I've seen a lot of people talk about how CoD glorifies war and is racist and stuff when almost always the message is "war is bad mkay" and there's almost a power hungry white male as the main bad
What gives?
I've seen a lot of people talk about how CoD glorifies war and is racist and stuff when almost always the message is...
>giving a single bit of thought processing power to Carl of Duty in 2016
Just ignore the fact that it exists and play good games instead.
>war is bad mkay
>now go ski down this mountain shooting at guys like a badass motherfucker and then stab a guy in the fucking face because you're just that fuckin baller, bro, and here, shoot some little guys from a plane with an infrared filter cause that's how they do it and it's TOTALLY AWESOMEHNUNGH
Call of Duty having an anti-war message is like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas having an anti-drug message.
>games should not be fun
But its not though, it's all just scripted shit to make you feel cool while not having much input at all.
Yeah actually I'm tired of this kind of war is bad feels liberal bullshit. Can we please have a "War is fucking good" game for a change showing how millions of men being slaughtered, and massacring millions more innocents is a good thing. I just want to wade through streets literally running through blood in a modern day sack of roam, with modern weapons but acting like barbaric savages as I drink blood from the skulls of my enemies, rape their women and dash their children onto the rocks. I want to be so covered in blood that I'll bleed to death because I won't notice my own blood in all the other blood.
And then in the end I want to be congratulated for it, and shown the bright new future I have built.
That sounds fun.
play real lives
>people say shit about COD without even thinking
how about
>people complain that cod doesn't change enugh from game to game
>when they change a lot of things, people say they hate how it has changed