Why do "we" praise this game again?

Why do "we" praise this game again?

Pure combat mechanics are okay

Literally every enemy that isnt stolen from DMC1 is either boring or straight up fucking annoying

Artstyle looks like the most generic dogshit anime

Nero exists instead of focusing more on Dante

Lucifer is a garbage gimmick weapon with barely any depth beyond durr I can stunlock the enemy in the air with it

Gilgamesh is less cool than Beowulf

Also fuck Pandoras gunslinger attack

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>Why do "we" praise this game again?
>Pure combat mechanics are okay

you answered your own question

>Im an easy to impress retard

pure combat mechanics dont mean anything if almost every target to use them on is garbage or straight up annoying

Nero is a good character

nice projection friendo, I don't even play DMC4 that much.
DMC4 is for dudes that will just spend god knows how long in bloody palace and would buy DMC5 even if the whole game was just bloody palace with Dante in it.
Best to just look in awe and forget

The mechanics are a lot better than okay and enemy design, while still isn't great, is the least infuriating it's ever been in DMC. You can get nice combos off everything except chimeras. Nero's great. Considering you find the pure combat mechanics "okay", I wouldn't ask you about depth.

Every DMC is shit. Ninja Gaiden is vastly superior in every regard.

They are barely "okay" when over half of the weapons are recycled with minimal improvements, every new weapon is shoddy and gimmicky at best (lucifer, pandora) and the only almost interesting improvements (red queen with its revving mechanic) is wasted on an alpha stage tier character

Every enemy that isnt straight up ripped from DMC1 (where almost every enemy was fucking great) is straight up garbage. The land vaults, the fish, both of the flying fucks, the chimeras. The angelos are decent

The combat mechanics are weighed down by the archaic camera and the controls that havent been updated in the slightest too

Okay aside from shitflinging and be more concerned about trying to see what's seen as "superior", what are your opinions on Bayo 1?

I think it gets misunderstood a lot compared to DMC or NG since Bayo's mainly about getting rid of Witch Time and do intensely long bursts of Dodge Offsetting and then taking advantage of enemies that become vulnerable by pushing them into aerial combos or things like that. I feel like because you don't have a style switcher in Bayo it's always going to just be seen as "that floaty game"

dmc 4 is shit and not praised though

>Pure combat mechanics are okay
Some of the best combat mechanics in any game ever made.
>Literally every enemy that isnt stolen from DMC1 is either boring or straight up fucking annoying
Enemy design is very good actually but could be better than it is.
>Artstyle looks like the most generic dogshit anime
Artstyle is fantastic and the game still holds up just fine.
>Nero exists instead of focusing more on Dante
I'd prefer a focus on Dante but Nero was fine.
>Lucifer is a garbage gimmick weapon with barely any depth beyond durr I can stunlock the enemy in the air with it
I don't care for Lucifer myself but what some people can do with the weapon is insane. It's a weapon that really benefits from spacing and positioning.
>Gilgamesh is less cool than Beowulf
I agree. It's kind of a letdown that tries to be a mix between Beowulf and Ifrit but fails to be as fun to use as either. Best visual design out of any of the gauntlet/greaves weapons though.
>Also fuck Pandoras gunslinger attack
What's wrong with it?

I agree.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is the best action game ever.

Those dudes that get infected with parasites and hit you out of your combo while you would otherwise have them stunlocked are gay. I never did and still don't know how to fight them. The best way is to just shoot them with Lady. I don't know how to fight them with any other character. Fausts and the smaller cloak guys that come with them are annoying too and take too long to have their cloaks removed.

Still my favourite DMC game, although I do agree the Special Edition was a blatant cash-grab and they could've given us more.

Also, how did they fuck optimization so bad?

the mid-air gunslinger takes way too long to deactivate, isn't that useful for both combat or styling.

devil ma'am lived is unstoppable. prove me wrong

you're right

I still like it....

Who wins?

>siamese Dante Jackpot vs twin Vergils with a bad dragon dildo
the twin Vergils win

I do agree with the enemies being somewhat annoying. They need to build off the scarecrow juggling simulator design, and create various types of those with different properties. All enemies need to be jugglable.

It's fine. You just need to adjust the length of the move by holding the button shorter or longer, and immediately follow up with 1 gunshot, before doing anything else.

>Pure combat mechanics are okay
Best in its genre.

try actually playing other games in the genre

People praise DMC4SE because there are few games like it left.

The Stylish Action genre is on life support, and it was never huge to begin with, people know DMC4 is flawed, but in a world of endless BamHam combat DMC4SE is a gift from above.

Hope Nier is good.

Nothing comes close. Responsive, fast paced, easy to input with wide number of moves and combo potential.

DMC5 being just a Bloody Palace mode would be fucking great. Instead of spending half the budget on sorting out the story and cutscenes they can put that towards more enemies, fleshing out the combat, optimisation, more weapons; storyfags are the cancer killing action games.

When's TGS? Is there a time for the Sony conference yet? I only have this link.

There's a countdown to it in that very link m8

Fucking kek
I swear it wasn't there before.

what your face be if he appears on stage to announce the next DMC?

Automata definitely looks good, but I'm worried that they're just going to recycle the combat from their other games. Like how Devastation was similar to Bayonetta in terms of gameplay.
But at least it'll be better than Drakengard's combat.

Ninja Gaiden 2 was the only one I played but it was great. I'd like to see some gameplay first though, before I start crying tears of joy.

Arguably the best combat in the genre, everything else is far less important for me. I still play every monhun and those games are pretty much just combat and nothing else.

Good combat good game. That's all it takes. Bad combat bad game.

Stupid poster, I've never heard anyone praise devil maiam lived speoeps let alone heard of it.

It's a pretty easy game, I'll admit.

Some enemies are pretty challenging but the only outright hard ones are the ones that abandon fairness like Blitz.

they are fair and piss easy if you know what to do and not play as Trish
Chimera'd Assaults are the no fun allowed enemy


Blitz is a pushover, learn to dodge.

I still can't figure out how to work pandora

what do if no DT?

>DmC DMC 2 by Team Ninja
that would be an interesting combo

>People actually trying to make a big deal out of the microtransactions in DMC4SE.

DMC4SE literally has the best kind of microtransactions, just stupid fucking pointless shit you get by playing the game, and you can easily mod in a 100% file on PC anyway. The one exception is the gloria and lady costume, which while kind of shitty you still got if you pre-ordered.

le bamham meme

the batman games are inarguably better than every DMC game combined with their exploration, arcadey stealth and combat focused on keeping up a steady flow while styling with different gadgets

arkham knight on hard with the counter prompts turned off is literally harder than DMC4 on DMD

On Trish or in general?

Trish's version is easy, forward for the bow, backwards for the launcher, back-to-forward for Revenge. With Dante you just have to practice the motions until you've got it down.

Stop wasting it, and start gunslinging.

Fuck off, Team Ninja needs to disappear forever before they further destroy beloved franchises. And DmC is an abomination that should be forgotten.

>Arkham knight on hard with the counter prompts turned off is literally harder than DMC4 on DMD.

DMC4 isn't praised for its difficulty though, and yes Batman combat has gotten stale and fucking boring. It's servicable but it's very typical modern action game combat where you're pigeonholed into specific solutions for different enemies. BamHam assumes you're too stupid to figure out that different techniques work better on different enemies. So instead it just forces you to use very specific techniques for specific enemies.

Wouldn't surprise me if BamHam is what lead DmC to having color coded enemies that force you to switch weapons, the general public is probably that stupid.


>It's a guy shits on DmC but clearly doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about episode.

Why is there always a Mario vs Sonic style rivalry between Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden.

DmC is heaps more fun than this gay shit. Also fuck Nero and fuck that repeating THE TIME HAS COME AND SO HAVE I song every single time an enemy walks into view over and over again

Because they have vaguely similar gameplay, and are both dead franchises.

Don't worry, Bayonetta is almost buried, too

Then we can all be free

Makes me wonder what Scalebound is going to be like

Because the unremarkable enemy variety doesn't even come close to bringing down the gameplay, and the gameplay is king here.

>gay shit
>this faggot exists

What's it like being retarded?

DMC5 and NG4 at Sony's pre-TGS conference.


Combat is top tier.
Enemies are varied and fun to fight.
Artstyle is good.
Nero is great, except a few scenes involving Kyrie.
I don't like Lucifer either, but there are other options to choose from.
Basically, even with it's faults this game is one of the best in the genre. If you're bothered by these more then the rest, well, too bad for you I guess. We don't care.


>We don't care
t.capcom execs at DMC, Onimusha,Darkstalkers fans

>Ryu: Come now, things are not that bad. At least your director didn't leave after creating scandals(where he was innocent) and lawsuits. And your series is now at the hands of people that have no clue how to make it work

This was my first DMC game and I loved it.

only reinforcing the point that no DMC fan thinks it was a good addition. Go hang yourself seventh gen kid

Nier Automata will be the best cuhrayzee game of this generation and here's why:

Taka Toura - The wild card at Platinum finally gets to make his first game. This guys is a fan of DMC, Shinobi and Nier

I like the look of bullet hell stuff being thrown into some bosses, makes it more interesting

Is this how we're starting DMC threads now? Like Monster Hunter ones? neat

NierA is the only game aside from Xenoverse 2 that I'm really looking forward to. I'm burned out on DMC, I can only replay so many times since they first released so i NEED something else and NierA seems to be it.

>A nobody is working on it
>A weapon system that suggests more depth but gives you exactly the same depth
>It has everything every other game before it has had

user stop. I hope the game is good, I hope it's the best thing to come out of the action genre since DMC3 and I can play it for hundreds of hours non-stop without getting bored, I hope is exceeds all the giants that you want it to surpass, but claiming it's definitely gonna be the absolute best thing when it hasn't even come out and for those weak reasons is just silly.