You'll never be able to play THAT game for the first time ever again

>You'll never be able to play THAT game for the first time ever again
What's her name Sup Forums?

Mother 3
Metal Gear Solid 1/3
Cave Story
Hotel Dusk
Ace Attourney

Dragon quest 8
Game was amazing the first run through
Finding out that dhoulmagus wasn't like the main villain was one of those holy shit moments

Fallout 3
Literally not even joking

Minecraft. I know this is like the epitome of autism, but there was an odd feeling that came with it when I first generated a world. My first 6 hours or so we're so... Odd, for lack of a better word.

I was absolutely confused. Part of me wondered why anybody would wanna play this pixel trash. Another piece of me was amused by the skeleton archers.

I remember it was creative so I dug straight down and found a zombie roasting in a fire pit. I thought there were underground hermits.

Then I began to understand the mechanics of the game, and read up on the wiki, and that feeling of confusion and wonder, faded. Now I can't look at it the same.

[Spoiler]It was that fat fuck Beelzebub right?

It's not a bad game user, obviously we're talking about games that gave you that feel good vibe. The kind that made you go "Am I actually playing this game? This game is really, really, REALLY, fun"

Phantom Pain was like that for me, and I still love that game to this game.


Steambot Chronicles.
Dragon Quest VIII.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Phoenix Wright.
Majora's Mask.
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword

The list goes on.

I feel you user. I got minecraft when it was still on alpha and the first dozen hours were amazing. At first I was genuinely scared of the enemies because I didn't know if they could break doors or sneak in my base. It was amazing.

Then I read the wiki and found out about everything, playing it went from being magical to being a chore.