Explain to me the message of this game in 4 words or less.
Explain to me the message of this game in 4 words or less
Other urls found in this thread:
Adachi is the killer
Teenagers are fucking dumb.
Be nice to people.
Dating sim for virgins part 2.
Believe in the truth
TV is bad
Gameplay sucks, waifufaggotry instead
JU-NES big bro!!!!
Don't underestimate meddling kids.
Make friends, be happy.
Be yourself, dumb frogposter
Give us your money
Fuck All The Bitches
Friendship overcomes everything.
What's the best way to play P4?
Emulated PS2?
There's no Vita emulator, right?
It's better if you don't play it at all.
Already have and liked.
Looking forward to revisit before P5.
Bitches and whores
Emulated PS2 is what I did and it was great.
Yukiko a best
>There's no Vita emulator, right?
It's in the works. In very early stages.
Gib proofs.
You can probably get a PSTV for dirt cheap and play P4G on it.
How do you buy P4G for it? Like a PSN copy?
Get Black Frost First
Marrying Cousins Is Okay
Friendship Triumphs over Logic.
All girls best girl
An idealised friendship simulator.
Worst Persona game entry.
Its shit
>Worst Persona game entry
You obviously haven't actually played 1 or 2.
>Soul Hackers is better
>Adachi is the killer
>Yu sprains his ankle
>Everyday's great at your-
>S-links are fucking stupid
>Not running Yukiko
>Running Yosuke
>"Let's go, Take-Mikazuchi!"
>It's un-BEAR-able
>Bitches and whores
>I miss Lotus Juice
>Scooby Scooby Dooooo!
>It must be bad because you can't play them well
Good one. Go read a fucking VN if you liked P4.
No, you actually haven't played 1 or 2 if you even think that needing to be played "properly" in the first place is a good thing. It's not. They're broken as fuck and easy as shit.
And Persona 4 is any better?
>Muh S-link and waifus
>Such a deep and rich tale
Kill yourself.
Literally came here to post this, good to know that first post is still the best post and /thread
The power of friendship
You are not Yu
Don't ignore the truth in favor of convenient falsehoods, even if the truth is fucking retarded and the gas station attendant was behind everything