>You'll never be able to play THAT game for the first time ever again
What's her name Sup Forums?
You'll never be able to play THAT game for the first time ever again
Mother 3
Metal Gear Solid 1/3
Cave Story
Hotel Dusk
Ace Attourney
Dragon quest 8
Game was amazing the first run through
Finding out that dhoulmagus wasn't like the main villain was one of those holy shit moments
Fallout 3
Literally not even joking
Minecraft. I know this is like the epitome of autism, but there was an odd feeling that came with it when I first generated a world. My first 6 hours or so we're so... Odd, for lack of a better word.
I was absolutely confused. Part of me wondered why anybody would wanna play this pixel trash. Another piece of me was amused by the skeleton archers.
I remember it was creative so I dug straight down and found a zombie roasting in a fire pit. I thought there were underground hermits.
Then I began to understand the mechanics of the game, and read up on the wiki, and that feeling of confusion and wonder, faded. Now I can't look at it the same.
[Spoiler]It was that fat fuck Beelzebub right?
It's not a bad game user, obviously we're talking about games that gave you that feel good vibe. The kind that made you go "Am I actually playing this game? This game is really, really, REALLY, fun"
Phantom Pain was like that for me, and I still love that game to this game.
Steambot Chronicles.
Dragon Quest VIII.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Phoenix Wright.
Majora's Mask.
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
The list goes on.
I feel you user. I got minecraft when it was still on alpha and the first dozen hours were amazing. At first I was genuinely scared of the enemies because I didn't know if they could break doors or sneak in my base. It was amazing.
Then I read the wiki and found out about everything, playing it went from being magical to being a chore.