Why do you play video games?

why do you play video games?

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Because i highly prefer interactive media over passive media.

Because that's a lot of money to invest in a Sup Forums machine

because I loathe fun

because it's fun

because Anhedonia claimed everything else that I enjoyed in life and I'm just constantly wasting my time on the last thing I remembered honestly enjoying.

Sometimes I chuckle. Sometimes I smile.
That's enough to get me by.

because i hate myself.

According to Sup Forums right now:
>for reddit tier memes
>and anime tier waifus

Might as well ask here.
How comfertable is the 3ds xl to hold compared to the 2ds? My roomate has alot of games I can borrow but I hated how small the the 2ds felt in my hands.

People will say different things but the truth is, you will never know until you actually hold it. So go in store and try it

To feel like my life matters and I've done something worthwhile.

Because I have no life.

If someone paid you to make an image like that, which modern vidya protagonists would you include?

because it's all i have left?

Because I hate modern society and they hate radicals like me.


Why the fuck would you ever buy that child-proof piece of shit? 3D or no, the standard 3DS or XL is much better.

Am i the only one here that hates being called a gamer?
I feel like its seen as this stereotypical term like nigger

B/c TV is a joke and outside sucks


I know dude, that word is just dumb. I like watching films and reading books too so I guess I'm also a filmer and a booker

Have the same feeling when it comes to watching films and being called a film buff
I fucking hate it so much

Because everything else is boring need to spend my time on something.


because it's entertaining, keeps my mind busy from reality, and most of the time it's better than doing anything else i do, which is really nothing sadly. all i do is play games.

I don't

>Geralt made it on to one of these stupid shits
Not sure if I should be glad, sad or mad.

Because I have nothing to do in my free time, now I live in a city and I feel like it's meaningless to hang out, in the end there's nothing new to do in a city, before I used to live in farmlands and I never, NEVER stayed in home more than 2 hours in my free time, excluded in rainy days, when I got in home before I used to go to sleep 10 pm because I was always in movement with my friends

Because it's one of only two things that can keep my emotions somewhat stable so that I don't actually have the psychotic breakdown I'm constantly on the brink of having. The other thing is compulsive eating, which is bad for my weight and my teeth, so obsessive gaming is preferable.

>Labels affect me
>i actually take labels into consideration, they make me mad

Pure, refined, military-grade autism

Because I hate them.

>The other thing is compulsive eating, which is bad for my weight and my teeth, so obsessive gaming is preferable.
i guess i don't have a strong enough willpower. because when playing games i always end up eating. i'll get a ton of food and just eat it before playing watching the static screen, when i had my brain plan to eat it gradually while playing. and i also stop to go eat something usually when i complete something

It's the only thing I'm good at in life ;_;

I use them to get my mind away from the constant though if suicide.

I don't, I read Sup Forums

They're cool man

I can run into the same problem sometimes, especially because I have a tendency to keep whole bags of snacks just sitting around near my computer.

The thing about me, though, is that I have a very obsessive personality. If I can get myself obsessed with a game, I can play it for hours at a time and barely eat anything for days. On the other hand, if I fail at that, I'll get obsessed with eating instead and just be constantly snacking on unhealthy stuff. So it's kind of an all or nothing thing for me.

I think it's because the people who unironically use the word "gamer" are usually associated with the type of people Sup Forums hates.

highly interactive
relatively cheap

To hide from my crushing depression and thoughts of suicide

Not memeing

ha! faaag!

i would say i'm the exact same. i remember playing through some games in the past years that i played non stop and didn't care about eating. but that's because i was so into those games and the feeling doesn't last. i'm trying to get my diet straight this week before i go on a hell trip with dnp so i could lose the weight before winter.

>neighbour hood is dangerous AF
>havent got a job yet

thats it really

To forget that I am alive.

They're the best at distracting me. During movies and documentaries I can drooze off and start thinking about my shit, but vidya keep me focused and I don't get to overthink thorough things.

I play video games since I was 6 years old. (22 now)
At first I only played for fun.
Then I realized:
>why play outside in the hot sun or in the cold when you can play inside where it is always comfy?
>why meet up with people that turn out to dislike me when you can be at home where you can be alone?

So today I play for fun, to have it comfy and to avoid people.

i've been playing video games since i was 1 and i am 21.

>guy comes near you
>"dude! are you a gamer too?"
>ask him about his favorite game
>"dude Ff15 and Fallout 4 are the best games ever made!"
>derail the conversation to avoid sperging out over explaining him him why he has shit taste
I don't mind labels, the people who are associated with them do

i have been playing games since i was inside my mothers stomach.

your mom has some sick fetishes. you literally played your fucking game boy micro with sonic battle in your mom

It's a desperate attempt to distract myself from my rampant depression and constant urge to kill myself.

I play video games since I was cum in my dad's balls

>picking the most entry-level protagonists

If they're going to make something so cringey at least use worthwhile characters holy shit

I don't need to play them to know they are all shit.

Why not?


like who?



doing things l can't do irl like commanding an army or going on an adventure in an interesting setting instead of being in this shitty post modern existence

I hate the term as well.

Because I can kill Things and don't go to Jail. Or I kill Things, can go to Jail, or rather can kill the whole Police Force, get shoot by my Rampage, and walk out of the Hospital 1 Minute later.

iz nice

>and anime tier waifus
It's an Sup Forums invasion; a couple years back weebshit was unpopular on Sup Forums.

>why do you play video games?

It all started with Shinobi on sega genesis. I would've played that shit day and night if my parents hadn't stopped me. I play games because I really enjoy them.


To escape reality and feel like I'm accomplishing things when I'm really not, hoping the real world will go away out of denying it.
Because games feel so much better than life.
And that's why the world is a mess : all these high-end brains trapped in virtual realities while they could be changing the world.
We're wasted, our civilization is coming to an end as many ones before. Pull your ass out and do something about the world if you're so damn not ok with it, or enjoy the fall.

And then realize at the end of your life you've done nothing.

And even if you had done something, it wouldn't matter anyway, because you're going to fucking die either way.

Yes it would, you'll die regretting nothing, onstead of lying to yourself about not caring at all.


>you'll die regretting nothing
You'll regret that you're fucking dying, unless you've bought into that bullshit about how "death makes life meaningful" that a lot of atheists like to spew nowadays.

Because I hate myself

No it's just that I don't want, on my death bed (correct expression?) to regret not having done this or that, to say to myself, maybe if I'd done this instead of thinking about it and doing nothing, it would have had an impact. What would be the meaning of my life then if I just play videogames through all of it, denying the world is hell ? We need our lives to have meaning, at least for ourselves, or we just want to die. Look at all the poeple on Sup Forums who wants to die.

It fills the void where life was supposed to be.

It did before the SJWs got here anyways.

haven't puked in my mouth in a while. thanks op!

It's very easy to say that, but the truth is that very few people have the resources to do everything they want in life so that they can "die without regrets". And even if they did have those resources, they'd still prefer not to die. It doesn't matter how many accomplishments you have. In the end, they'll all be erased. They'll all be for nothing.

>We need our lives to have meaning
But they don't, and they *can't*. The nature of reality precludes meaning. Any "meaning" we attach to things is just a delusion, no different from people who follow any religion.

>The nature of reality precludes meaning.
Because YOU KNOW the nature of reality??

Of course meaning is just in the eye of the beholder, and so what? Having my life meaning something TO ME is what's important. To be true to myself.


Because i love entertainment and video games is the greatest form of entertainment in the world.

It has interactivity, tales, visual art and audio of which all come together to create something greater than the sum of their parts.