Playing with a guide on first playthrough?

What do you think about this? I remember when I was younger playing Golden Sun for the first time just laying on my belly, shitty laptop on my side reading vague text guides from GameFAQs. Its a very comfy experience for me, and I recently picked up pic related, and it looks like it might be another enjoyable experience with a guide (or frustrating without? Im not much of a hardcore RPG guy)


etrian odyssey is nothing like golden sun but it's still fun if you like the challenge. just stay away from those FOEs.

If I have any complain about Golden Sun, it's that they are too easy. EO is different so use whatever you want.

Also that box looks like shit. Might as well add Featuring Dante.

A guide should only be addressed if you're completely lost as to what to do next.

I would say it's okay to maybe read up on 'what should I know' type hints before starting though. Most who go into EO, for example, think it's just another "I'll grind out any issues" game.

Any non-Persona SMT game is worth playing for exploran

You should always play a game with a guide your first time through.

Some people will tell you the real fun in some games is that you challenge yourself or that you get to learn new things but those people are wrong.

You need to be able to beat the game as fast as possible and easily as possible in order to get the best experience from it.

I cheated for the last few dungeons of Strange Journey, I was pretty much fed up with its dungeon design and wanted to get through it

it's not even comparable to golden sun EO is wizardry clone lite

>A guide should only be addressed if you're completely lost as to what to do next.

Says who? Is there a fucking Vidya police now?

Fucking retard.

Part of the draw for etrian odyssey is the sense of adventure and charting the unknown. I guess you could look up builds or boss advice, but the game is a straight up dungeon crawler. There isnt really a whole lot you could get stuck on past foe or boss fights.


So, when should one use a guide?

I've heard EOIV is really easy. And you don't REALLY need a guide.
Bosses follow more or less simple patterns, knowing which in advance helps to save some time. But you can figure them out by just trying fighting the boss blind a few times and writing down (yes, with a pen and paper) what attacks they use on what turns.

Whenever you fucking want to? Who the fuck are you so afraid of upsetting that you limit yourself to an arbitrary rule. That's fucking pathetic.

You seem upset over opinions.

>Using a guide on first playthrough.

First playthrough should be completely blind, on any game (at least that's how I handle it).

There's just a feeling of comfyness to first complete a game and then look up a guide, check out the game's secrets and side quests, read up on achievements etc.

You seem like you can't argue your point.

You might use a guide to decide on what builds to use in your party, but that's it. Alot of the fun of EOIV comes from exploration and picking battles carefully. A guide would get boring.

Use a guide if you want. Why consult us?

I'd say Monster Hunter is better with a guide. Because there's no story progression or anything, you don't risk spoiling anything for yourself, and guides won't kill the monsters for you.
It's just a bunch of referential info, like where certain materials can be found etc.

The only games I've played recently with a guide in one hand and the game in another was La-Mulana. I got to the moonlight tower without the holy grail and said fuck it, I can't stand missing half the treasures and not being able to fight a boss because I missed a subweapon. All in all I agree with OP, shit is comfy as fuck.

it's worth looking up the game mechanics so you don't end up unhappy with character builds, otherwise I think it's more natural to enjoy the game without a guide.

The bottom two are Grus though, why is the entire image labelled as Eridanus?

Only if you get stuck for longer than an hour

Playing with a guide the first time is for people that cannot deal with failure and thus shelter themselves from it.

>OP ask opinion on when to use a guide
>give opinion
>you lose your shit

What is there to argue?

>finish game
>miss a ton of stuff
>it has ng+ AND a master save file that stores which events, cutscenes and missions you've already done and it lets you jump right back into any mission you want

Thank you based Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

>character builds
Those can be reset at the cost of two levels.
Party composition is a bigger concern though.

I really need to finish EO4. I'm in the last land (i think) where a gorillion airships patrol. I felt kinda exhausted at this point and didn't power through, now I regret it because I'm completely lost when I turn on the game. Fuck. Should I just start Untold 1 as it's next on my DRPG list

>implying I'm going to sit around for a fucking hour not knowing what to do
I'm not 10 years old, I don't have 8 hours a day to play games. If I don't know what to do after 15 minutes, I'm looking that shit up. you can't back up your points?

Fucking pathetic. You used to be one of the only good tripfags and now you just shit up threads, drop unsubstantiated opinions, and lose your shit when people call you on your bullshit.

Just fuck off, cunt.

>op asks for peoples opinion
>user gives their opinion

Put your trip on ;)

>wannabe REDS trying to rile up other tripfags

And filteted

Nigga that's his entire fucking thing

Not even the real REDS does that.

>real REDS


Monster Hunter you typically have friends that go on the same journey with you. T_T

Doesn't MonHun fuck up your drop rates if you look up what you need to acquire to craft it in game?

Despite Trip shitposting, the point was probably meant that there are anons that go through the mathematical calculation process in guides for abilities.

Generally in Etrian some formulas get overlooked that will help you since you may not have enough time to explore and grind endless combinations without the hard maths.

No, that's just a myth. It fucks up your drop rates regardless.

Did you ignore the unique poster number going up when I posted that or are you just stupid?

Did the ";)" not clock that I was joking or are you just stupid?

Fucking retards on this board, I swear.

Why though? They are exploration games, guide would just that fun out of it
Referring to online calculators\skillsims is a very good idea though, since for some absolutely idiotic reasons nips fucking LOVE to obfuscate vital info from you and you might end up investing into skills that are pure garbage. Not to mention no EO so far is without some dumb bugged skill in there

If you play Persona 3 without a guide to tell you approximately what the game contains, not only will you have trouble progressing but it will also not be as fun as seeing all the scenes and experiencing all the content.
Finding secrets in a relatively short game like Undertale is cool and all but hiding a lot of missable content in a long and story-driven game is not a very good idea.

But in this case, Etrian Odyssey IV is pretty straightforward and you can reassign your skill points whenever you want, so you probably won't need to look up a guide. Your call.

>I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!
I saw the full tilt autism spree you had , nice try at damage control though

Mechanics guides are fine, some games practically require it. For example Monhun as posted or The Last Remnant or Saga or any other game that doesn't even make an attempt to explain how it works.

Missables guides are fine as well. I don't really want to play a game 5 times to get what I want out of it. You would have to be psychic to ever get all 108 stars of destiny in a Suikoden game without a guide or like 10 playthroughs.

>If you play Persona 3 without a guide to tell you approximately what the game contains, not only will you have trouble progressing
ITT: Handicapped gamers.

Not OP
But I picked up EO Untold 1 from a Ma and Pa shop for $15
Should I play story mode or classic

If you say so kid. I'm not the one that can't pick up on subtlety, likely due to me not having autism and all.

Playing story mode first will ruin the shock twist of the game, but not playing it first means you won't have Highlander or Gunner classes unlocked for Classic.

They're not required to play Classic, in fact, Highlander is pretty broken and makes it a lot easier.

At first I didn't notice I could go out at night so I couldn't start the S-Links that requiered a certain amount of academics, courage and charm and couldn't 100% them.
If you're refering to the progression in Tartarus, it's fucking easy regardless, and if you're trying to make yourself look hardcore by calling me handicapped then you're a fucking faggot.

Story mode eases you in to it

Yeah, you freaking the fuck out through this thread about using guides was really subtle, cant believe I missed that.

>Playing story mode first will ruin the shock twist of the game

What the flying fuck are you even talking about? The "twist" is barely referenced and is played straight in both Classic and Story.

>EO with a guide
why even bother

One of the latter dungeons implies the twist anyway.

If you want being eased into the game, or want 100 percent content, play story. Entire classes, bosses and dungeons are LOCKED behind story

If you want to just play with any group or class, and generally want a faster pace experience, play Classic.

Right, but Story mode throws you right into it.

>Playing EO for the story
>Muh twist
If you want to get technical the "twist" was ruined in a trailer

This is why everyone hates tripfags

>get game
>find out that the game has multiple endings
>use walkthrough to get best/true ending due to some cryptic missable bullshit
>stop carring, never finish it

I hate this bullshit but cant stop helping it.
Why do devs put in shit like "If you dont give this random NPC this flower in chapter 2 of 11, you wont get the true ending~!" in the game? fuck

True as well. Personally I don't recommend story, was just letting him know what each option implied.

What the fuck are you talking about? The twist is Lost Shinjuku and how is that spoiled right away?

>Playing with a guide on first playthrough
You are the definition of a faggot. Please end yourself in the most expedite way. These games are about exploration and discovering things by yourself, if you use a guide you kill the whole feeling about it.

>Not blocking all tripfags to let us talk amongst each other and shitfling in piece

Wew lad.

The story mode by no means reveals the "twist" of the first game. Ancient technologically advanced civilization in a fantasy world is a really fucking common trope. The twist that it's post-apoc Earth is an entirely different thing.

>implying story in EO matters
It's not like the fact that EO actually takes place in the real world hurts your experience.
I mean. Why else do you have characters that look different, including a girl FROM ONTARIO, in Story mode?

So the trip fag is being a shitter?

I don't even have to know the context and I will say "yes"

What twist? Nothing is spoiled in Story Mode, if anything it distracts from the clues with a narrative so the twist hits you harder.

I was surprised to learn it was actually in the original version of the game. At first I thought it was just some "localization" shenanigans.

That's really not surprising either if you've played the older games. They've been hinting towards world apocalypse setting since the beginning, and 4 started outright confirming it.

EO5 sends you into space

>the older games
It's a remake of the very first game. The fifth stratum is literally the same.

Are you fucking dumb?
Classic just goes as innocent fantasy with zero foreshadowing until Stratum 5 bam, it's a post-apocalypse Earth
Story mode immediately shoves high-tech dungeon right in your face, a girl from the past, Canada-chan never shuts the fuck up about Canad. The game literally rubs it in your face all the way through

I kinda figured that out by listening to the ost.

Who is this semen demon?

Le millenom girl.

>Implying Canada-chan isn't best, eh!

I did it with Xenoblade Chronicles and managed to do it without spoiling myself, I managed to do a 100% run on my first playthrough. It was a pretty comfy experience and I treated it like a second job.

Don't play with a guide. The point of the game is exploration, so you'd be cheating yourself of the whimsical experience man. If you have any questions regarding builds vg is always a good place to ask. But youd probably need to wait like a day for an answer.

The game suffers like MH where you need to play 40 hours to realize if you're going to enjoy the game or not.

>vg is always a good place to ask
Not in this case. Etrian Odyssey general is a typical shitposting cesspool you'd expect from /vg/.

Yeah but I mean the original doesn't explicitly state it's world apocalypse setting, and just hints at it. 2 Also does this, 3 and especially 4 was when it really shifted towards being an actual plot point.

She is though.
Her constantly talking about Canada proves these
faggots are retards though

How's that not explicit enough for you?

What's with this thread festering with complete, disfunctional downies?
What happened?

I really don't understand this meme about Eridanus being difficult to explore. I guess I never will.

Ricky a shit

Some of the most memorable games I've played have been completed using walkthroughs. That's mostly because I'm impatient and don't have a lot of time to spend on games. On secondary playthroughs I go without a guide.

>People justifying playing with a guide
This is neo Sup Forums

Why a guide

there is literally nothing wrong with using a guide if you're having fun

Teach a shit.