Any games where i can fight spaceships in space?
Any games where i can fight spaceships in space?
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Didnt I just see this thread.
Literally hundreds.
I guess i'll contribute.
Nexus the jupiter incident.
Battlefleet Gothic
Star wars: battle of endor or battle of yavin
Star Citizen
If you want to command ships, this is one of the best options.
No such games have been made yet
Freespace 2 nigga
Get yourself a joystick and the open source updates and have a blast.
Freespace is too arcade for a joystick
Game turns to shit the moment you get the boring sci-fi ship.
Nigger what?
It's borderline unplayable without one.
A game being more or less arcade doesn't make the game more or less suitable for a joystick. It's method of control is what's important.
What else would you play a game like freespace on?
>It's borderline unplayable without one.
There are like only 3-4 buttons you need to know except for the movement keys, unless you play modded. Vanilla is just already easy as it is
Just fuck off already
How do you do it?
Also stop harassing me, vendettafag, you literally have no reason to
This thread was literally made last night, with the same exact picture and it had the derpibooru ID in its filename.
I think it's the vendettafag remaking the thread in order to harass me, as shown by the relatively recent Unix timestamp.
He is the OP. mods confirmed he starts his own fires. He will reply "literally no proof" to this post, like he always does, because he is so simple minded and easy to manipulate.
Stop feeding them, then
Pic related, fat chick is you.
Seriously, what else would you suggest playing it on? Mouse is a joke, as is keyboard flight. Playing on a joypad would be hugely less effective for it.
>like only 3-4 buttons you need to know
Boost, countermeasure, cycle primary, cycle secondary, next target, target in view, equalize shields all need to be on hand at an absolute minimum. Shield allocation, power systems (both of which would be unintuitive as fuck anywhere else but the keyboard defaults) target bomber, target subsystem, dual-link secondaries and the full row of numbers used to commands need to be at relatively easy access.
What dimension does that leave the game playable on anything but joystick + keyboard? So again, what would you suggest playing it on?
>vanilla is just already easy as it is
Turn the difficulty up? Shocker, I know.
>t-t-there's a CONSPIRACY against me, they're all out to get ME
Daily reminder that sage still works and to sage all replies to barneyfag
Rebel Galaxy
I still want these fags dead
rebel galaxy
These fags should still die
Well, they really are. I wouldn't be surprised if they are given how many times they shill their shit.
Nope, you literally have nothing to back it up.
Literally the entire board still hates you more than they hate the horsefuckers
How do you live with yourself knowing you're that much of an autistic fuckup?
I still want them dead.
You're delusional.
You're all delusional, really.
Tachyon Fringe
death from above
and all angles
T,O,U tunnels of the underworld is a really great Free 2D shooter but it really shines in multiplayer.
you missed a threat
Is Rogue Space any good?
Looking at buying it but the fact that it's not 360 control is putting me off a bit
I just want to be able to have dogfights as well as capital ship battles