>Was a scam


is this shit STILL online? how? i remember there was a diving board you had to pay to use.

Used to be fucking rich in this game when I was in middle school

I discovered Sup Forums from the July 2006 raid.

Isn't this game basically just a hot spot for peados.

Who the fuck plays this.

Oh man those were the days.

>he wasn't part of a mafia

>all those adoption rooms where people roleplayed as kids and parents
>mfw I just realized the true horror

I met a girl, cybered, got married, got a room and adopted a child in the space of day.

I fucking loved this shit and stole an account with 500 roses but nothing else

>chromatic aberration in pixel art

>tfw I fell for the free habbo credit sites that just make you enter a phone number which gives someone else the credit

holy shit I was a dumb kid

>some guy told me if i typed my password in chat then press M + CTRL, i'd get free money
>actually just posted PASSWORDM in chat
>quickly logged out, changed password
>long back in
>all my room stuff in in my inventory and i'm in some randoms room

10 year old me dodged a bullet there

you mad

bayb mad

baby mad

baby mad

baby mad

baby mad

baby mad

>Go to nobrain.dk for free coins
>Character stands in place for a few seconds and then vanish in thin air

bobbaING bobba

>not also playing Coke's habbo knockoff

>was curious how good the diving minigame is in the swimming pool
>always had a huge line
>forked up £1 to ride it
>literaly a 10 second minigame where you alternate poses then land in the pool

even club penguin had better pay for shit than this

bobba off

say 123 if u want sex

I will report you

That sound where you get a new message is still fresh in my memory

I played the shit out of Coke Music

Haunted Houses were the best.
>tfw you'll never be chased by the room owner in a mask again and given free rights for surviving

Are there any clones around like there are with habbo retros?

I wonder what they do at Sulake now that Habbo is basically dead, I walk past their main office daily..

>tfw casinos got banned in 2012
>tfw lost about 4000c worth of value due to the economy tanking.

fuck it, the game fucking died in 2006 anyway.

Pretty much and most people you meet are super clingy, desperate for social interactions.

>Adopt dindu "baby"
>Take it to garbage dump
>"This is your home now"

Good times.

>not adding girls you meet on MSN

i did, i played it a lot. i had about 6 gongs too.

I remember there was a trick where if the person copied and pasted the URL of their cokemusic window to you, you could access their account

Did this shit so many times

it was second life before second life.

because I'm a faggot I once in a while think it would be cool if Sup Forums had a habbo style chat room game integrated to it

>videogame stores are selling Habbo money cards RIGHT NOW
Beyond me tbqh.

This is one of those threads that makes you realize no matter how cool you and the company you once kept are, it is insignificant in the merciless march of time.

>Making shitty music tracks and makin' scrilla erryday

>log in after many years and open a furniature giveaway to give my vast fortune to the kids of today
>simple walk into queue, ask me what you want, get it
>people would just say "chairs" and then not leave until I traded them
>ended up kicking a bunch of people
>one girl keeps coming back in and demanding the plant in the corner, despite being at back of queue
>impatient kids geting BTFO and I'm rewarding the nice ones with extra stuff
>I get temp banned for "scamming"

fuck this hotel.
i feel like dying inside when i read all the trophy descriptions from friends i've lost

i had to sell my trophies, feels too strong, im a heartless normie now.

>tried searching for my old account
>completely vanished

damn, I wanted to see some old sticky notes

>my habbo "girlfriend"
kek, never forgotten
i wonder where she is now

>Bobba wit chick
>She sux at cyberin'
>Leave my own room

They merged the EU and US servers. Inactive characters got deleted. All my friends rooms are gone.

Yeah I had this really old picture that I cherished, fucking thing won't load now.
I'll never know what it was.

pictures got removed due to the exploit where the image could be replaced with anything

>get friendly with ][DdK][ leader
>teaches me how to use WPE Pro
>get rights from popular mafia/armies
>put furni in walls

Good times.


Probably with a black man now

>meet girl
>want to cyber
>search for any room with a double bed in it
>both lie down on the bed
>go on to type shit like *rips clothes off* *licks you down there*

It amazes me how sleazy and fuck up that sounds. It's the equivalent to picking up some slut and going into a motel room to fuck.

>decide to change password late at night
>go to bed
>can't remember my password
>since I was 10 or 12 I didn't have an email

I lost at least $x worth of shit that day and it still haunts me

I never got scammed, not even once

AIDS Awareness was probably one of my favorite trolling campaigns, they even ended up word filtering AIDS. Of course that was easily circumvented because they never wordfiltered a version with lowercase L. Same shit for NIGGER.

It merged. You had a grace peroid to log in, i think it was like 1 or 2 years after that everything was deleted, including furniture.

were you about when you could still use artmoney or cheatengine? that was fun as fuck growing third arms and making clones

Sup guys

>not an army

I logged on the moment I heard it was shutting down, my stuff was deleted and never merged.

It looks better

What the fuck even was gaia anyway? I only really remember there being a shitty forum with incredibly overdesigned avatars populated by 10 year olds pretending to be mature but failing miserably.

>tfw had tons of shit from scamming

Pool's closed

Social website where you play games, collect gold and get bullshit for your houses and avatar. It's pretty much what Habbo is.

It was our boogieman back then.

Hannah has probably forgotten about you though user.

yeah, but I mostly used it to change the colour of crappy furni and trade it to idiots I hated then reported them so they would get banned lol

>tfw we had a fake race room with an insider making fake bets all the time

Go back to Gaia.



Everyone used it to change sticky colors.

>organize a contest of questions and answers
>someone gets the question wrong
>ask "donate or kick out"
>they donate stuff above +5 credits just to stay
>the price is 2 rubber ducks
>kick them out

Worked like a charm


>WoW for poor people

Shit was cash though

tfw i could have been good at something by now but spent too much time on this shit, runescape, and wow

How'd you get a picture of my MGSV avatar?

Those days of innocence and ignorance are never coming back. We'll never be 13 and playing shitty "MMO"s or discovering Sup Forums for the first time ever again. SA and Newgrounds will never be popular again. The wild west of the internet is dead.

Pedophiles will never approach 8 year old me on Runescape again. I told them I was 14 because I thoughy it sounded mature.

>tfw you get employed


All those grils I was chatting with who would only show their's if I showed them mine first. Even at 13 it felt off.

fuck dude. you just made me real sad.

I used to played a lot of this back in the day
Thinking back, it was pretty stupid i just played a lot of the game room like puzzle and banzai
It was the most pointless shit i've ever done

I swear if a game in this vein was made, distributed through steam and had a more versatile music maker it would be a gigantic hit.

I got feels earlier today by looking at Boxxy's videos. m00t's gone as well, abandoned the site because we turned away from anime and vidya to politics and porn. Fuck, nothing feels the same as it did 10 years ago. JUST


Why are places like Habbo and Gaia still going? I would think kids and teens these days wouldn't be using the shit we were using 10 years ago.

I'm going to cry lads
Don't fucking stop me

You guys haven't forgotten about us, have you?

Well, Habbo crashed down because of pedos.

>Win chair game for a Mountain Dew machine
>"user, you are tonight's... Loser"
>Get kicked out of the room

Fuck this microtransaction game FUCK IT! It was all money for pixels, glad I was too young to not be able to buy much of this shit.

I never figured how to get to the actual game, my barrier was literally the forum

Fuck I remember they had an MMO that was a fun to play for a bit.

Pls go im cring

>mfw "working" as a policeman with some other guy in a room called Habbo Police wearing dark blue clothes and just laughing at whoever came to our room expecting us to solve their shitty problems

>mfw doing the dancing animation in front of them while they called us "not serious" and "unprofessional"

Holy I really pissed myself laughing so hard back then

I came here to post that

Anyone else play this?

if you haven't logged into gaia and you have an account, do it. it has the absolute worst economy in any MMO ever. all of my items are worth trillions of gold because they sell gold generators in the cash shop that pay out that high. it's insane.

>Needed membership to talk
If you didint stop playing after finding that out what the fuck was wrong with you?

Where you that guy that came into my friends room and tried to put a stop to his scamming schemes?

>not mechquest
get out

since when? It used to be based on which server you joined, not membership status


just checked and I still have my character, still sporting that fucking striped Tshirt from the opening of the lighthouse in 2006