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Why the fuck did they go triple-decker.
It looks retarded.

What's a VCR?

I don't understand what the big deal is with this design.

Looks like an old DVD player, not a VCR

Yeah, I do. That's a PS4 though, friend.

Still looks better than ANY incarnation of the xBox, I'm not even trolling.

You should be able to install more decks on top of that and each deck would increase performance in games for 10FPS.

I still have a VCR and I use it to elevate my monitor to eye-level off my desk.

All memes aside, that's a terrible design.

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who fell for the VCR meme

Tips to Sony for daring to be post modern.

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that have never used a VCR

How does that look bad in any way?!?

>All memes aside,


How else am I supposed to watch Cantonese cave paintings?

Fags love minimalistic just a square box design.

Your underage is showing, user. Years later and I still haven't removed the VCRs in my house.

do you still have that race car rewinder as well?

Are there really people on here that don't know this feel?

>want to watch a tape
>you haven't rewinded it

"Fags love X" is what dumbasses say when they dislike something but can't articulate why.

>user gives opinion
>Butthurt fanboy thats not opinion or reason
Every time

Nah we just got rid of all our VCRs by 2007. Now we've got rid of all our DVDs.

I was actually implying that betamax was obviously superior.

The naive answer its three layers, but we can do it better.

I used to work in an FYE back when DVD was still getting its foothold. Besides dealing with the painful repeated "Which version would you like, Full Frame or Widescreen", and getting the answer "regular", the only other stand out would be all the customers who would come into the store and see the audio cassettes on the back wall.

"WOW," they'd say every time, "you still sell TAPES! That's AWESOME"

and then they'd never buy a single one. Every time.

>meanwhile OP has one of these on his desk

Unironically looks better. Making even layers into odd layers will never look good.

I miss shiny glossy consoles, Sony will never top PS3 and Vita fat designs

>inb4 muh fingerprints

Why the fuck do you touch your console for anything else than turning it on/off and ejecting the disc?

>inb4 but muh dust

matte stuff gets dust as well, and worser, also clean your fucking devices for gods sake

We all know what happened to the betamax get fucked.

Lighting fast VCR repair, how can I help you?

downvoted :^)

matte is the best

You sure had some weird looking VCRs where you live, Xcuck.

>Why the fuck do you touch your handheld
This just in: Sonyggers perplexed by the concept of playing videogames.

The plastic literally looks like something you pull out of the dollar store.

>all those useless LEDs and other pointless asthetic

What the fuck is the point? Seems like normalfag bait for PC gaming.

Yes. What were you waiting for, Nintendo to make one?

>xbox one fanboy
Did you misaligned your PUs and became stuck on this reality or something?
There's no such thing as Xbox one fanboy here.
And even if there was, doing a VCR joke is the LAST thing he would want to do, given the Xbox one aspect.

the point is that tons of people (OP) who have led shit kid cases make fun of the PS4Pro which actually looks somewhat acceptable

>"Which version would you like, Full Frame or Widescreen"
This is such an American thing! That stupid shit took never hold in Europe.

>PS 4 has triple layers

That's not even the good kind of matte. It's late 90s Corolla grade.

It's not that far off from the industrial design of the first model PS2.


I don't know about the PS4 but the PS2 was nice matter in my opinion

also another one would the the 3D XL

Glossy fucking sucks and I thought so back in 2006.

I bet you're also one of those idiots who thinks windows vista is beautiful.

according to the number of stacks, the PS2 should be a LOT more powerful


>using a literal fire hazard

Blue + Green LED master race, it's serviceable enough, never overheats and it respects nature.

I was talking about the PS3

8.1 is the epithome of windows

As far as library goes, it was. Average framerate, too.

>yfw you discover the PS2 logo on the disc tray can rotate

yeah, i do

Sandblasted matte is great. This recycled plastic look isn't.

good memories
i also unironically miss the blue accents and colorful PS logo

>only 4
come on user

Any console as fast or faster than the sega dreamcast can do 60 fps with ANY style of game.

But developers don't want it because they always have a faggy art director that wants more screen filters.

And with PS4 pro? the lens flare will have their own lens flare, the piss filter will include urea particles, the chromatic aberration will have all colors of the rainbow and the FXAA will be applied 4 times just to be completely fucking sure no unfiltered pixel is displayed, even if the picture looks like an unholy abortion of a Nintendo 64 picture being displayed by a sega genesis, but the frame rate will not go up, because 60 fps is a waste.

I fucking wish I did. I got a copy of Innerspace on VHS that I want to show my wife. And VCRs aren't being made any more.

Had to look it up.

I think it was just a DVD player before that was a thing..

if you have a window and/or leds on your computer, you lost at life


Stop that.

dat feel when it somehow broke off.



Might as well change Sony to Gillette at this point.

I work in IT and we still backup our data to tapes so I get to have that VHS tape feel every morning.

All my home recorded Saturday morning cartoon memories from my childhood come flooding back as it pulls the tape from my fingers, clicks into place and starts winding itself back to the start to read the dataset.

digital tape is garbage desu

This is what happens when people my age just quit the internet. Millennials think VCRs are ancient, yet probably have no idea how complicated Betamax were for children.


How does it feel being on the losing side?

If you don't have any LED how do you tell if it's on?

>Memery Card
What did they mean by this?

Dude who the fuck made that shitty fanart of Sailor Moon you posted? Just post the real stuff please, we don't need your OC garbage.


There's that word again. How old are you again, sonny?



Add a glide strip next

So, it'll give me a clean shave if I rub my face on it?

A big ol' Betamax

I don't remember any VCRs looking like that, it looks stupid but it's not a VCR

>be around 12 or so
>starting to learn about sex related things
>stick my dick in a VCR slot
>gets caught on a metal piece inside
>cuts open dick and bleeds everywhere
>have to explain to parents what I did
>parents never let me go around the VCR after that


>six layers
>six usable CPU cores

Oh snap, that filename


>ywn work at a video rental store
hold me

It doesn't even look close to any other media player out there.

It'll crack the enigma fo sho.

it looks okay