Character creation

>character creation
>pick male
>bulky and muscled
>no option to make him look more feminine

Good. Men should be men. If you're a man and you've never been to a gym or done any physical labour you should seriously consider doing it at some point.

>Wanting to play as a degenerate
Why not play with yourself

>pick female
>no tomboy hair

>being a closet homo

Your ancestors were real men and they never went to gym.

>griffith fags

>having shit taste

>not wanting to play as an inferior being that end up fucking everyone's shit up and standing above everyone else

> real maaan

Fuck that. Generic men are boring. Emo twinks is where it's at

"Or done physical labour" The vast majority of them would have done that at some point. It kind of grosses me out a bit how feminine so many men are these days honestly.

>pick male
>no option to make him look more feminine
wew lad

Sabagebu is such a good show.

tomboys especially 3D are sexy as fuck.

you've never seen a tomboy IRL if you think its gay

patrician taste friend

short hair a best

I am femine and I bet I worked out and lifted much more thab you nigger

>no option to make him a fat manlet
baka desu

> Short hair
Absolutely disgusting.

I mean possibly, but if you had really feminine mannerisms you would still weird me out. I'm not saying you have to be a hairy bear fuck, I'm definitely not, but I see a lot of guys with distinctly feminine mannerisms etc.

>Pick girl
>Muscle slider option
>Barely makes a deference

>distinctly feminine mannerisms etc

Like what?

It's hard to nail it down to just one thing. Things like posture, I see a lot of guys basically limp wristing or just doing other distinctly feminine things.

I blame the estrogen in the drinking water personally, but who knows. Maybe without a lot of social pressure to act a certain way this is just how people are and I'm just being backwards as fuck.

>Character creation
>Guy has fixed deep voice
>Girl has fixed high pitched voice

It's okay, I had a shit taste once as well.

> You would still weird me out.
Seeing how I am a high functioning autist with a bipolar disorder me weirding someone out is a thing I really don't care about. Least of my issues.

I've been preassured all my life about how to act. I just didn't give a fuck. I like being a girly guy. It makes me happy.

>estrogen in the water supply
if a boy is feminine it's always the mothers fault.
manners are probably influenced by the mother during childhood and any biological things are caused during pregnancy from eating habits etc.

Now I feel like a dick. I don't mind goofy guys or happy go lucky or whatever. I'm not saying you have to be a stern asshole.

If you like being feminine you go ahead and do you man, I'm probably just old fashioned or something.

I don't think we know enough about these things to have a definitive answer.

>making the character fatter or thinner changes their voice

Hey. Don't sweat it. I was little over agressive there anyways. I'm just 20. Who knows how I will be in my 30 or something.

>character creation in a weeb game
>all of the faces look exactly the same, some are just a little longer or have bigger eyes
>no matter how you design your character there won't be a single voice that fits out of the 20 available

>choose between EEEHH!!!!! or DURIYAAHHHHHH or a deep voice saying SUUDDIIYAAHHHHH

>Pick female
>No option to create tanned loli

>It kind of grosses me out a bit how feminine so many men are these days honestly.
Well, that's your problem.

is this fucking reddit? bunch of faggots.




>character creation
>want to make a wizard
>only body type is Beef McLargehuge

Yeah, that's annoying, especially if it's an RPG and you're creating a pure spellcaster, who wouldn't be big and muscled and shit. What's also annoying is when you want to make a female warrior character and you can't make her muscular at all.

>Sup Forums hates SJWs
>wants short-haired, low-pitched voice girls and feminine guys

I don't think two qualifies as a bunch.


It's so hard being a male healslut

>projecting in Imax 3D

>pick male
>no option to make him slimmer or at least not a beef cake

There ftfy, why the fuck did you have to make it gay as hell, i bet your dad beats you on the ass while forcing you to swallow that russian ravioli and meatball food that you hate so much

>be on Sup Forums
>hates feminine bois

hang yourself degenerate

Do you honestly feel the need to go along with every meme or in joke on the site? Does this place influence your personality?

>tfw no girly bf

>not liking short hair

Even if every single post on Sup Forums would read "you have a shit taste, user" it wouldn't be enough to express for a faction how fucking bad your taste is.

Hey buddy i think you got the wrong board

>tries her best to be 'one of the guys'
>usually excellent taste in vidya
>can get all flustered that someone might like her
>has interesting past times
>cute, but just for you
>also has a pussy

>failed men who crave attention
>literal camwhore tier of attention seeking
>boring as fuck
>will always have selfesteem issues
>cute for eveyone else but for you because he already got all the attention you can offer
>no pussy, just some shitty hole

fucking euro hours are the gayest time of day

>female character creator
>can't go above C cups

>make skinny guy
>after training a lot they get more muscles
>feel accomplisment

Despite their claims, SJWs hate guys who don't fit the male gender role just as much as traditionalists do. They only care about liberating *women* from gender roles.

Ivy taught me how good short hair can look.

Whats the anime tho

>wanting a masculine character and picking female
>wanting a feminine character and picking male
You only have yourself to blame.

kill yourself permavirgin