

Especially since you can JUMP to avoid getting pinned entirely.

> jump into charge
> ! PINNED !
> die


Nope *walks thru ur """shield""" and kills u*

^ This. I've got a couple friends who claim "Reinhardt is the most braindead boring character to play". Literal what

You're honestly making Rein seem way more complicated than he actually is. It's basic common sense when you should shield and when you should go out swinging. Going for a charge comes down to who is in your direct line of sight, semi close, and who you know you can kill on a direct hit.

His ult is obvious. Wait until you have a bunch of enemies in your LoS with nobody shielding them (Another Rein) and just fucking do it. It charges pretty fast so even if nothing comes of it, at least you had a crack.

>basic common sense

A scary about of people don't have this though.

Not anymore.

63hz servers are being rolled out as I type this. No more getting pinned around corners or after I've already activated my ice block.

She looks pretty happy to me.

It's barely common sense. If someone is in range of your swing you should be swinging. It really is that simple.

>everyone else enjoyed the round while it felt exhausting playing Reinhardt

Rewarding but still exhausting.

Lucio is more exhausting desu. Especially when you spend the entire match stalling the payload/dancing around the point.

The burden you carry is great, but valuable.
You carry the whole useless fucking team.

Does anybody have a webm of that scene from the Bastion cinematic where Rein (or at least another crusader) is showing off superior german engineering?

pfffffttttt shhh


Stop being stupid. He's valuable, but depending on who's playing him, he can be amazing or complete shit. The only carry in the game is Lucio because he's basically a fucking tank/healer spliced into one hero, while still being able to do damage and also having a pretty decent fuck off ability with his push.

try playing koth tracer
the adrenaline is too much for me, can't handle more than 3 games in a row

I've found that without a decent Reinhardt pushes will rarely happen. So much fucking stalemates.

>lucio is a tank
I don't even.
You mean he's a distraction? That's different.
>he hasn't been carried by a Reinhardt blocking ults and going ham on squishy faces


No, he's a tank. He can tank ENORMOUS amounts of damage if he keeps his heal on and amps it up whenever possible. I've won so many matches with Lucio because of his absolutely ridiculous ability to stall payloads and stay on points in overtime.

Then you've been playing against shitters. Who the fuck even has problems hitting a Lucio on healing boost? Korean speed boost Lucio is the real danger.

I'm 2800 and as Lucio you can dance around a payload for an age with heal amp as long as you know where the other team is shooting from

m8 I'm sitting in diamond at 3200 (approx). I'm not playing with shitters.

I'm 100% sure that healing yourself as Lucio works wonders for you, but that does not make him a tank in any sense. Is Genji a tank when he reflects?

Again, a distraction. He dies to focus fire in an instant.