Do you think the new God of War will feature scenes like pic related?

Do you think the new God of War will feature scenes like pic related?

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That's a good question. I personally think it won't. If it did, there would be outrage from certain groups of people. I also don't think nudity will stay.

Not even a slight chance.
Sony is running the market. They would get in major shit for doing that these days.

Fuck no, it can be done to a man, but not a woman, they get treated specials in fiction.

What's the last game which featured female nudity anyway?

>now he has a crippling coke addiction and fucks trannies just to put a roof over his head

I doubt it. That scene was a prime example of how much GoW used to be a silly teenage power fantasy. It is obvious that they want to make the new one more mature

>Sony is running the market. They would get in major shit for doing that these days.

But Sony+Activision arent?

mother russia bleeds
last week :^)

the main thing that bothered me about that scene was that she was completely non-violent and wanted nothing to do with any of that shit
she was a normal woman who poseidon kidnapped and kept as his rape-pet

then kratos comes along, chases he down, and jams her in a piece of machinery to die because he wanted a door open

weird sarcasm when OP's pic shows the exact opposite.

That's Kratos' whole character though. He keeps killing everyone and anyone for no reason and it's cool because the kids say so.

Kratos does this to some random Athenian hoplite in the first game (that is, sacrifice someone who isn't hostile to you just to open a door). People only care about Poseidon princess because she's a chick.

There still should've been other options. You can be a badass without being a complete psycho/sociopath. This looks like edge for the sake of edge.

I like playing him as a guy after revenge against the gods, but with still enough humanity left that he isn't going to slaughter innocents if he can avoid it.

Also, you're telling me I can't rape a half naked chick in this game but I can murder her violently?

What if I just wanted to fuck her to feel what it was like to be with my wife again? And then used the furniture to brace the wheel?

I just really don't like that censors say graphic sexual assault is out of the question but graphic murder is just fine.

this really felt like kicking someone while they are down though

and from a creators perspective I don't understand it, because he could have used the statue enemies (which spawn in the very same room) to prop the door, not only would they have lasted longer before splitting apart, but they also deserve it

it feels like a kinda hamfisted way to drive home that kratos isn't moral; if he incidentally kills innocent people in his quest for revenge, that's one thing, but going out of his way to jam an innocent woman into a moving gear is almost cartoonish levels of villainy
and he DEFINITELY goes out of his way, he goes through an entire teleport puzzle and about 40 enemies just reach her to use as a doorstop
just use one of the fucking enemies you are currently killing! why does it HAVE to be that chick?

Because hoplites are ready to die, they're soldiers. It's what they signed up for. Concubines are for fucking, they're not in a job where they have to fight for their lives.

This is basic math you retard.

Had you missed all the moments he slaughtered innocents in the preceding games?

shit games for shitty 12 year old edgelords

damn... really makes u think.... wtf im redpilled now

Were you bothered by the ship captain he fed to the hydra for no reason?

>graphic sexual assault is out of the question
they are just AO
consoles cant handle AO games.

Civilians in the first game are literally running around screaming while you can kill them for health refill.

Kratos is not a badass hero. He's a psychopath. That's the whole point. Fight fire with fire since Greek gods are still bigger assholes than him.

It's like you said, it's to make him a morally reprehensible villain. I thought it was in poor taste but whatever, the devs thought it was badass like 40K shit when Grey Knights had to slaughter some Sororitas to use their blood as holy sunscreen.

Why did God of War actually manage to crack the mainstream, but DMC and Itagaki-era Ninja Gaiden never managed to go much further than the "big with nerds" level?

Probably not because as I recall there wasn't anything like this in Ascension.

At that point, the line is too blurred for me. Maybe for you it's fine and works within the story but for me he's no different from them at that point. There needed to be a line somewhere showing how he wasn't like them and why he deserved to win and I just wasn't seeing it anymore.

greek mythology, bigger marketing budget

i hope not, shit was retarded and out of character.

name a single time this happened

I got spoonfed about Greek gods as a kid and it scarred me for life. They do some nasty shit user, fuck them. I'm glad this franchise at least let you murder them in such an edgy teen way.

What the fuck even is that?

I'd say that's kind of the point. He's not better than the Gods. He's not a hero.
I think the scene was unnecessary and the devs just wanted to do it because it looked cool but Kratos is not, by any definition, a hero or a savior. He's a killing machine with no care for humanity.

All the civilians that act as health orbs. The ship captain numerous times. The translators in the second game.

Is she even attached to that thing? Why doesn't she just walk away?

Literally any time a civilian npc was on screen outside of cutscene. I remember specifically the first time you fight the bigger dudes, there's a bunch of people running around serving only as health refill and you're meant to think like Kratos and not give a shit about their well-being.

far cry primal I think

We're talking about an upcoming game not one released 6 years ago retard

European games don't really shy away from nudity.


I´m as far removed from an sjws as one can be but this scene really left a bad taste in my mouth for those very reasons

I think it´s going to be pretty tame when it comes to violence against any kind of humans since there will be a kid around all the time and since kratos is supposed to have calmed down after all those years. (keep in mind god of war 4 takes places thousands of years after god of war 3, people change over time)

Have you ever played any GoW?

sony exclusive, so more marketing and easier combat mechanics

plus it had some pretty nice looking cutscenes that you could use for commercials

Can someone posta youtube vid of this?

The world has changed since that game was released. And not for the better. The world used to be a better place.

Anyone try reverse image search that on google?

Top kek.

>sony + activision
Wtf are you talking about. Thats just activision.
That game is also on xbox and PC. has nothing to do with sony.

If this scene offends you then you're a pussy faggot and you're the reason that video games have diversity quotas today

Because Kratos fucking hates people who are associated with gods as well.

>here will be a kid around all the time

God, I fucking hope not. I hope that's just like early on in the game, and not the whole thing. What I saw at E3 is NOT what I want to be doing for an entire game.

Man, fuck all this. I just want the same GoW I've always played, with everything that made it just bloody mindless fun, but in a Norse setting.

Pc game lel

But Devil May Cry was a sony exclusive too

It's worth noting heroes in mythology are a bunch of spergs as well Odysseus murdered a bunch of guys only because they tried to hit on his wife despite the fact everyone thought he is dead, Heracles (which dumb fucking americunts keep calling Hercules which was his ROMAN name) murdered his family and generally speaking every hero was selfish as fuck.

You are the reason they won't do it again you fucking double-standards faggot.



>please someone fucking help me! the gods are assholes and one of them kidnapped me and made me his personal fucktoy
>but I didn't come here or stay here by choice and I dislike the gods as much as you do for ruining my life!


In Herc's defense depending on the Myth, Hera sends him into a murderous rage, he didn't just do because he was a dick. However he did murder his teacher because he told him he was bad at playing the Lyre.

go back to tumblr, I'm sure there is some SJW shit you can get mad at over there
not everything in life comes down to gender you fucking child, just stop talking about this dumb shit rather than perpetuating it

my post was about an innocent person dying, you assume it's because it's a woman

the Greek and roman names are literally interchangeable and talk about the same people who did the same things

Ulysses, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, etc

stop getting so triggered over something that doesn't matter that much

Accessibility + How much effort you need to do stuff that looks cool.

In DMC if you want to look cool while playing? Better dodge everything because the game is actively scoring you and tells you how good/bad you are doing.
In Ninja Gaiden you want to look cool? Well it's possible but if you're a casual you're going to get your shit kicked in instead.

God of War and want to do cool shit? Drop their HP by 50% and push circle, then follow a short sequence.


I doubt it.
The combat also looks so slow and sluggish.

If that was the case you would have also complained about all the inoccent people Kratos murders in all games, not just that woman you dickless hagfag.

Only the first two games that got released on 360 later down the line.

I'm not that user and I don't think that had much to do with GoW's popularity. Accessible gory combat, spectacles and word of mouth due to controversial sex QTEs made it more popular.

I don't care about 3DPD though.

no fucking chance and you know it, the director is going down the "mature route" aka I just got a kid and I want to share my unique snowflake experience with everyone to show you how mature and changed I am as a huamn being

Nah, it's not PC.
SJWs would shit the bed.



That's the whole appeal of God of War, it's brutal as shit

Like yeah, we get it, it gives you a no no feeling in your tum tum. That's what's good about it.

>it's an SJW false flag thread

can't wait for Trump to genocide you fucking degenerates

the thread was specifically about that particular scene, of course we are talking about it rather than another scene where kratos kills another innocent person
stop being a huge baby and getting butthurt every time anyone even dares to mention the word "woman" in a conversation

Sup Forums is just fucking Sup Forums2.0 at this point

you hypocrites moan about SJW's getting offended at everything, but you faggots are just as bad

>Sup Forums is person

what did xe mean by this

SJW's want to actually get rid of the first amendment. You know one of the fucking things that make America great and separate it from the rest of the world that has been taken over by mudslimes.

So yea Sup Forums is no where as bad as SJWs.

What is this from? They caught shit for this?

No man don't you get it, if there is ANYTHING that SJWs don't like, you have to like it, otherwise you're a crypto-SJW.

If you don't like Kratos's stupid ugly fat face, you're pretty much a communist.

Because I feel bad about it? So what? I don't want to censor it you dump fucking pice of Sup Forums shit please go die from cancer. Some scenes in games, movies and books make me laugh. Some made me sad. Doesn't mean I DON'T WANT THEM YOU CUMDUMP SHIT.

Definitely not.
The new God of War "gameplay" trailer already felt more like The Last of Us rather than God of War 1-2-3.
This is the only series i didn't expect to be had such shitty reboot.

>This game about the god of WAR has edgy shit in it
What fucking game do you niggers think you're playing?
I don't even like God of War all that much, but really?

this false flag... wow....

so.... strong... this the power... of tumblr?

what are you talking about? all us scary Sup Forumstards want is for GoW to not be pussified

>le false equivalence meme

back to nigger

What's ENDA?

Black Ops 3

I'm not aware of any

Only Amerifats believe this

I hope not, that scene showcases Kratos as the fucking hatred protagonists, just a pure evil masochist and those kinds of characters are too unrelatable to be interesting for long imo.

No the new game is all about kratos becomming a sissy bitch

That will not happen as Trump the orange lump will lose.

How is she actually attached to that?

This game, man. Geez louize.

Who cares what you want?

God of War was stupid crap for edgy teens, and now they're making something completely different and calling it "God of War" for name recognition purposes.

There's no noticeable trend in less female nudity in games, user. If anything I think we might end up seeing more of it as the feminists try to casualize breasts.

Kratos Sissy Trainer when?


thanks for attempting to correct the record

after 9/11 it's over for your side though

>just a pure evil masochist

She's holding it to keep the gate raised, then she gets crushed because of the weight.

>that webm


i don't even think it's false flagging at this point. neo Sup Forums invited these "people" in and they haven't left
