Just like all grandmothers, she's useless.
Just like all grandmothers, she's useless
Other urls found in this thread:
You must have terribly shit grandparents.
That may be so, but it did not stop me from fapping to this scene.
Stop being rude to my mother in law.
Ana is great if the person playing her isn't retarded
Symmetra on the other hand is actually useless and just takes up a spot that would better fit for literally any other support character
And that's why you don't mess around with the Waifumaker.
Let it go
Let it go
We don't want these threads no more
Blizzard got you fucked
Got you cucked
Released a normie game and laughed
You cry
And yet you try
Competitive matches suck
Most heroes ain't worth a buck
Let it goooooooooo
Pretty gay, bro.
She's fucking cute, though
Yea, GILF as fuck. Shit game though.
what happened? did get shot in the eye? did she get shot in the scope while she was looking down it?
how did this not kill her?
Widowmaker shot her.
Wanted to play her since I like sniping. But instantly drop after hearing that shitty accent
She shot Widowmaker and damaged her helmet, making her mad as hell.
Ana recognized her, since she probably knew Gerard, her husband, and in the moment of commotion, Widowmaker shot her.
>liking young ana
I like old Ana better.
Why does Widowmaker looks so much younger than Ana?
Because she is.
She's 33 as of the game itself.
Doesn't quite add up.
Pharah is 31, and the young Ana photo was taken when Pharah was about 10, which means Ana was at least 40 when she lost her eye.
That would mean Widowmaker would have been 13 at most when she shot her.
Blizzard is simply not good with the age thing.
Sleep is overpowered and lasts way too fucking long
Fight me
One stray bullet from a teammate renders it moot.
She must have been really angry at that point. She usually doesn't show so much.
No, normally she's just pouty.
Then again, she was almost killed.
Dohohoho, you got murdered by a flanking symmetra didn't you? Only reason for you to be so butthurt.
I'll fucking fight you m8. I haven't actually played Overwatch so I don't have an opinion on whether this character is garbage
Winter soldier. Only released when she's needed. Or, her metabolism slowed down to a crawl so she doesn't age as fast. Super soldier, makes her last for a long time. Pick any.
I never really knew my grandmother very well. She has severe dementia now so I guess neither does she.
Grandmother is the best, regardless of everything she give me food, money, time, a good talk, everything, everytime I visit. I miss my grandma
Same, but she was in constant pain due to cancer, so at least now she's in peace.
yeah peace from your shit at last, lmao
I don't know man, the meta seems to be overrated. Even with 2-2-2 comp we sometimes lose to teams without a healer or with Ana, Hanzo and Widow in the comp.
Scope got shot which filled her eye area with shrapnel
>tracer is 26
>gets into Overwatch before pharah, who is in her 30s
Skill can outweigh comps sometimes.
What issue is this from? I didn't see this in the Ana comic.
Tracer doesn't experience time and space the way everyone else does. She's basically young forever.
Ana is useful with a good player and team. That seems refunds but it's not. Her setup is just very specific and shitters don't know how to use it.
It's from the Sombra arg
They actually came out and said she ages normally which makes sense, right?
>doesn't know how to play ana
my grandmother was pretty great tttt (to tell the truth)
she literally had an IRA guy kneeling on her doorstep begging for forgiveness once
>mercy and mccree get into Overwatch when they're around 18
How old is she?
>crouched behind wm before attack
>she emotes
>I say thank you
>she turns and says understood
It was pretty gay desu senpai
lol no
she just has nothing much to offer out of her teleporter which is why I get a bit disappointed when I see people pick her on my team
And so is your dick
I starting to think Widow wasn't all that good to begin with. Hero interactions suggest her husband might have been an asshole. But since she has all the memories of her past, she's no winter soldier. The "brainwashing" might have also included aggressive persuasion, bringing up the faults of her husband and Overwatch, promises of greener grass on the other side and appeal to her vanity along with other psychological and physical methods.
Basically they fed the darkness within her until she turned to the dark side and became a Sith.
No ultimate roadhog nano boost ftw. I had some dumbass nano boost me as D.Va when I was still waiting to get my mech back once. Even worse one was when I used the ult exactly as she did it and the self destructing nano boosting mech flew off and killed no one.
Step over here user, I've got something to show you.
fuck off swampginger
>Killed her husband
>Will still shout out his name after being Rezzed by Mercy
She will love you and then kill you against her own will.
i would kill you in real life for saying that trash about grandmothers
Nano boosted pilot Dva is amazing though.
That can't be possible, as it would make Mercy 15, a member of an elite task force, and head of a surgical department.
That rodgepodge was hot penis, no hook attempt over 10 sec and he reloads after 1 shot. Deserved his death
Ana is useful as secondary healer and nano boost ult
git gud
Where the fuck do you read these Overwatch comics anyway. Shouldn't Blizzard promote them and make it clear.
I'll admit my grandmother never did anything for me but not all of them are bad.
I never meet my grandmother and I never knew her is person, but I believe she is good person. I really wish to meet her one day.
No i'm pretty sure she doesn't age, because if she did, then surely she'd be several years older now, considering she was one of the original overwatch crew. At least, I think she was.
Doesn't all the time skipping in her youth sorta age slower? I mean imagine all the seconds she skips. And all the seconds she manually skips. Couldn't that add up to alot of years she just skims over?
>tfw my mom dyed last year
>on her deathbed she told me my nice grandma who had died like 10 years ago was actually schizophrenic
>got fucked up my the MK-ULTRA experiments at McGill and never received any kind of compensation
>once tried to just abandon my mom somewhere
>also told me my nice old grandpa was actually a horrible neglectful alcoholic
Thanks mom
Mercy didn't join Overwatch when she was 17 but going by her bio she was already an accomplished doctor and head of surgery at a top hospital by that age. Either that or the guys that scribble down the lore while taking a shit didn't consult each other.
what the fuck is a memewaist
Tfw symmetra main
I want to cum inside Ana
>what's playoverwatch
She wasn't a founding member but this still means she was only 21 when Overwatch shut down but still had time for all that stuff to happen to her.
>light skin
>stupid propositions
fuck off
>Dat Ana desperately running in to save Hogger and make sure her ult didn't go to waste
Fucking kek.
Gutless waists that artists think is somehow sexy when it just looks like anorexia. Like all she'd need to not have memewaist is just a slightly wider mid section and she'd be great but holy fucking shit she looks like shit anything inbetween her breasts, which the artist obviously wanted to emphasize on, and her hips. She might as well just be a fucking stick figure.
She dosen't have any grandchildren user, so she is a MILF.
Mid 20s, but she skipped through an unknown amount of time before Winston made that gadget she wears on her harness to lock her into the regular flow of a time.
So she could have been born more than 30 years ago despite her biological and mental age.
Polish, huh?
>>light skin
you must be american
>not the grandmother of the adopted meme gremlin
Shes good at a couple of defense points. Problem with buffing her would make the fact that she'd end up being WAY to strong for some point A defense maps.
She needs a slight rework like dva.
Fake name, her real name is Ana Amari.
Bill Cosby is a monster, but he had a great observation about grandparents and how they seem so much nicer than other people.
They're not nice. They haven't been good to other people all their lives. These aren't saints. These are old people who are desperately trying to earn their way into heaven.
It's a fake name. It's the polish equivalent of Jane doe. Ana wanted her identity to be a secret
You wouldn't even be here to shitpost if it wasn't for your grandmother, fuck off shitter
>>light skin
I wonder who is behind this post...
>see this
>sounds like this youtube.com
What do?
>she needs a slight rework
No, she doesn't. Ana is absolutely fine where she is. She's got good damage to deal with airborne targets and flankers, an ult shutdown, the second best single-target healing in the game behind mercy, and one of the best ults in the entire game for wiping a team.
In fact one of the most effective strategies in the game revolves around the use of Ana in a 3 tank/3 support setup.
dam nigger you dumb
Read the damn quote line
She is not that light. Have you seen her ingame?
Without Whole Hog, Roadhog boost is fucking terrible because he's a burst damage character who is going to spend precious boost time reloading.
All the other tanks have large magazines/don't have to reload at all
>MK-ULTRA experiments
When and how did that happen?
We"re talking about symmetra
So who is the best ana boost? Reaper or maybe reinhardt?
Zarya with 70% or more charge
>who is the best ana boost
ulting genji > ulting roadhog > ulting reaper/soldier > reinhardt > zarya
Symmetra is borederline busted on Eichenwald
My grandmother is paying my way through college.
Eichenwalde is also a terrible map with almost 0 flanking options at the first chokepoint.
And as such? Doesn't make what I said any less true. If you're not opening with Symmetra when defending that map, you're doing it wrong.
Zenny the boy omnic wonder is surprisingly fun.
Accidentally boosted one and missed Rein. He proceeded to get a team kill, must have been frightening.