>this is Pokemon now
This is Pokemon now
Who the fuck still plays Pokemon?
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW, who will "disagree" with the fact Pokemon designs have gone downhill ever since Gen 1
>this is going to be the first actual pokemon game I get
Pray for me
Who the fuck still posts with a trip?
Actually, they aren't Pokemon. They intelligent aliens from a different dimension.
>pokemon is now tokusatsu
i am pleased with this
Ultra beasts aren't pokemon, my dude.
Who the fuck still responds to tripfaggotry?
Someone can probably find the red guy that looks like a yugioh card or similar to it right..
>all Ultra Beasts have light blonde hair
What did they mean by this?
>Post hyper beasts
>Call pokemon
>Be dumb genwunner
>Complain yearly as the series makes the same game he played but now with more pokemon
>Still complain when the series takes a bold step into doing something different
>Lillie and Lusamine are both UBs
Who is the red one, though? Does Team Skull also get one?
Who the fuck still responds to responses to tripfaggotry?
>Tfw the blonde on the left most side will never tie you down to a bed and bully your cock before riding you into submission.
Why even live.
They've only gotten better, all of these designs shit on gen 1. Not even being ironic you're just blind as fuck or you're jumping on the hiveminded bandwagon.
why. No seriously why? Pokemon is the last series you want to get into in its current state and if you've ever been interested you had all the time to check it out. You could be playing emerald(heart gold/soul silver right now
Why would you recommend HGSS over Platinum?
>game looks fun for a change
>why are people interested in it RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>recommending fucking HGSS over anything
>Gen 4
not really a fan of DPP, always my least favourite. Then X/Y happened
>game looks fun for a change
what exactly says that this will be a good RPG?
the right one is the old guy with the pointy nose
they're purposefully meant to look completely alien and weird, they aren't Pokemon
Can someone explain this shit to me? I haven't played since Black/White.
There are pokemon people now?
I don't know, the trailers and other reveals look interesting? What says the opposite outside of gen loyalists who have been chanting the same thing for well over a decade?
we don't know either, none of this is even confirmed its just speculation at this point, speculation with a bit of evidence but still speculation
They are Americans that invaded Hawaii.
Mechanically Gen 4 brought forth more change for the better than any other entry in the series. Diamond and Pearl were on the weaker side as standalone games but Platinum upped the ante by a great deal. Meanwhile HGSS did nothing to address the problems of GSC and really is not a good starting point for someone wanting to check out these games. Recommend them Platinum, Emerald, FRLG, or BW. Aren't there romhacks of Emerald and FRLG that at least introduce the phys/spec attack split?
No, those aren't even pokemon. They're "Ultra beasts" speculated to be aliens or manmade bioweapons.
I can finally secure my Moon preorder now.
The new game is introducing aliens from a different dimension called UltraBeasts. There is an obviously shady group that pretends to be good called Aether Foundation. It seems like people related to the Aether Foundation are related to the UltraBeasts in some way.
I repeat
>Gen 4
>That moment when you realized that Pokemon designs had hit the rock bottom
you realize there have been a good handful of Pokemon that can transform into people? since fucking 1st gen.
So... basically they're bosses that don't use pokemon?
that the Pokemon games have never been good RPGs and never needed any real strategic effort in single player. Now they're even more dumbed down than ever before and the new breath with the hawaiian setting is a neat idea but can't hide what's underneath: the same old formula with the same too easy gameplay. Also when it was a new main pokemon game every 4 years before it's now 2. That's why X/Y had no post-game at all and Emerald is still the best, since they had the longest development time and big enough team to pull it of.
also the new pokemon suck
Most likely they're going to be introduced as bossfights.
>also the new pokemon suck
That's just about the only thing that the series consistently does well with though.
>you realize there have been a good handful of Pokemon that can transform into people? since fucking 1st gen.
I mean, I didn't say "There are pokemon that can transform into people" And I was very careful not to say it that way because I knew there was going to be some sack of shit faggot who invests too much energy into pokemon replying with "You realize hurdurd muh mew and ditto" Yet here you are, in spite of all preventitive measures, still trying to find a way to jack off to yourself.
What are you talking about user? That design looks so much better than Rhyhorn and Rhydon
>Not just one big grey mesh
>Actual drill horn instead of a curved natural horn
>Copper armor to insinuate it's increase in the defense stat
>Smaller and more compact, no openings to again insinuate it's defense increase
You could say the new design is RhySuperior
The base formula of Pokemon has proved itself to be infallible with just how successful the series is. also what the fuck are you on about, Emerald had two years of development, the same amount of time S/M has had. the series was undoubtedly getting lazy with the lack of postgame and content in XY and ORAS, but now they've got double the development time as they tried to make it a yearly franchise
I like Rhyperior. I never got why everyone and their dog shits on him.
>dude beewaists lmao skinny ass twink bitch
>/fit/ incarnate
>a fucking sea jelly
just end the franchise you´ve been out of ideas for over 10 YEARS
I bet you also prefer the new stronger version of mew two?
Who the fuck is flying the plane?
It's fucking up with an inconsistent design to a pokemon that was already clearly fully developed and liked.
I'd say they're equal in terms of visual design, except for the Y variant. Not a fan of that one.
No one.
*Crashes plane with no survivors*
Having discussion about Pokemon with other people is fucking retarded and pointless outside of telling people that their favorite pokemon is shit and watching them flail about like fish on land. Pokemon is not something to be enjoyed with other human beings outside of PvP.
This gen is a shitfest.
>The base formula of Pokemon has proved itself to be infallible with just how successful the series is
in the same way 4 chords pop songs have proven themselves successful, it doesn't save it from being shallow and boring to anyone with taste. Emerald had 2 years development SINCE ruby/sapphire but since it copied the map from those games it's really the ruby/sapphire development time plus a little post-game extras.
>Pokemon now has bosses that aren't just using the same mechanics as you but poorly
How is this not a good thing?
Do you need to be reminded that gen 1 had voltorb and mr mime?
This is fine.
>to anyone with taste
oh do tell us of your superiority.
>Introducing new elements to a 20 year old franchise
>Out of ideas
Just end yourself scum.
Because people are retarded.
"Bosses" in the poketman games have always been laughable because there's only one legendary and it's usually similarly leveled to your team, comprised of six mons.
The only time bosses are hard in pokemon is when you get to the champion and realize your team is underleveled or just plain shit.
How fucking dare they make mewtwo look like he's wearing armor, he's literally not worn armor ever.
are you going to disagree that Pokemon is one of the easiest RPGs out there?
not at all, they're simple but why does that stop it from being fun?
>Pokemon designs are shit now
I beg to differ
Except those aren't pokemons in first place.
You mean
>I beg to yiffer
you furrshit
it gets boring after 6 games, also why would I want to play a games with no challenge if the setting and story is always the same?
>I beg to yiffer
Ok, that was actually pretty clever.
While I like Daydoggo, Nightdoggo is pure furfag.
And 7 gens later it's only gotten worse.
Then it's retarded to even have them in a POKEMON game
Jesus christ. That looks nothing like it, I wouldn't even classify the mega evolution as armor like.
He wore that suit for 3 minutes and never again, it didn't replace the default shit.
Why not? They aren't pokemons, they are the game main mystery.
I like Mega Mewtwo X, it's Mewtwo getting with the times, gettin' swole and becoming a master of close quarters combat on top of the pre-existing psychic supremacy. It's MegaTwo Y I'm not a huge fan of.
I don't know what you mean about setting since the region changes every game and they aren't even doing the gym challenge and evil team thing this time since its island trials and there's obviously something shady with the Aether Foundation.
either way those aren't the pulls of the franchise. the sheer amount of versatility in Pokemon makes for fun gameplay as well as the numerous strategies that can be utilised with weather, statuses, entry hazards and a variety of abilities to name a few
But it's obvious they're going to be treated just like Pokemon and will be able to be caught like Pokemon anyways
Let me guess, you started with Gen I when you were very young.
>speculative bullshit
You're still fucking here?
Is that this thing's evolution?
Have you seen the trailers? The story and the gameplay is not the same anymore.
Their designs are fucking shitty either way just like almost every gen 7 Pokemon
Nah, rather they will end up becoming trainers.
>the last good rival in pokemon games was N
The guy on the right better step his game up.
if i´m ending anyone i´m buying a gun, tracking down IPs of every single one of you motherfuckers who talked shit to me and murder you in your bedrooms after making you eat your own balls then send a picture to your family and kill them too
What about Hugh?
Correct. And this is it's night evolution.
>nothing personel kid
Well that's certainly some blatant yiff bait.
>part rock
I'm legitimately mad
what's wrong with the revealed designs so far? what pokemon would you class as well designed?
>bugs mimicking humans
Don't worry they'll probably add some great new rock type moves to compensate :^)
I liked him but the whole situation around N and his thing for having the pokemon free made him more remarkable
>Be smart tensioner
>Enjoy the series up until xy
>Play xy and realize it's shit
>Talk about how it's shit
>Hurrrr genwunner!
For this gen? The woodpecker, sundog, Cutiefly, Minior, Wishiwashi, Jangmo-o and the owl are alright
Rest are some of the worst dogshit to date
Who the fuck is this faggot who doesn't post ecchi anymore.
>Jellyfishes and crustaceans
Not a cousin this time.
Reminder that ultra beast are creatures who want to destroy alola.
Hyper beasts as a concept are stupid and do not fit Pokemon.