>the best parts of Halo 5
>with none of the bloated trash like numerous REQs or terribad campaign
>for free
Wew lad, did 343 do something right for once?
>the best parts of Halo 5
>with none of the bloated trash like numerous REQs or terribad campaign
>for free
Wew lad, did 343 do something right for once?
Other urls found in this thread:
The best thing about Halo 5 is Warzone and BTB.
Halo 5 is trash kys PCuck.
Warzone gets really dull, Halo 5 BTB feels like an afterthought, and not just because it was delayed and uses only forge maps. The gameplay isnt really made for it.
Is it multiplayer ?
Yes but customs and forge only, no servers yet so you need to be invited or joina game via the xbox app on W10
Anyone got a game going on ? Gonna be home in an hour and want to play
Now where's Halo 3?
Or you join a halo company and just join anyone who's playing
how do you do that?
Which part?
Ah shit, meant to ask this dude. Sorry.
dude wat
gotta love the typical PCfat mentality
>game comes out for console
>LOL what a piece of shit enjoy your dumbed down console shooter peasants!
>same damn game comes out for PC years later
>this game is awesome its better for PC i love it
It's literally Halo 2 but better, take your tinted glasses off.
most of the people shitting on Halo 5 were Bungie fanboys
It's not exactly the same game though, it's pretty much just the best parts
anybody got a group to join, or is it dead already?
Hard to find groups on a Monday morning. Join the Spartan Company in the Halo General thread on /vg/. Also add me.
This shit is going to explode once they finally add a server browser. Apparently both the PC and the Xbone versions are getting a custom games server browser.
>like numerous REQs
They have literally no effect beyond warzone
But they bloat the system.
Halo 5 is practically 100GB on console, and yet still has less content than Halo 2. It doesnt even have all the modes from Halo CE yet.
Chaosdroid 2 hosts 16-player games pretty frequently. add em
Everyone in HaloGeneral PC seems to be offline.
>bloat the system
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>Less content than Halo 2
Halo 5 has like triple the content.
Some of you people will dig at whatever you can just to find something to complain about.
>complaining about fun weapon variations that add variety
>complaining about free, regular DLC updates
The lack of gametypes is a valid complaint, but at this point it doesn't even matter because Forge is just that powerful. You can basically make anything that isn't already built-in. Now they're giving us the best parts of the game to ever come out of Halo, on PC, for free, with a server browser incoming, and you're still complaining.
Honestly I used to hate 343 with a passion, especially after MCC. But it's obvious they finally wised up. Halo 5 multiplayer in its current state is, IN MY OPINION, the best Halo multiplayer to have ever been created. This is coming from an user who's logged thousands of hours in Halo 2 back in its prime.
Yeah, what the fuck, I just want to play but everyone is gone.
We need a fucking server browser.
Just look up people who are hosting on the Xbox app and join their game from there.
how do you get it? Its not on the windows store
install the win 10 anniversary update first
Halo 5 release
>Pffhahaha people are still playing Halo?
>It's shit lol look at these terrible graphics
>343 killed Halo, wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole
>Literally every thread shitposted into oblivion by PCucks who never played the game
Alright it almost been 1 year, here are some scraps, PCucks
Ahh.. PCucks..
flaseflagging sonygger pls go
So how do I add people to my friendlist? The ones I have are literally people from gtaIV that are probably dead by now.
If no-ones hosting I'll start hosting
I'll wait to see if anyone is hosting
Pic related, my friend list. I looked about but found nothing to add anything, I'm pretty confused.
>halo on pc
>it's multiplayer only
lol who cares
Do it through the xbox app
All w10 have it pre-installed
Go ahead senpai, give me your halo nickname.
Hosting on PC
how do i change the fov
You don't
Supposedly the feature is going to be implemented SOON™
Alternatively you play on a custom map which has a FOV filter on it but that affects everyone
>waiting to join match in progress
I thought the game allowed you to join in progress matches?
Yea me too
It only happens to me sometimes
Most of the times it does let me join in progress though
anyway to tell the ping? those people playing say it's the morning and it's 18 for me so the latency is probably bad
No clue
It's noon for me
I'm hosting too. Still in menus so join now
Now I don't have to have a headache trying to play the game anymore
Good luck getting banned
kek, good goyims, create content for me yesss
How do I join a friend's game in progress?
How do I join your party?
Add a person who's hosting and join in from their profile.
>join in from their profile
How? All I see are options to invite, not to join.
To join someone. Go to friends on the menu, click on gamercard, then join.
Alternatives (without having to add friends) join a Company. (one is full, I think there is a second one)
Click on friends, then click on your friend and click on join.
How do you not figure this out yourself
someone host a game and tell us your name
In halo 5, press F and select the person. Click on open gamercard and you can see the join button lit up.
I think forge crashed but not sure
kek this game mode
is there a Sup Forums halo company
From what I know there's like 3 but they are all full or something.
>that blue team
game crashed, now unable to join the people playing. why
somebody has to send you an invite, whats your GT?
nanann nanna na
This, the maps for BTB are fucking shit tier forge maps. They're also small as fuck and 3 of them are shitty remakes that don't work for H5's gameplay.
>3 is 2 but better
kek, no
only thing 3 has over 2 MP wise is forge
Agreed about BTB, but I actually really like warzone.
No, there is no join and they are ingame, I hear them in discored.
current lobby
Well, has this guy answered to him? I'd avoid getting banned if possible
current lobby
>the best parts
I was going to disagree, but then I remembered Halo 5 had no local multiplayer or co-op in the first place.
>game comes out for PC
>endless salt from assblasted consolecucks
every time
>windows 10
>Halo 5 has like triple the content.
>Single-player campaign
>Online co-op
>Online multiplayer
While Halo 2 had
>Single-player campaign with twice as many missions
>Co-op campaign
>Online multiplayer
>Local multiplayer
>LAN support
Obviously missing forge, which is why Halo 3 was an improvement. Halo 5 is the most feature-barren entry in the series so I don't care how much "content" you say it has. You have the shitty, short campaign to play yourself or online MP. That's it. No couch co-op for the campaign, no local custom games, no online splitscreen, no LAN at all, everyone needs a paid XBL sub. Fuck Halo 5, why would I buy a then-$350 console for this shit when the major selling point of the console and the franchise in general, the multiplayer, is missing half its functionality and the major reason I want it in the first place?
>The lack of gametypes is a valid complaint, but at this point it doesn't even matter because Forge is just that powerful
Have fun trying to make 1-flag ctf with your super powerful forge.
>all these PC fats confused how to work a fucking xbox game, needing guides and shit to do it
"""""""master"""""""" race all right
>playing any halo after 2
Protip: switch seats when you roll over.
Did you seriously just gave up the argument because i presented evidence you cant refute?Lol.Also nice ad hominem again.Everything you spew is full of logical fallacies and assumptions. You have provided 0 evidence to prove your point and went on to attack me because you can not disprove my argument.Damn
>People still give a fuck about Halo
did i fall through a time warp or something
custom games can never get old
Its PC fats thirsty for any shitty table scrap of Halo. They'll gobble up a shitty gimped version that doesn't even have proper servers
dumb mobile poster
The power of nvidia
>still no voice chat support
What's the point if I can't hear squeakers?
>tfw you bought a PS4 and only get shitty Destiny and Killzone instead
How many multiplayer maps did each game ship with?
bout to download this shit. GT - Newroe