Con Man does it again!
Recore vs No Mans Sky
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Is Recore already out?
From the creators of Metroid Prime they said
What the fuck happened?
Looks like an early 2000s 3D platformer with gunplay. That being said it still looks infinitely better than One Man's Lie.
>Silky smooth 20 fps
>Shit plattforming
>Borderlands gameplay
Wow it actually looks worse than I thought
I mean
Yeah. I know Inafune was involved, even in a tertiary role. I know that he likely had nothing to do with why it sucks so much, basically being a background ideas guy. And I know that he isn't why the loading times are Bloodborne tier...
And yet I still somehow think all this is his fault.
At this point, are we even surprised anymore? Other than handhelds, this generation has been a roller-coaster in the downward position.
>Take ratchet and clank
>Remove all fun
>Add autoaim so people don't have to do anything besides pressing the shoot button
>Make movement shit
>Make puzzles so easy they shouldn't be called puzzles, as all you really need to do is the only thing you'll be able to do
>Sell for same price as ratchet and clank
Gee, I wonder what went wrong.
State 9 examples
from the reviews it sucks on technical aspect, not reallt on the gameplay side. since they aren't AAA they can't get away with "who cares about loading it will be patched".
This seems to happen more and more often with me.
Games just dropping with almost 0 buzz.
And not just small things.
new Mirrors Edge released and no one seemed to bat an eye.
>Quantum Break will end the PS4, y-you'll see!
>ReCore will be amazing, y-ou'll see!
That looks nothing like I thought it would based on the first trailer. I was expecting a narrative heavy game, like TLoU in a desert. Not some ADHD numbers everywhere shooter.
This gen has been great tho
MHG and Doom are on the list I'm guessing but I can't really remember anything else that came out this year that is really worthy of being that great.
Next few months however is looking nice. DQ7, DQ Builders, World of Final Fantasy and Pokemon.
So its an improvement?
I just thought it was a puzzle platformer where you collect cores to attach to your robot dog to get around the world.
>a racing game is the best of 2000
>Wipeout above Thief and Deus Ex
>all that console garbage
Graphics don't look to bad for an indie.
Gameplay exists.
>not a single Witcher game
>things sonyfags tell themselves to help them sleep at night
Absolutely worthless.
>I was expecting a movie and got a game instead.
No Souls but bb instead.
What is it like to have such shit taste.
Never played the DaS games
The rest of the games of that year aged poorly desu
Wipeput 3 SE is still one of the best racing games of all time, conversely.
you too m8
I'm currently reading the books and planning to start 1 pretty soon. I'm pretty excited for it, honestly.
Embargo for reviews are up today
This is an impressive level of autism AND shit taste, even for Sup Forums.
Your opinion is dumb and no one cares.
Calm down a bit buddy, don't get ahead of yoruself, I don't think this could be called a game either.
>Deus Ex & Thief
>aged poorly
It really does look like it plays like a game from 2003/2004. I still wanna play it when the price drops.
If nobody cares, why have I gotten so many replies so quickly? Including yours?
Clearly people want to talk with me.
You need to mod the shit out of the UI and graphics at a minimum to makes DE playable these days and Thuef 2 feels very dated these days compared to 3 and many more modern stealth games.
I love them both as well senpai but they ain't the hottest shit around anymore like they were sixteen years ago.
usually when games that play and feel like ps2 games get 6/10 reviews, it's usually pretty fucking good.
will put on my amazon wishlist
>Take Ratchet
>Add Auto-aim.
But the Ratchet games have aggressive aim-assist and Z-target levels of lock-on.
Because your taste is so bad it might as well be bait.
Holy fuck i got boored just by watching it.
>You need to mod the shit out of the UI and graphics at a minimum to makes DE
>huef 2 feels very dated these days compared to 3 and many more modern stealth games
Right, we're done here. If you're baiting good job, if you're serious fucking gas yourself.
At least ReCore looks like hit has actual gameplay. I'll probably pick it up on sale, hopefully they fix the technical issues in a patch or something.
Plenty of games that I like get bad reviews. I'll sy I'll check this out.
>Sup Forums complains a game has auto-aim via lockon
>but praises zelda, prime games, and other numerous games that used lock-on targeting
I mean if you dont like it, you dont like it thats fine and all but at least be consistent
Relax mate, they're just video games.
you don't have to be consistent, not every game uses it the same way, nor do they have the same gameplay so its not really applicable to say "you can't have it one way and not the other"
but how else would people know about my hardcore aiming skills? After all I'm a real hardcore gaming enthusiast
its the same setup as prime lock-on though.
>hardcore aiming
>on console
>Witcher 3 not GOTY 2015
>Not even in top 10 for 2015
>Not even under 'shout outs'
>Witcher 3 won more awards than any other game in the 2015 list
Garbage list.
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst is out
I have to check that, holy shit the game came out in June.
Yeah but not to this extend.
If you don't try to aim, you're not gonna hit anything in ratchet and clank.
Int his game however, it auto locks on for you, like you don't have to do anything. Look up some gameplay it's so dull.
>all that great taste
Gotta disagree with you a fair bit for 2012 onwards tho
I actually like the idea of locking on in a console game. I'll probably play the PC version so it's not as necessary obviously but I don't fault the game for such a system.
Consult the end of
Just a warning about the Witcher games, they differ A LOT between each one. The studio grew and got better after each title. If you're not enjoying 1 don't let it stop you from trying 2 and 3.
Dudester I could give you several headshots before you even reach your mouse. Games that arent about gay sex or a souls game don't deserve good ratings desu senpai
>Snitcher 3
>Better than bloodborne
I applaud your biased shit taste.
Ah, fair enough
Not a single person has pointed out that her name is "Joule"...
It was bad. Bad for a sequal anyway. It's literally just more mirrors edge. AAA DLC if anything. If you thoroughly enjoyed the first and want more, this is your game/dlc.
there's like no other dev like naughty dog
>its the same setup as prime lock-on though.
is it a first person shooter like metroid prime?
the context within the game is what matters. there's no reason to be consistent and thats mostly a shitty way to talk about games.
What about it?
I have to check the release date no the game, silly user kun.
ReCore unfortunately looked like mediocre shit since the gameplay reveal trailer.
Shame, but anyone with a brain saw this coming.
>next gen game forced to have good graphixxx
>has no budget or manpower for gameplay part
>tlou goty 2013
>w101 nowhere on the list
Well that explains the reduced price and non-existant marketing.
I'll take this over hype cycles that spiral out of control
>Tfw pre-ordered
It was cheaper on Amazon to pre order than to buy later. Fuck. Oh well I think I'll still have fun
>tfw too dumb to read the top of the picture before looking at the lists
>from two code monkeys that worked on Metroid Prime and got fired afterwards
What the hell is recore?
Inafune's project that was made with a bunch of folks who got fired from Retro Studios. They throw around terms like "from the makers of Metroid Prime", but it's actually only a few code monkeys and not any of the important people.
So a more apt description would be, "from the makers of Mighty No 9". Although I can't exactly blame them for not wanting to advertise that.
I'm gonna be nice and say that on pretty much every year I see a few games that I would put on my list
Pretty much. It seems anything that Inafune touches turns out to be horribly mediocre.
Based on the trailer I expected this to be a puzzle-focused 3D platformer with robot switching being the core gimmick.
Soul sacrifice is amazing, but he probably didn't have much to do with it
He didn't. Gunvolt and SS both just had him as an "ideas guy". It's why both of them are far better than the stuff he usually touches.
Artist/designer, ideas guy (He came up with the basic concept and framework of the game to begin with, as well as the skeleton of the story) and promotions guy on SS and SSD. So he was reasonably involved with it on a creative level.
He didn't have much to do with Gunvolt, however. He basically just contributed a few suggestions and bits of advice here and there, which got him an executive producer credit. He also did a little bit of promo artwork for it.
Mark pacini was director of the prime trilogy
hows the pc optimisation?
I'm glad Inafune followed his dreams to leave Capcom and make shit Westaboo games
Given all of the brilliant recent games from Inafune I wonder if him leaving Capcom actually had anything to do with him getting chastised for Resident Evil 6 and DmC?
He was trying to make his games more western then and they sucked. Now he's making games with his own company and they still suck.
Inafune isn't much of a businessman either these days apparently (since this game will probably sell like ass).