Is she right?

Is she right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Vidya Games

>Heh, Goym joke

Well I'll be damned. I'm only 2 minutes into the video, and I'm already impressed by her knowledge of internet culture.

I want to fuck her

Whoever is doing the camera work obviously gave her a script.

Me too user

This is now a gunner thread.


>Stationary camera
>Camera work


who is this semen demon

Was meant for


The type of people who think 9 year olds can make content like this themselves are also so retarded they can't reply to the correct comment.


Watch her older shit
She's the most red pilled 11year old in existence

She's 13

>Is she right?

Looks like some irritating child actor reading lines. And I didn't see anything in the first 90 seconds to do with video games, so...



Are you some kind of a fucking retard?


That Buzzfeed video tho

Why does this game have great music Sup Forums?

Clearly scripted by a big brother or some shit

She's a damn good actor if she's just reading the script.

how can an 11 year old be more tolerable of a person than literally every 13-18 year old I've met


She grew up surrounded by the internet. Same for me. Luckily, I grew up before Twitter, so I learned not to be an insufferable prick in level 38 Wilderness in Runescape.

Nah there's no way she comes up with this on her own.

I'm not saying that all kids have to be dumb. But even smart kids act differently than this



man Jake Lloyd looks fucking weird in that wig


She might be a one in a thousand, a freak of nature. You know it's not impossible to see these kind of people in the internet age.


>people unironically believe this little girl wrote and edited this video by herself

How fucking naïve are you losers?

thread's over guys we can now go home

The people who wrote the script are literally in the first line in the description.

very nice

>All day, all you can see on a famous youtuber's mentions are just jokes that the person whose posting them didn't even come up with.
>They just saw some... person say it before, and they don't even try to build on it or accentuate it or make it a little more creative, they just repeat it.
Sounds a lot like this shithole
Whoever wrote it for her is right.
Not video games.

I want to snuggle with Femme and tell her how cute she is.

That opening joke caught me off gaurd

can someone post that undertale pic?

The one thing I disagree with her on, here, is the Youtube demonetization thing. If Youtube didn't advertise becoming a famous e-celeb as a lifestyle, an actual fucking fulltime job, then yeah, I'd support that sentiment. But no, Youtube actively encouraged people to make viral videos on a daily basis, promising sweet, sweet adbux. If they're going to turn heel, they should at least offer some other incentives. But no, all we got was more draconian policies that make Youtube run like the UK. You can't hurt anyone's feelings anymore, which means stupid people are allowed to air their stupid opinions with no recourse, and calling them out will get you banned or have your video demonetized

I'm not a Youtuber, I don't donate to Patreons, but I still think it's a little bullshit. Youtube killed off Blip and other video sites, so now they're the only ones on the market. It's either I put up with Youtube's bullshit, or I go back to YTMND.

She speaks like she had YouTube and Sup Forums instead of human parents

I don't understand



Her brother writes all her stuff and I think he was a regular on Sup Forums or Sup Forums or something.

What the fuck is that little shit?

Where's my keppa?

Because she did.

It's not that uncommon. Several of my little sister's friends are similar. Hell, one of them goes on ERP servers, and she's fucking 12 years old.

You do realize that Vaporub Boy and LtCorbis are literally her and her 14yo brother? At least watch a single video of her before giving your worthless opinion my man

It's a kippah you anti-semite.


who is this cum plum

You mean reddit.

Just like Pyro and Leafy he only went to /r/Sup Forums for the sweetest new "memes"

nice nice Sup Forums vidya based thread

Where's proof that her brother is 14 then?

>You might be posting with a 13 years old self aware loli RIGHT NOW

Femme is cute. CUTE!

>She speaks like she had YouTube and Sup Forums instead of human parents

like 90% of kids these days? less Sup Forums and more twitter facebook reddit or sum shit.

Remember the Tay learning AI? She got famous because she dropped some redpills for it.

She creeps me the fuck out



Yeah but normally the kids like that are weird and non-self aware socially

Like all the FNAF and deviantart and tumblr kids being created nowadays

>13 year old spouts idiocy and bottled internet racism
so much easily impressed retarded faggots around here.

>11 year old reading about a fanfic with two youtubers giving birth to her


stop projecting

growing up on the internet
scary shit


It might be that it's become more socially acceptable, at least among that young group of people, like, they got others to talk with and not give a shit. I dunno.

>tfw girls start coming to Sup Forums at a young age
>they start being influenced by us in large numbers
>the girls grow up still using Sup Forums
>3DPD is eventually saved for future generations

I'm not alright with undermining a child's intelligence just because their a child. There's plenty of well-spoken, intelligent kids out there that can outwit many adults in arguments and stump them too.

My suspicion is where are her parents. By now some butthurt/or deranged enough fags that see her as a target would attempt to dox her information and attempt to contact the parents.

Not that the parents wouldn't allow it (or may actually be behind it) but it seems with her being exposed to "redpill" information at such a young age is setting her up to be extremely jaded and un-trusting of others.

I loathe those pyrocynical, leafy h3h1 faggots.
This shit is so embarrassing for them.

It's normal. Girls mature earlier than boys. 12 year old girl can be socially more self-aware than a 22 year old guy.

>Actual lolis
>Visiting loli threads.
>They take influence

>everyone who is doing something original is not doing something original
>even though its literaly the point of the video
skip to the end you sad fucking faggot, and i don't mean the video



>tfw girls start coming to Sup Forums at a young age
>they start influenced us in large numbers
>the girls grow up still using Sup Forums
>Sup Forums turns into reddit


Because they're meant to become pregnant by age 13. Which means they should be more aware of their surrounding for danger if they so happen to become impregnated.

So the so-called "pedophilia" is completely justified then

People who say shit like "actual lolis" or "real lolis" are fucking pedofiles

I don't exactly think the cartoon stuff is healthy or normal either,but at least in that case it's all imaginary.

Most people that pretend to be smart and shitpost relentlessly on Sup Forums are 13-year-olds, it's a well known fact, and most of those are cross board posters that come to the second board with the highest amount of shitposts (this one), hell an eleven year old added me on skype and she constantly shitposts on Sup Forums.

There was 14 year old spic posting on a buyfag thread about 2 weeks ago too, he even posted pics of himself.

It would be justifiable... if we still lived in the Sahara and child life expectancy was pitifully low you fucking baboon.

That's only because technically girls are ready 2 bang when they get their periods.

They're still girls so their brain is automatically different from a mans anyway



how fucked up are kids these days

>repeat the jokes and phrases to each other that they heard on leafy and pyros channels
This phrase made me realize how telling someone to kill themselves has now become a reddit meme.

I won't click your video
what is it?

>this kid knows more then most of the 40 year olds on this site
holy shit

No, it's nature's way of protecting them from too early pregnancy. If they weren't aware they would fuck and get killed from the birth.


>Implying that wouldn't be the start of a new golden age of Sup Forums

As always, shit goes in waves, SJW-tards and the like will be followed up by a generation rebelling against them just like every single generation has done since forever.

I have a niece and I wouldn't dream of doing anything with her. Only way I'd consider it if she grabbed my dick and started sucking it.