Show me yours Sup Forums
Show me yours Sup Forums
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>5.5 hours over the past 2 weeks.
it's true the people here don't even play games.
If I add overwatch it would be around 20, but you're still right. I don't play much these days, that's why I wanted to see how much others play
>5.5 hours
normalfag "gamer" spotted
Silly user. If they're playing games, when will they get the time to shitpost on Sup Forums!?
Normalfags play 5 hours a day.
OP is just a fag.
>over 2.6k hours in DOTA 2
Just end yourself already
That's unique to be honest.
Too bad this doesn't count the amount of time I farm on LoL for IP
i have played nothing but FFXIV over the past few weeks
I'm kind of boring
It's the second most popular sport in the world lad
true patrician sighted
K1 wouldn't work, couldn't be bothered to fix it again. Oh well.
>It's the second most popular sport in the world lad
Probably because of the billions of Indians, Pakis and New Zealanders.
>steam is a reliable indicator of how much you play vidya
Even as a mustard, that is sad.
Recently bought the fallout 4 season pass and I'm actually Enjoying It
Shame killing floor is still shit
My top 5
>steam is the only platform to play games on
ah yes, the BILLIONS of New Zealanders
You know steam isn't the only way to play games on PC right?
>billions of new zealanders
It's popular in virtually every oceanic country, the whole subcontinent, malaysia, the caribbean, africa and the british isles,
yeah because Steam and Pc is the only way to play vidya ex dee
I don't get how someone could enjoy Fallout 4 but glad you enjoy it
>t. asmanian
I've been playing too much overwatch lately.
Also I dropped God Eater till i finish DR2 on my vita and DXMD on steam. I'm playing too much shit at the same time.
Do FREE PIRATED GAMES count towards Steam playtime?
>It's the second most popular sport in the world lad
>that fallout 4 playtime over the originals
To be honest Fallout 4 has more replayability and content than Fallout 1.
Was travelling for two weeks, so this is actually my steam-played since I got home on Friday.
Usually when I am working I only get to play about an hour or two on weekdays anyway.
there's A LOT of walking and other shenanigans you have to deal in 4
it's about to be the most popular sport in europe thanks to the EU
Pretty good, I never got the thing with Dota though. Happy to see M&B though
Nice because unique patrician cricket taste
Very good taste my man
Agreed, shit taste
Bretty gud, hows Atilla? Worth the price? The steam reviews are very negative for a TW game
Am I allowed to post here?
>it's about to be the most popular sport in europe thanks to the EU
Not after Brexit my good friend.
are you a cute korean girl
please respond
Are you planning on nuking me?
>Japanese runes
>autism simulators
Like making dishes out of clay.
it's already in England
What is you're APM in ARMA3?
The Warhammer universe's depiction of the European refugee crisis was pretty accurate
Most people dislike it because:
hate bandwagon from Rome 2
it's too hard and you can't be glorious OP rome that destroys everything.
It's definitely a worthwhile game if you wish to emulate that 400's feels, either as a Roman who needs to stretch to every direction and lose a lot of men to maintain civilization or as a ravaging hun destroying everything.
It is mechanically the most advanced TW game and has the best diplomacy, and the only real downside is that the units are quite unbalanced. It's definitely worth the money especially since you can download the Radious Total War mods.
Most people over in /twg/ like it, and IMO it is the best Total war game.
i hate csgo but it's so much fun and so addictive, how do i escape the void Sup Forums?
That depends, can you set me up with a kpop gf?
I hate CSGO but I have over 1000 hours.
Sounds good but it's 40€ again. Really should have bought in the summer sale or humble bunde a few months ago. Thanks though
forgot to rate, sorry
great taste, tried dominions 4 and i couldn't get into it
css is god tier but fallout 4 is why
rooty tooty point and shooty: the steam profile
our taste is pretty similar, except i own aoe2 and not aoe2
poor man you bought MD, nu-doom is good though
Anyone here play Rocket League or MHG?
tfw no cute kpop gf
literally no reason to live
goodbye Sup Forums
I have almost 1.1k hours in CSGO and I hate this game. Most of the playtime comes from being on idleservers for weapon cases and skins to sell them later and buy better games.
>but fallout 4 is why
Bought it on release and hated it. Now that there are mods out I tried it with some and it's still boring af.
Wtf just play Source? or 1.6?
Look at the hitbox bugs you faggots
cs:go is not even a skill game anymore, it's about who has shitty aim and aims to the right of the head
P-Pls no bully
pls respond
>Wtf just play Source? or 1.6?
Source is dead. Most servers are zombie or some other type of custom shit. Not that it's bad but nothing competitive is left.
1.6 got more players than source but most of the players are 12 year old polacks.
I'm coming too
Looks good but I don't get why you like dayz so much.
lol go back to plebbit tier
RO2 rules
40 hr a week. What? Are you one of those N33ts I keep being so jelly of?
I love playing it with friends.
I enjoy the landscape, I enjoy the people that play the game. I enjoy running 50 kilometres just to be ambushed at one particular moment when you're not expecting it.
I enjoy the grittyness, the realness, the realism
And it's only going to get better.
I think there's not a single "survival" game that can even come close to what DayZ is. It's like Stalker in Multiplayer.
Also I play only on 1st person servers so I never encountered a hacker except one and I killed that faggot
Shit taste, incoming.
I'm fucking loving Rise of the Tomb Raider
I dunno, haven't played it in a long time.
Sad to hear, somehow..
But I bet the 1.6 community ain't worse than fucking CS:GO skin buying faggot valvedrones lol
people like you shouldn't be lurking Sup Forums or Sup Forums in general
>korean girl
This is for you.
Hell yeah it is sad. And I don't really know about the 1.6 community since I don't speak Polish. Source is fine though.
I'm having fun.
>young girls in school aren't cute
more news at 11
Send help
>muh confirmation bias
three terrible games
How can you play so much Raiden
You're small time.
i got two new games in the past month and between dxmd (28 hours) and the talos principle (20 hours and still have a ways to go), that's 48 hours in the past month in games that steam tracks
and i play wow pretty heavily and sc2 occasionally, so that's probably closer to 100 hours in the past month or 50 hours in the past week
also, i actually have way more time in kotor 2 than this, i just didn't own it on steam until recently. also, the entirety of the time spent in it the past two weeks was spent trying and failing to get it to run on a shitty laptop i use at work (it's 10 years old and the game is 10 years old so i figured it'd be a perfect match, but nope)
Only rocket league is acceptable.
oh and i forgot, i also play diablo 2 a fuckton, so bump that up to probably like 150
Am I cool Sup Forums?
not really
hi /mbg/
hi crimpywizbeast
But I don't play on PC, how can I show you?
I play like an hour a day between my 8 hour shift, 8 hours of sleep, and 4 hours of commuting/dinner/chores/misc. Remaining 3 hours is internet time which includes shitposting on several boards and watching no-commentary playthroughs of ancient games or speedruns.
r8 my shit taste
tabletop was when i was playing DnD with friends
>stuck on D9 in hell temple
>knock 6 more achievements out of the way once it's done
Just kill me, end this suffering