Self-insert character is shorter than all female characters

>self-insert character is shorter than all female characters
>never gets with the main girl

Other urls found in this thread:

>Tall muscular character thinks he's hot shit because of his height and build but actually no one likes him
>Main girl ends up with a guy with normal height with twice the balls as the tall character


Does any one have that tweet
Where a chick tweets "mfw a guy is 5'9" and a dude responds
"Mfw a girls weight is over 200 pounds"

>when her weight starts with 200

>mfw manlet and tall girls and degradation are my fetish

Keep laughing your dirty whores, only makes me harder.

What a loathsome shithole of a country.


>when the shitposting is clearly coming form Sup Forums

lold. google "chinese escalators"