Just finished my 2nd playthrough of NuDoom, most fun I've had with a shooting game in YEARS
But I think I have enough of it for now and want to play something else. Are there any other modern, ignorant shooting games that are nearly as good?
Just finished my 2nd playthrough of NuDoom, most fun I've had with a shooting game in YEARS
But I think I have enough of it for now and want to play something else. Are there any other modern, ignorant shooting games that are nearly as good?
I don't understand how people have fun with this game. It's basically just enter an arena kill a few damage sponge enemies, get stupid upgrades and that's it. The level design is beyond stupid and boring and is literally worse than doom 1 or 2, not to mention the fan made levels. Also awful gameplay with so much gimmicks like the glory kills and the equipment bullshit. It's just awful in every way i would rather play call of duty than this shit. Some guy from Sup Forums gifted me the game and i was still disappointed after wasting my time with it waiting for it to get better.
There's nothing like it unless you go for shit indie games or go REALLY far back in the past
I suggest you try Painkiller games if you haven't already
How far did you get?
i finished it
The latest Wolfenstein games are excellent.
Resistance 3, Serious Sam 3, Wolfenstein The New Order and Old Blood.
Wolfenstein is probably better than Doom as a modern/classic blend
i mean, nobody made you buy it. you're in the minority faggot. bet you like weeb shit
if he was gifted it by someone from Sup Forums, he's almost certainly a weeb erp fag
Did you even read my post retard?
Also the majority of people always have shit taste so i guess you are proud of being shit eater.
The first Painkiller is the only one worth playing
its pretty bad. there are like 5 enemies and its all arena combat. shitty level design
If you just want the same monotonous "go into a room and the doors get locked until the waves of enemies stop" then play Painkiller.
*at a time
then they spawn another wave after you finish the wave. its shit
The new Shadow Warrior. Almost always going on sale for 4 bucks. Tons of fun.
I kinda agree with you but i prefer the NuDoom story balance since it doesn't get that much in the way.
Wolfenstein was fun as fuck and i loved the story but I'm not really fond of the gameplay being interrupted by cutscenes in a shooter
>ignorant shooting games
Game was fun as hell, but felt really short in the end, replayability isn't as great, and user maps suck hard.
I expect they pull off some kind of cheap, stand-alone DLC kinda like new Wolfenstein did.
I'd agree with you if the story in Wolfenstein was anything worse than what we got. Apart from that one underwater bit, the game paced itself quite well
>mfw the sequel is going to be some sort of weird Diablo/Borderlands hybrid
What? Are you serious?
It's got randomly generated weapon/loot system and open maps, among with other shit like fancy numbers that display how much damage you're dealing and a frickin skill tree system (though this one was also in the first game to a certain extent)
>What? Are you serious?
You REALLY not keeping up with the news, are you? Shadow Warrior has announced it's transition into a looter shooter on it's fucking announcement like more than a year ago, and here has been a steady stream of gameplay videos, including playable build involving roughly 1,5+ hour of gameplay being distributed to virtually all major journalists, streamers and other personalities just a few months ago with full right to record and stream all of it...
just got this, got bored in like 30 mins. its just run around, shoot guy, wait til he flashes orange then press F. the ennttiirree tiiimmeeee.
i cant play single player games for the most part tho, i can only have fun in online. except gta games, those are fun single player ones.
>"I b-bet you like weebshit!"
Splatoon is conceptually more interesting than DOom.