Games Sup Forums never-ever talks about.
also ALTAR UFO X-COM games thread
Games Sup Forums never-ever talks about
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The weakest Alta game series, imo.
Fish Fillets is amazing as far as puzzles are concerned and Original War is the best RTS of its time.
Fuck these blobby things shooting swarms of flies that can go through any armor and kill your troops in a blink of an eye.
Fuck this Area 51 mission
These aliens using car wrecks as carapace = coolest thing ever.
Overall pretty good game, man. I wish it had some base developement part.
This game had best UFOs
>Three stances
>Two fire modes
>Two additional fire modes on top of that.
The games were way too technical.
>Fuck this Area 51 mission
And fucking this.
You reminded me of this bullshit.
damn i wish to be young again and have all time in the world to play games, and will to actually play them
I thought the title was LIFE from the thumbnail, the O/E was a leaf, and that I was about to enter an evolution game thread.
Post the Crab-mobile
It was the best designed enemy
>blobby things shooting swarms
>meat them for the first time
>insta team wipe
>realize they are vulnerable to fire
>that fucking nightmarish autopsy report
posted Here, have an UFO
Actual non shit looking humanoid ayylien
I actually liked how in this game , aliens had much better invasion plan than in any XCOM
Instead of dropping under equipped/unarmored little Grays they bombard the planet with virus that creates mutants to use as shock troopers.
Then when actual aliens appear, they have shields and shit to protect themselves instead of just handing over secret technology.
>all snipers
>standing in the open
>group together
man, what the fuck you doing? are fucking hate your own soldiers?
Once you get enough guys with spotting and snipers/rifles any tactics go out of the window sadly.
Only rocketayys can stop you and by then they handed over to you like 20 100% accuracy laser rifles.
This, sad but true.
Some hardcore mod would make game more interesting but extremely hard.
Aww shit nigger!
>Only rocketayys can
I don't remember them at all
Also look what i found!
I miss X-COM threads.
Oh fuck you all, you glorious bastards.
Now I feel urge to install and play his shit.
the fucking intro from his game was my nightmare fuel as a kid too.
nigger ayylien
In fact, the game settings and lore were fucking 1000times more logical than X-COM
>X-COM: humans are so fucking important and unique that ayys need them to create some superhypernigger powerful hybrid creature. Ayys are ruled by some kind of fucking omnipotent psionic god who knows everything, yet he can't simply recreate humans from DNA of obducted persons
>UFO: humans are just fucking source of resources and food for alien civ. We are just slaughter animals for them, nothing more. The only reason we are not wiped out instantly is because best utulisation of resources and later ayys start fighting for power between themselves.
X-COM 2 is such a dissapointment.