What went wrong ?

what went wrong ?

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Nothing. Devs made so much $$$ they are set for life.

it was always a shit game

the reason why it solds so much is because of the marketing,everyone believed this was going to be GOTY,but it was not nothing but a shit game

but we learned a lesson,a game no matter how shit it is,it it will sell like hotcakes if there is good marketing

overwatch and no man's sky are the proof of this

overwatch is a good game idiot

Nothing at all, the real version with no cut content will be available for pspro

procedural generated games in space never succeed

all the main complaints about games in space is that all the planets will eventually start to look the same after a few hours,look at starbound and no man's sky

if there was a procuderal generated game in space where every single planet is different from each other,then it would be a good game,but that's a really hard thing to do

The scope of the project was bigger than the time/money budget could accommodate.

>what went wrong ?

more to this point, they got in bed with sony and at some point were not allowed to continue delaying the game

The problem is that it completely forgot what makes space exploration so alluring an idea to people. It's so interesting because of the scale and splendor of space, how tiny we are in comparison and how fucking crazy dangerous it is. The sheer isolation, how you could be the only human within billions of light years. And the way everything exists for a reason and a purpose. Mars is not habitable because it is too close to the sun. It also rotates way too slowly, and therefore has a distinctly hot and cold side.

In no man's sky, planets are hot because they want you to run around pressing C until you find a rock that gives you the material you need to recharge your suit with. They exist to be a tax on your resources and nothing more. You will never find a planet that is too hot or too windy to land on.

You will never discover giant sandstone arches carved by great sandstormes due to a planet's volatile weather conditions.

And you won't ever find a planet that's well, just fucking empty. Even the most barren planets have some sort of exotic crystal growing out of it. It doesn't feel real, you don't have enough interactivity, you don't have enough immersion, it just doesn't fucking work. Every planet is scanning and following question marks to the same fucking looking alien outposts and shit shit shit.

Now that being said, here is how to fix it. Cont


Go to 16:35. It was a scam all along. He pulled a "Molyneux".

First off, completely scap the aliens. There should be no aliens whatsoever. You should be completely alone, the only sign of life is what you and other players leave behind.

Second, universe simulation. Rather than just randomly generating, build a model of the big bang based on real life physics albeit modified. Then simulate how the matter comes together, forming stars, different planets, asteroid belts ect... This will make the game's world feel real, as while it's still technically all randomly generated, it won't feel like it. You might find fossils on a extremely hot planet by a red giant for instance, indication that it was once habitable but the star's expansion killed all life on it. This is the result of the star forming very early in the universe's birth, which was a physically simulated even rather than a random spawn percentage in an equation.

Now, none of this matters if you can't physically figure it out. So what you need is REAL science tools. Not "Press X to scan", real tools. Collect soil samples, water samples, rock samples. Carbon date them, spectogram analysis. Find out how old those fossils are. Cut open that dead alien bug to find out what it last ate. Now obviously this wouldn't be mandatory, but it would be great for anyone who wants deeper exploration and discovery.


>planet-sized planets

I made a fuckup, I mean not sentient aliens not no aliens. oops.

now, cont.

Resource gathering should be entirely different. The main gameplay loop should still be about exploring and getting to the center of the universe, but gameplay needs to be completely changed. Rather than mining specific elements with a gun, you should be excavating large quantities of material and then processing it in your ship. This removes the tedium of chasing after different color rocks and makes the game more immersive. Now this is where the core gameplay loop changes a bit. Your goal is to catalog and discover as much as you can on your way to the universe's center. Different planets and different areas of different planets will have different densities and quantities of various metals just like ours does. You would be able to determine the best areas to mine from orbit with a spectograph scan or something similar. Same for animals, you would be able to scan and discover different populations of them from orbit with certain tools.

So instead of chasing after 30 different color rocks to power your suit/shop, you will be flying all over the planet, excavating large quantities of soil/rocks and refining them into the elements you need.

Naturally, the main gameplay loop will be like this: Warp to system, collect fuel while exploring, warp to next system. Basically the same as it is in the game now. But the gameplay is fundamentally altered with the addition of a fully customizable motherstation. Instead of flying from system to system in your small ship, you build a large space station from scratch with a detatchable landing ship. With each jump you land on a planet, gather enough raw materials to fuel the next jump while exploring. Over time, you will also aquire certain rare materials that will allow you to upgrade and customize your ship/station. Imagine a motherbase from MGSV in space, except with actual meaningful customization. cont...

Just remember everyone. It's okay when Obsidian does it because it shows they are really passionate about video games.

Obsidian games are good though


Now, as your ship gets bigger, you will begin to need a bigger engine to make it work. This will also allow you to go further, faster. And so you will also begin to build bigger gathering ships, bigger harvesting machines, more efficient more accurate scanners. Deep space scanners, for instance, determine which systems will most likely have life or specific resources. Planet core scanners, to determine what metals the planet's core are composed of, in case you want to drill the core.

Of course there would be other customization- for instance you could create biospheres where you could experiment on how to recreate the exact conditions from certain planets in order to keep plants/ animals from them on board. Additional engines, storage rooms, research rooms, ect...

As you go further and further into your journey, you naturally start gathering more and more each time you warp. Soon, your excavators are carving huge swathes out of the landscape. Players begin to forget they were here to explore and become caught up in chasing the constant upgrade/improvements to your motherstation. You end up destroying or damaging ecosystems and environments just to fuel your ship.

Ultimately at some point wayy further in your journey, you will come across a giant crashed presumable alien space ship. In it will be the technology to allow you to build a GIANT resource gathering beam you can fire from your motherstation. This would allow you to gather and refine an entire planet's mass. This is very late game. You are now literally destroying planets to fuel your motherstation. Entire species are driven to extinction because of you.

But planets aren't enough. Your next upgrade, after you aquire enough resources allows you to fucking consume entire stars. And so you continue, the sole captain of a massive behemoth. Consuming and devestating each solar system you visit, all in search of the center. cont...

good idea, but would not fly with most normies. I had an idea of how cool would be a true wh40k game where you can be whomever you want. from low adept to adeptus mechanicus techpriest to space marine. overall universe is being simulated and real player input is used to weigh in on the simulation without outright destroying it. then thought about it - who would REALLY want to be a coal miner?

>not kilometers
Please keep your shitty measuring system away from science.

Go away Josh

>we don't know what's out there

And yet, consuming stars is not enough. You will never reach the center at this rate. So you commit to the final upgrade- you build a massive resource gathering device, capable of capturing and consuming a black hole. Finally having acquired near infinite mass and energy, you have the power to warp all the way to the galactic center. No idea what would be there, but it would be a much more efficient endgame than no man's sky. In NMS the distance to the center is always static, while with this it wouldn't truly matter how far away you are from it, so long as you play the game long enough to eat a black hole and get infinite energy.

I just think the idea of having a player start out all inquisitive, then eventually becoming more and more destructive until they're actually destroying entire galaxies by removing their center of gravity would be fucking awesome. Having your own floating base would be cool too.

>be a coal miner
If it can be done from a comfy space sip.



How do you even explore planets on NMS? Do you land on a random spot, register the only one (?) species that lives on the planet and harvest the few elements on the spot with no point in exploring any further because it's always the same shit, even the same climate on the whole planet?

Didn't they lose their code base twice?

What happened to the large scale battles they were hyping up?

Honestly, I just want a space sim where there is galactic politics but you can choose to be an active member or just a trader/Bounty Hunter/Pirate or something not related to the politics at hand.

Didn't even hold people's attention long enough to be called 'flavour of the month'

A TL;DR for anyone lazy and because I'm bad at making stuff short

Realistic universe simulation. Elements act like they should with real physics, heat temperature, air pressure ect...

Real science tools for analysis of dead alien creatures, soil samples ect..

Gathering ore/dirt ect.. in bulk then refining

Giant customizable mother station you warp with, detatchable shuttle for resource gathering.

As you upgrade your ship, you consume more and more resources, until you are devouring entire planets from orbit, eventually entire suns and at the end game, you are eating black holes to power your ship to the center.

I think that was a different indie game, Project Zomboid.

it will be faster to say what went good: marketing. The only thing they great with this game is marketing.


Zomboid lost their shit in a burglary IIRC. I forgot that existed, time to see how they are doing.

Maybe the 2014 date coincides with that semi exciting E3 reveal?

Most of it appeared to be free marketing too. Blogs hyping the shit out of a couple screen shots.

>who would REALLY want to be a coal miner?
I would if I could keep all the shit I dig out for myself and do some crafting or sell it.

honestly id play the shit out of that game

Yeah, I've done some mining in elite dangerous and it's pretty fucking comfy.

nobody would want to be a coal miner, that's why you would assasinate the manager in his sleep and take his position, then leave when you have enough money to bribe your way into a job that doesn't involve mining coal

I imagine you choose a waypoint and then walk away from it until the icon switches from behind you to in front of you or something

I'm a slav and coal miners earn big dosh

you die at like 50 from lung related diseases but until then its good living you could even argue its kind of comfy underground