Not choosing the Paladin class in every RPG you play

>Not choosing the Paladin class in every RPG you play
Care to explain?

Ret is fucking shit now.

im not gay

>heavy armor
>melee brawler
>can heal himself
>strong against undead

probably the most boring class ever.
a case of "hurr durr i can just do everything"
like seriously, Paladin is a fucking bad design and everyone who rolls a paladin in singleplayer rpgs is a pussy.

But I do.

The Order of the Silver Hand is reborn!

still better then pandaria and draenor
prot can fuck right off though

im more of a warlock kind of boy

Because I prefer monks over paladins

>not choosing slutty elven healer
you suck at life

because im not a generic 30 year old white male in the suburbans

You're a special snowflake who will never fall into any sort of social trend, right? You go man, fight the power!

I like necroancers and alchemists, why would I choose the opposite?

can i see your character face ???

Aside from Diablo 2 they are always portrayed as complete FAGGOTS that's why.

This is bait


>not wanting to smite evil scum and elf scum

You are missing out

I don't like healing and I don't like tanking.

Druid Master Race

Nah, WoD was fine.

How so? Melee is dominating right now and ret is barely scraping by.

They're Knights with holy magic. If you think that's boring you're just trash.

Because while I enjoy the concept of a paladin, I like edgy aesthetics better.

>Not melee

>WoD was fine
>nah starving is fine
>nah dying from suffocation is fine
>gangrene is fine

I don't want the magic side of it. I'll just choose warrior or knight or some shit, maybe a monk if that's an option.

Exactly the problem. How can it be so shit when pretty much every melee is good? I get the feeling you have brain problems.

It wasn't good, it was fine.


>hurr le deus vult
>oh fug I got saracen'd in 6 out of 7 crusades xD
>oh fug I got Mongol'd too xD
>oh fug a bunch of shit eating peasants from Switzerland are wrecking us xD

knights were useless shits

Are you retarded?

Are you?

what he is trying to say is that they are to easy and meant for faggots like you who do not care about a little bit of challenge.

Learn to read, spastic.

Nah, you need that more child.

t. Mudslime

But i do.
>playing ret

If muslims defeated them then clearly God was on their side.

>playing fantasy RPG
>playing class-based RPG system at all

>on Sup Forums
>playing games at all

I'm not gay

Because I'm a skeleton

>ok, user, time to choose what you want to be! A warrior or a wizard?
>i want to do both
>no user, that's not how it works
>OKAY OKAy user you can be both
>yay, thanks mom

I'm a Battlemage
Pretty much a paladin but with less god and more lightning.

>he doesnt dual class

I always do, brother. Best experience as a Paladin class is being a Crusader in Diablo 3.

Gave me a raging righteousness boner.

Paladins are a usually pretty stupid class, if not the absolute stupidest.

i'm not gay

Last I played blood dk was better than paladin

makes the game too easy

Row Row fight the powah!

im not gay

they're my second choice after battle mage

It's not shit, but it's boring as fuck. I feel bad for having to ditch my self-insert Human RetPally for a Warrior.

>tfw you were able to heal and dps as a Holy in WotLK, even kill hunters trying to snipe me from high places with hammer of wrath and exorcism.