Boss, look out! METAL GEAR THREAD!

Boss, look out! METAL GEAR THREAD!

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git down

the enemeh sniper

Ahh I miss this thread

>People still play this garbage game

I truly feel sorry for you.

metal gear?

I discovered yesterday that if you set all the avatar sliders to 0 and pick the right eyebrows/complexion you get Kiefer Sutherland.


You niggers are the reason MGS Wormhole adventures is coming out. Kill yourselves.


I discovered yesterday that medic's default model is just Big Boss with no beard, short hair and two eyes.

>useless hipster nostalgiafaggots will never be able to enjoy finer things in life

I truly TRULY feel sorry for you.

He's coming too?

Playing MGS4 atm, faggot. It's way better than this unfinished trash.

Sorry I'm at uni right now m80, it'll have to wait.

You could try it yourself though. Like I said, all sliders at 0.

Eyebrows... 5 I think? The ones that are thicker on the inside and get thinner as they arch. Look at a pic of Kiefer and you'll know which one.

Eyes 1

Eye color I did right green/left blue both with darker tint, gray also looks good though

Complexion is the stubbly one.

>ywn go back in time and not recruit Quiet

You can do that?

I still can't believe metal gear is gone forever.


Truly a hipster of the highest caliber


It's not, though I wish it were.

The only thing that could save the series in a somewhat legitimate way would be a total reboot that brought on new characters in a new continuity that maintains the core concepts that drive Metal Gear (a lone agent sneaking around enemy territory, conspiratorial flavoring in the story). But given Konami's state I doubt they'd be able to pull it off with much grace. We'll probably just end up getting shitty remakes of the MSX games that teenagers bitch for.


MGSV was better than Deus Ex: MD.

MGO3 is still alive

You can call me a Kojimadrone or wathever, but to be honest I have zero hype for anything MGS related in which Kojimbles isn't involved. I wish it was gone for good too instead of being in the state it is now.

what is this shit?
where are cute boxes with paz stickers?
where are soldier's swimsuits?
where's your pink tactical camouflage?

replay cloaked in silence 7 times it turns into reunion cloaked in silence

That's called over doing it

That's another reason I think a full reboot would be in the best interest of the series. It would help divorce whatever comes next from Kojima's tenure with the series.

I don't think Kojima is intrinsically vital to Metal Gear's success, though. Ghost Babel is great. The series just needs a good team with a strong director. I just don't see Konami being capable of delivering on that right now.

i hear you can get her back if you recruit her like 10 times or something
only thing i done was killing her 9 times and saved only once but holy shit this bitch won't come back


Lever action is the fucking coolest

close but no cigar, medic has a much thinner nose for a start

7 times. You have to save her everytime.

I know it must be fun to parrot Sup Forums's contrarian hipster shit, but V is liked by both critics and fans alike. It's getting good reviews on all fronts on all the major meta scoring sites.

TPP is easily the most misunderstood game (not only story, but gameplay too) since MGS2 and it basically gets the same treatment. Scores well on all fronts yet there's this vocal minority loudly shouting
>"muh boss"
>"muh revenge of the sith plot"
>"muh the trailers lied"

All these people probably never even once beat an MGS on euro extreme or even bothered collecting the frogs in MGS3. Just pitiful casual fans of the franchise who got suckered into the typical MGS trailers, got hyped for the wrong reasons and now suffer from their self imposed disappointment.

Don't get me wrong, TPP has serious flaws but it's a flawed masterpiece. 400+ hours in and still enjoying the fuck out of it.

I loved the game but the way it ends it's just complete bullshit and there's no way around it, I even had to google if the game actually finished there, I don't mean the story or anything, it's just the way it ends, completely out of the blue, bam, ending.

Well said. I agree.

>missions that are repeated twice
>sandbox full of nothing
>lackluster content

You seem to post this a lot, but I still I don't think MGSV is all that misunderstood in terms of gameplay. The people that praise it generally do so for the variety of options and openness of the game, and the people that dislike it generally dislike it for those very reasons. I'm not convinced there's some mysterious flavor in the gameplay people aren't tasting or something.

It's the most accessible game in the series and has a wider appeal than nearly any Metal Gear game before it.

I agree it's somewhat misunderstood storywise in terms of Skullface and Big Boss himself, at least. And I do agree that people would be better off trying to see the game for what it is instead of what it isn't. But I wouldn't say the story is particularly good. It's pretty shit in a lot of ways.

Have you guys seen this?

Some real ass-pulling you've done there m8. If you actually followed threads here and elsewhere you'd see it's not a vocal minority criticising the game. Metal Gear threads have been full of disappointed fans since release - they're most disappointed because they're the most invested. Casual fans don't care if the story is ass because it means little to them anyway.

The story is paper-thin garbage that still manages to shit on previous games. The completed elements aren't anything to rave about. There's barely anything ~deep~ about it either. The trailers did paint a different picture, Kojima's own launch trailer even labelled it as "THE ULTIMATE STORY" and "THE ULTIMATE METAL GEAR". What a crock of shit.

It's mainly praised because the gameplay is generally great, and the story moments are well presented. I've played hundreds of hours too, but that's just because despite its flaws the gameplay holds up.

I have. I occasionally post on The Snake Soup. I generally agree with Ravi; the points he makes are what I was referring to when I suggested that Big Boss's role in the story is a little misunderstood.

He actually had Kiefer's model in Ground Zeroes.

Did someone say metal gear thread ?

>muh headcanon

>finer things in life

Good video but his voice is really painful to listen to

Man I love the metal gear saga more than any vidya related thing, but trying to defend MGSV is just impossible, yes, the gameplay is great, and I put a fuckton of hours in it, but chapter 1 feels like an introduction to something that never happens and chapter 2 is a clusterfuck or confusing random missions mixed with wolbachia crap and a sudden ending for both Quiet's storyline and the main plot all at once, the only redeemable missions in that game are the devils house and the parasite outbreak, which were fucking awesome imo, but the rest are just there for the sake of gameplay, which could've been good but not in the way they structured the game.

>Kojima's own launch trailer even labelled it as "THE ULTIMATE STORY" and "THE ULTIMATE METAL GEAR". What a crock of shit.
But it was his last Metal Gear.

He doesn't read his material in a very expressive way and he could use a better mic. I don't think it's too bad though.

At least he got the mixing right his time compared to his MGS2 video.

To me the series ended with 4. I cannot care about 5 if i already know how the story ends

What does my post have to do with headcanon?
"Ultimate" is more commonly used as "best" than "last" though, I think he meant both in this case.

I started playing a few days ago, and I haven't been in a full game yet. And good luck playing anything other than the team deathmatch mode.

Dandelion, I'm already a demon.

Yeah uhm but why is Big Boss wearing a Diamond Dogs jacket

He needed something to wear, I guess.

non-lethal seven times back to back

You don't understand,
A DD-Biker jacket is BB's favorite jacket.
Not only that,
DD apparently has biker jackets but no bikes.

It's a little funny to me that Diamond Dogs had that kind of apparel even before Venom showed up to help build them.

Whatever. Big Boss likes biker jackets I guess. Peace Walker established he's cool with motorcycles.

It's actually not.

There's differences in the nose, inner brow, lips, jaw, lines in the face and more.

It's amazing how obvious the differences in the face are when you put them side to side.

There's a profile comparison out there and it's completely different as well.

what mod

Enjoy your two chapters of fun sneaking.

Then enjoy following an AI for a few screens, an hour long plot dump, and "remember MGS3?" motorcylce chase, followed by the worst boss in the series. That include the MSX games.

Have fun with Chapter 4: Remember MGS1? Genuinely enjoy Rex vs. Ray, that shit is amazing. Then sarcastically enjoy Raidens death scene. Oh shit never mind the very next scene he's fine and we'll patch him up.

Then finish up with two more areas of sneaking. Followed by Mantis being in the game and having no lines beside repeating his old ones for nostalgia. Ocelot fight is five stars to be fair.

TL;DR: MGS4 is mostly shit. MGSV is a much better game and people who don't like it tend to be overly butthurt about the story, despite the game supplementing basically every other titles story in some way.

The game was literally shipped unfinished without its ending you fucking shill

Even the first two acts of MGS4 are somewhat shit, in my opinion. The brief start of Act 5 is the best sneaking in the game, short as it may be.

>That include the MSX games.
To be fair, MG2 has a few boss battles that are pretty good.

In other circumstances one could tell you to fuck off with a general thread to /vg/ but since mgs is dead an thread in /vg/ would be pointless

what ending, mission 51? it really doesn't do much but shows what happened with sahaleafamalam. everything else is from Kojima's pottery mindset

No it's not, just because an entire chapter is reashed missions from the previous chapter it was clearly to be that way.
Also so what if a 10 year old has a metal gear? How cares about what happened? He probably traded Sally for gum of something.
Kojima is a genius.

>it doesn't show much but what happened with the giant mecha that liquid snake and pysco mantis stole


That side of the story is absent because MUH PHANTOM PAIN kojimbo is a genius or konami is to blame

and how's that relevant to the metal gear overall story? if there weren't any footage released, everyone would assume it became obsolete since it's not mentioned anywhere else. i'm pretty sure Kojambles added as "unfinished" to pose as the "see, i'm a good guy! Konami is evil and didn't let me finish my game!"

>mfw I stopped playing for almost 3 months
>turn on the game
>my Espg Rank only dropped 20 levels from 990 to 1010
Anyone knows if we will be able to get another FOB base? I have like 1800 MB coins

I played MGSV on PS4 up until act 2. Didnt really play it for the story, gameplay was pretty comfy .Is it worth getting it on PC? I have 30 bucks on steam still and want to spend it on something. Hows MGSO, still active?

Is there a reason I shouldn't buy this used? I'm normally all for supporting the developer, but fuck Konami.

MGO is active enough but unbalanced, repetitive and not particularly engrossing. Most people stop playing it after a few hours. If you want to give it a try and play more of the MGSV you know then hey, it's your money. Maybe wait for a sale.

Full art book's coming out in november. Here's hoping it's full of cut stuff.

The best thing about the PC version are the mods.

>daily reminder to download Infinite Heaven ASAP

Think I´ll wait for a sale thanks user. I just really enjoyed completing my zoo and looking at pretty vistas. Idk, something about this game really drawed my attention. Id love to play it again.

NOT recruit her, as in
>tfw you regret ever bringing Quiet onto MotherBase


you have to remember that ocelot is the one who brought him new clothes
he was probably hard for it

It's nice that you're taking the time to expand your pasta

Such an amazing video. Thank you for that.

Would you be with Big Bossu if his ultimate goal was to unite the world by just taking it over?
Just making everything into an eternal battlefield is kind of stupid. But making basically the whole planet your personell army to ultimately create peace sounds better.

A Metal Gear thread, huh?

>Would you be with Big Bossu if his ultimate goal was to unite the world by just taking it over?
No. People should be able to make decisions for themselves.
>Just making everything into an eternal battlefield is kind of stupid.
Well, that's Big Boss for you. He's a selfish cunt.

>Awkward jeep ride was supposed to be a tour through an ST-84 hangar
>Chapter 2 originally actually had story significance
>Sally fight was originally gonna be a fucking battle, just like Mission 51
>We were actually going to return to Camp Omega
>Soviet Union location was mostly finished but was cut
>We were actually going to establish the physical Outer Heaven
>5 chapters originally planned

We are meant to suffer

Who is best snake and why is it SOLIIIIIIIIID

don't believe any of that
you could write similar arguments against every other game, and those things were actually documented instead of just something user said with no proof to back it up

think again

Guise, I'm THIS close to buying Konami dollars so I can buy my FIFTH virtual oil-rig so I can grind for even more S-rank shitheads so I can research a virtual gun with a cool scope so I can finally stop playing this fucking game.
Help me resist.

Was it too ambitious for it's own good?

>hurr durr solidus did nothing wrong
Fuck you. He was storming places and creating child soldiers left and right

you can blame that fucking gook for overspending his budget with trips, the Joost and "SHESHURFIFED" voice acting. not that Kiefer is bad, but sure as hell he wasn't cheap.

Lots of what he said made sense though. There's no way that jeep ride was in its final stage, there's at least 2 different occasions where Venom says he'll need backup but either one chopper is sent or no backup is received, having a physical outer heaven at some point gives Truth a place to happen, side ops confirmed cut, FOB customization confirmed cut, Camp Omega return was promised by Kojima himself (and you know as well as I do he didn't mean MGO), and there was clearly more intended for Demon Snake, as it was introduced then dropped. It's even seen in mission 51 him seeing his Demon Snake reflection, so there's proof it was going to develop further.

And every other game didn't drop off and end with no warning like V did.

Checked social media recently? People shouldn't make their own decisions, the patriots were right

You know it's stupid, so don't prove yourself to be stupid. Unless you're stupid

Play another game user. Uninstall and put it behind you like Venom put away his phantoms.

I agree with the ending cut short, literally. The game would have been properly ended with mission 51. All you can do is watch it on youtube and lament the cut content.
That doesn't mean that what's there isn't masterfully crafted.

Mother base and the need to fulton soldiers is gravely misunderstood. I stand by that.
One of the major things I keep reading is how you NEED to tranq and fulton everything in your way, while in reality you can completely skip fultoning soldiers if you want to.
You can tackle the missions the way you want and how you do it is up to your own creativity.

>it's not a vocal minority
But it is. Go watch metacritic, steam reviews and other universal critic sites. Positive user reviews overwhelm the bad ones.
Also, the story isn't ass. It's just delivered more subtle (facial expressions for example), with more subtext and it suffers from bad presentation at some points.

>Also, the story isn't ass
I agree

The story is great.

I just wish there were more of it

It ends just as it's getting good.

I guess it truly leaves you with a Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain™

there was also kojima's promise of a sad backstory behind the outer heaven logo
you're right, it all does make sense and back up what he said. but something that stands out to me is that the user didn't say anything about episode 51 having been planned as dlc. that seems like an awfully big thing to leave out that was just recently confirmed.

The good:
>attention to detail
>cool cutscenes (most of them anyway)

The bad:
>mother base
>world felt dead and boring, especially Afghanistan
>cut content
>chapter 2
>repetitive missions and side-ops
>the ending
>few boss battles

I rate it a 6/10. Not awful, but not good either.